
游美同学录 第十七辑

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赵景建 字简庭。年三十六岁。生于浙江湖州。已婚。子一女一。初学于上海南洋公学。光緖三十四年。以官费游美。入本薛文尼大学。习商业财政。宣统二年。得学士学位。宣统三年。得硕士学位。民国二年。回国。任交通部铁路会计统一会会员。及交通部主事。给予六等嘉禾章。现时住址。北京西长安街三十四号。

Tsao, Chin-Kien.-Born in Huchow, Chekiang, 1881. Married, 1910. Graduate of Nanyang College, Shanghai. Arrived in America, January, 1908. Government support. Studied Commerce and Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, 1908-11. B.S., 1910; A.M., 1911. Return-ed to China, Feburary, 1913. Member, Commission on Unification of Railway Acoounts and Statistics, and Junior Clerk, Ministry of Communications, 1913 to date. Sixth Class Chia Ho Decoration.


熊遂 字和轩。年三十二岁。生于江西南昌。已婚。子二。初毕业于江西高等学堂。肄业北京大学。民国二年。以官费游美。入威斯康心大学。习经济科。民国四年。得学士学位。入普林斯顿大学。民国五年。得硕士学位。为留美学生会会员。留美学生季刋编辑。民国五年。回国。通信处。江西南昌塘塍上长茂钱庄。

Hsun, Swei.-Born in Nanchang, Kiangsi, 1885. Married, 1906. Graduated from Kiangsi Provincial College, Nanchang, 1909; from Government University, Peking, 1912. Arrived in America, January, 1913. Government support. Studied Economics at the University of Wisconsin, 1913-15; at Princeton University, 1915-16. B.A., 1915; M.A., 1916. Member: Chinese Students' Club, 1913-15; Chinese Students' Alliance, 1913-16. Editor, Chinese Students' Quarterly, 1914-15. Returned to China, July, 1916.


熊崇志 字位西。年三十三岁。本籍广东梅县。生于旧美国金山。父淸华。已婚。子二女一。在美系自费。光緖二十二年。入三一学校。光緖二十六年。入加利佛尼大学。习普通文科。光緖三十年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学师范科。习教育。光緖三十一年。得硕士学位。在加利佛尼及哥仑比亚大学。得学金奖。为校中赛船队队员。光緖三十二年回国。光緖三十三年。授进士。任广东学务公所科员。及外国语教员。光緖三十四年。任邮传部及学部部员。宣统元年。任唐山路矿学校校长。民国元年。任巴拿马赛会委员会文案。民国三年。任全国煤油矿事务处处长。现时通信处。天津英租界西开广东路第六十五号A。

Young, Samuel S.-Born in San Francisco, 1884. Married, 1908. Private support. Prepared for college at Trinity School, 1896-1900. Studied Liberal Arts at the University of California, 1900-4; Education at Columbia University, 1904-5. A. B., 1904; A. M., 1915. Awarded scholarship by the University of California, May, 1903; by Columbia University, June, 1904. Member, Senior Class Crew, 1903-4. Returned to China, January, 1906. Professor of Modern Languages and Member of Board of Education at Canton, 1906-8. Member, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Com-munications, Peking, 1908-11. President, Tangshan Railway and Engineer-ing College, Tangshan, 1908-12. Secretary, Commission to the Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1912-13. Chief of Department, National Oil Administration, Peking, 1914-17. Chin Shih, 1907.


廖奉献女士 年二十七岁。生于广州。初学于香港伦敦教会女学。澳门女学。及岭南中学。宣统元年。自费游美。入伍思德大学。习普通文科。民国元年。得广东省官费。入威斯林学校。民国三年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。习教育。民国四年。得硕士学位。被选入某某两名誉学会。民国五年回国。任岭南女子中学代理校长。现时通信处。广东省城岭南学校。

Liu, Fung Hin (Miss).-Born in Canton, 1890. Studied at Lon-don Mission Girls' School, Hongkong, 1900-2; at Macao Girls' School, 1902-5; at Canton Christian College, 1905-9. Arrived in America, September, 1909. Partial government support. Studied Liberal Arts at Wooster University, 1910-12 and at Wellesly College, 1912-13; Education at Columbia University, 1914-15. B.A., 1914; M.A., 1905. Elected to Alpha Kappa Xi, January, 1914; to Helmet, March, 1915. Returned to China, March, 1916. Acting Principal, Girls' Middle School, Canton Christian College, 1916 to date.


叶可梁 字肖鹤。年三十八岁。生于福州。本籍住址。福州塔巷。已婚。初学于福州英华书院。上海圣芳济书院及圣约翰大学。任福州高等学堂教员。及福州洋务局翻译。光緖三十一年。自费游美。入康奈尔大学。习农业。光緖三十四年。得学士学位。宣统元年。得硕士学位。入米西根矿业学校。习冶金科。为世界会及某辩论会会员。宣统元年。回国。宣统二年。任京师名词馆分纂。兼北京日报主笔。宣统三年。任农科大学校长。兼外交部佥事。民国四年。任驻美使馆二等秘书。授翰林院编修。给予三等文虎章。五等嘉禾章。现时通信处。北京东铁匠胡同四号。

Yih, Koliang.-Born in Foochow, 1879. Married. Studied at Anglo-Chinese College, Foochow, 1897-9; at St. Xavier's College, Shanghai, 1899-1900; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1900-2. Instructor, Foochow College, and Interpretor, Bureau of Foreign Affairs. Foochow, 1902-4. Arrived in America, May, 1905. Private support. Studied Agriculture at Cornell University, 1905-9; Metallurgy at Michigan College of Mines, 1909. B.A.S., 1908; M.A., 1909. Member: Cosmopolitan Club, 1905-9; Francis Miles Finch Debating Club, 1906-8. Returned to China, December, 1909. Member, Bureau of Terminology, Peking, 1910-11. Editor, Peking Daily News, 1910-12. Director, Agricultural College, Peking, 1911-13. Senior Clerk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1911-14. Second Secretary to Chinese Legation at Washington, 1915 to date. Chin Shih and Han Lin. Fifth Class Chia Ho and Third Class Wen Hu Decorations.


蔡光勚 字劼卿。年二十八岁。生于上海。兄光勋。永久住址。上海极士斐而德路七号。已婚。子一。初学于圣约翰大学。以论文得金牌奖。为约翰声编辑。光緖三十四年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习土木工程。民国元年。得土木工程师学位。被选入某名誉学会。为世界会副会长。学校足球队队员。民国元年。回国。任浦口商埠副工程师。民国二年。任上海圣约翰大学教员。民国三年。任宜昌川汉铁路副工程师。民国四年。任寗湘铁路副工程师。现时通信处。南京寗湘铁路局。

Char, Kwang-Yi.-Born in Shanghai, 1889. Married, 1913. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1901-8. Awarded gold medal for best essay, January, 1907. Editor, St. John's Echo, 1907-8. Arrived inAmerica, November, 1908. Government support. Studied Civil Engineer-ing at Cornell University, 1908-12. C.E., 1912. Elected to Sigma Xi, April, 1912. Second Vice-President, Cosmopolitan Club, 1911-12. Member, College Football Team, 1911-12. Returned to China, November, 1912. Assistant Engineer, Pukow Commercial Port, Nanking, 1912-13. Professor of Civil Engineering, St. John's University, Shanghai, 1913-14. Assistant Engineer: Szechuen-Hankow Railway, I-Chang Section, 1914-15; Nanking-Hunan Railway, Nanking, 1915-16.


蔡增基 字增基。年二十五岁。生于檀香山。未婚。永久通信处。广东香山上栅村。初学于檀香山麦坚尼高等学校。任广东省议会议员。民国元年。以官费游美。入哥仑比亚大学。习政治学及国际法。民国四年。得学士学位。为哥仑比亚中国学生会会长。为纽约炮兵队队员。民国四年。回国。民国五年。任肇庆两广都司令部外交委员。为北京邮报编辑。现时通信处。北京靑年会。

Choy, Jun-Ke.-Born in Honolulu, 1892. Studied at McKinley High School, Honolulu, 1908-11. Member of Kwangtung Legislature, Canton, 1911. Arrived in America, August, 1912. Government support. Studied Political Science and International Law at Columbia University, 1912-15. B.S., 1915. President, Columbia Chinese Students' Club, 1913. Was member of New York Artillery. Returned to China, June, 1915. Member, Liangkwang Military Headquarters, 1915. Director of Foreign Affairs, Military Government, Kwangtung, 1916. Assistant Editor, Peking Post, 1915 to date.


蔡翔 字仪亭。年二十七岁。生于汉口。父中藩。本籍通信处。湖北汉川县二铺街蔡寓。未婚。初学武昌文华书院。及北京淸华学校。宣统三年。以官费游美。入科罗拉多矿业学校。习矿业工程。民国四年。得矿工程师学位。入哥仑比亚大学。习冶金科。为美国矿工程师会会员。在科罗拉多矿业公司。充测量师。又在金环矿业公司。充副工程师。民国五年回国。

Tsai, Hsiang.-Born in Hankow, Hupeh, 1890. Studied at Boone College, Wuchang, 1906-10; at Tsing Hua College, Peking, 1911. Arrived inAmerica, September, 1911. Government support. Studied Mining Engineer-ing at Colorado School of Mines, 1911-15: Metallurgy at Columbia University, 1915-16. E.M., 1915. Member, American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1915. Surveyor, Colorado Mining Co., summer, 1914. Assistant Engineer, Golden Cycle Mining Co., summer, 1915. Returned to China, August, 1916.


蔡国藻 生于广东广州。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习土木工程。宣统元年。得土木工程师学位。宣统二年。回国。民国三年。任津浦铁路车务总管。现时通信处。天津跑马场五号。

Tsai, Kuo-Tsao.-Born in Canton. Studied Civil Engineering at Cornell University. Government support. C.E., 1909. Member, Varsity Succor Football Team. Returned to China, 1910. Locomotive Superinten-dent, Tientsin-Pukow Railway, 1914 to date.


蔡彬懿 字君简。年二十八岁。生于江苏常州。叔宗谟。任苏省陆军第一师兽医官。本籍住址。江苏常州雪洞巷一号。已婚。初学于上海南洋公学。光緖三十三年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习土木工程。宣统三年。得土木工程师学位。为康奈尔中国学生会会员。在美利坚桥梁公司。充绘图师及工程师。民国三年。回国。民国四年。任沪寗铁路桥梁绘图员。上海美孚油公司副工程师。兼寗湘铁路绘图主任。现时通信处。浙江嘉善瓶山街朱宅。

Tsai, Ping-Ye.-Born in Changchow, Kiangsu, 1889. Married, 1916. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1902-7. Arrived in America, September, 1907. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at Cornell University, 1907-11. C.E., 1911. Member, Cornell Chinese Students' Club, 1907-11. Draftsman, American Bridge Co., 1911-14 and Engineer, 1913-14. Returned to China, November, 1914. Bridge Draftsman, Shanghai-Nanking Railway, Snanghai, 1914-15. Junior Superintendent, Standard Oil Company, Shanghai, 1915. Draftsman in Charge, Nanking-Hunan Railway, Nanking, 1915-16.


蔡德高 字广田。年四十九岁。生于湖北广济。已婚。子四女三。初学于九江南伟烈大学。及山东登州文会馆。光緖二十七年。自费游美。入查理斯学校。习普通文科。光緖三十一年回国。任九江南伟烈大学教员。民国四年。任福建高等学堂校长。

Tsai, T. K.-Born in Kwang-Tsi, Hupeh, 1868. Married, 1898. Studied at William Nast College, Kiukiang, 1890; at Wen-Hui College, Tung-Chow, 1893; again at William Nast College, 1915. Arrived in America, August, 1901. Private support. Studied Liberal Arts at Charles City College, 1901-5. Returned to China, July, 1905. Teacher, William Nast College, Kiukiang, 1905-12. Principal, Foochow High School, 1915-16.


蔡廷干 字耀堂。年五十六岁。生于广东香山。已婚。子一。女四。初学于上海出洋总局。同治十二年。以官费游美。入哈佛中学校。及新英国高等学校。光緖七年。回国。肄业大沽水雷学堂。光緖十年。任水雷艇管带。光緖十八年。任水雷艇队司令官。民国元年。授海军中将。民国二年。任盐务署总稽核。税务处会办。经法德各国君主。赠予宝星。给予二等嘉禾章。勋四位。给予三等宝光嘉禾章。尝译中国诗为英文。现时通信处。北京东城南池子表章库夹道五号。

Tsai, Ting-Kan.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1861. Married, 1905. Studied at Chinese Educational Mission School, Shanghai, 1872-73. Ar-rived in America, June, 1873. Government support. Studied at Hartford Gram-mer School and New Britain High School. Returned to China, September, 1881. Joined the Torpedo School at Taku, 1881-84. Captain of a torpedo boat, 1884. Commodore of the Torpedo Fleet, 1892. Vice-Admiral, 1912. Chief Inspector, Central Salt Administration, 1913. Associate Director, Revenue Council, 1913 to date. Recipient of French Legion of Honor, German Order of the Crown, Second Class Star, Second Class Chia Ho, Third Pao-Kwang Chia Ho Decorations and Fourth Order of Merit. Translated many Chinese poems into English verses.


郑桓 字叔荫。年三十一岁。生于广东香山。已婚。游美。入麻省农业学校。光緖三十四年。得学士学位。回国。宣统元年以还。供职农商部。永久通信处。天津太古洋行转。

Cheng, H.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1886. Married. B.S., Massachusatts Agricultural College, 1908. Member, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, 1909-12 and 1914-16.


郑豪 字杰臣。年三十九岁。生于广东香山。父育堂。业儒。已婚。光緖十七年。自费游美。光緖三十年。毕业于旧金山内外科医学校。得医学士学位。光緖三十一年。回国。任南京中西医院主任医生。光緖三十二年。任广州军医学校教务长。光緖三十三年。充赴菲律宾万国医学会议代表。宣统元年。充赴挪威万国癞病防止会议代表。宣统二年。入奥京维也纳大学肄业。住址及通信处。广东省城大新街四号。

Cheng, Holt A.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1878. Married. Arrived in America, 1891. Private support. M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, 1904. Returned to China, July, 1905. Chief Physician, Chung His Hospital, Nanking, 1905-6. Dean, Military Medical College, Canton, 1905-11. Delegate to the International Medical Conferenece, Manila, 1907; to the International Conference of Leprosy Prevention in Norway, 1909. Studied at the University of Vienna, Austria, 1910.


郑之蕃 字桐荪。年三十岁。生于江苏吴江县。父慈谷。江苏省议会议员。已婚。女一。初学于上海复旦公学。光緖三十三年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习普通文科。宣统二年。得学士学位。民国元年。回国。任南洋公学及复旦公学教员。民国二年。任安徽高等学校教员。民国四年。任南京海军学校教员。住址及通信处。江苏吴江盛泽镇。

Tseng, T. F.-Born in Wukiang, Kiangsu, 1887. Married, 1912. Studied at Fu Tan College, Shanghai. Arrived in America, 1909. Government support. Studied Liberal Arts at Cornell University, 1906-13. B.A., 1910. Returned to China, January, 1911. Teacher: Nanyang College and Fu Tan College, Shanghai, 1912; Anhui Provincial College, Anking, 1912-13; Nanking Naval College, 1915 to date.


郑润田 年二十七岁。生于香港。未婚。初学于香港圣斯梯芬学校。宣统二年。游英国。入伦敦大学。宣统三年。入北明翰大学。民国二年。自费。由英赴美。入伊里诺爱大学。习铁路运输科。民国四年。得学士学位。是年回国。为香港某商行经理。住址及通信处。香港康乐道六十五号。

Cheng, Yun-Tin.-Born in Hongkong, 1890. Studied at St. Steph-en's College, Hongkong, 1904-9; at the University of London, England, 1910-11; at the University of Birmingham, England, 1911-13. Arrived in America, August, 1913. Private support. Studied Railway Transportation at the University of Illinois, 1913-15. B.A., 1915. Returned to China, October, 1915. Export Manager, Messrs. Yee-Kee Hong, Hongkong, 1916.


邓福培 字栽臣。年三十一岁。生于江苏无锡。已婚。女一。本籍住址。江苏无锡北门横街十五号。初学于上海圣约翰大学。宣统三年。毕业于南洋公学。得学士学位。民国元年。以半官费游美。入鄂海阿省立大学。习电气工程。民国四年。得硕士学位。为美国电气工程师学会会员。旧金山万国工程学会会员。充西方电气公司学习工程师及电气工程师。民国四年。回国。任湖南电话局电气总工程师。民国五年。任上海西方电气公司工程师。兼无锡电话公司电气工程师。为中华实业界编辑。现时通信处。上海广东路外滩西方电气公司。

Dunn, Frank B.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1886. Married, 1914. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1904-5; at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1905-11. B.S., 1911. Arrived in America, April, 1912. Partial government support. Studied Electrical Engineering at Ohio State Universi-ty, 1914-15. M.S., 1915. Associate Member, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, March, 1913. Member, International Engineering Congress at San Francisco, 1915. Student Engineer, Western Electric Company, 1913-15. Returned to China, August, 1915. Supervising Electrical Engineer, Hunan Telephone Administration, Changsha, 1915. Electrical Engineer, Western Electric Company, Shanghai, and Electrical Engineer in Charge, Wusih Teleghone Co., Wusih, 1916 to date. Editor, Chung Hwa Industrial World, 1916 to date.


邓植仪 字槐庭。年三十岁。生于广东广州。本籍通信处。广东省城河南同福西约十八号。已婚。子一。女二。初学于广州时敏学堂。及两广游学预备馆。宣统元年。自费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习农业。宣统二年。入威斯康心大学。习土壤学。民国二年。得学士学位。民国三年。得硕士学位。撰各种植物取滋养于磷酸盐类说。载威斯康心农事试验场杂志。得土壤科学金奖。民国三年回国。任湖南公立工业专门学校教员。民国四年。任中央农事试验场土壤化学师。民国五年。任湖南公立工业专门学校解析化学教员。现时通信处。湖南长沙公立工业专门学校。

Tang, Tsie-Yee.-Born in Canton, 1887. Married, 1904. Studied at Shih Min School, Canton, 1901-5; at Educational Mission School, Canton, 1906-7. Arrived in America, December, 1909. Private support. Studied Agriculture at the University of California, 1910; Soil Industry at the University of Wisconsin, 1910-14. B.S., 1913; M.S., 1914. Author, "The Foraging Power of Different Plants upon Different Phosphates", Bulletin of Wisconsin Experimental Station, 1914. Awarded Research Fellowship in Soils, Wisconsin, 1913-14. Returned to China, July, 1914. Teacher in Analytical Chemistry, Hunan Polytechnic Institute, 1914-15. Soil Chemist, Central Government Agricultural Experiment Station, 1915-16. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Hunan Polytechnic Institute, 1916 to date.


刘寰伟 年二十六岁。生于美国旧金山。兄琳。业商。未婚。初学于广州广仁小学堂。及岭南学校。毕业。充岭南学校训导员。宣统二年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习政治经济学。民国二年。习土木工程。民国三年。得学士学位。民国四年。得土木工程师学位。入里文瓦城陆军学校之野外工程科。习兵学及工程。民国五年。毕业。为科学会会员。民国五年回国。任北京淸华学校教员。为美国大学会会员。现时通信处。上海北四川路求志里九百二十三号。

Lau, Waan-Wai.-Born in San Francisco, 1891. Studied at Canton Christian College; 1905-9. Graduated, 1909. Arrived in America,September, 1910. Government support. Studied Economics at Cornell University, 1910 and Civil Engineering, 1913-15; Military Science and Engineering at Fort Leavenworth, 1915-16. B.A., 1914; C.E., 1915. Graduated from Army Service School at Fort Leavenworth, 1916. Member, Science Club, 1914-16. Returned to China, August, 1916. Teacher, Tsing Hua College, 1916 to date. Member, American University Club, 1916.


刘玉麟 字葆森。年五十五岁。生于广东香山。已婚。子一。女五。初学于上海出洋局。同治十三年。以官费游美。入腓力学校等。光緖七年。毕业。得学士学位。是年回国。肄业天津电报学堂及医学堂。任李文忠公家塾教师。光緖八年。任纽约中国领事署翻译。光緖十年。任美京中国使馆翻译。光緖十一年。任驻新加坡总领事。光緖二十六年。任驻英使馆秘书官。光緖二十八年。任驻比公使。光緖三十一年。任驻南非洲总领事。及直隶候补道。宣统元年。任外务部侍郞。宣统二年。又民国三年。两任驻英全权公使。前淸给予一品封典。二品顶戴。二等宝星。民国给予二等嘉禾章。并经俄比德义葡各国。给予宝星。经剑桥大学。赠与文学博士学位。

Lew, Yuk-Lin.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1862. Married, 1892. Studied at Educational Mission School, Shanghai. Arrived in America, December, 1874. Government support. Studied at Phillips Academy and other schools. A.B., 1881. Returned to China, December, 1881. Studied at Telegraph College and Medical College, Tientsin. Was tutor to Li Hung-Chang's family. Translator: Chinese Consulate at New York, 1882; Chinese Legation at Washington, D.C., 1884. Acting Consul-General at the Strait Settlement, 1885. Secretary, Chinese Legation in London, 1900. Charge d'Affaires at Brussels, 1902. Consul-General in South Africa, 1905. Expectant Taotai of Chihli, 1905. Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1909. Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to Great Britain, 1910 and 1914. Official of Second Rank in the Tsing Dynasty. Second Class Chia Ho and Star Decorations, and decorations from Russia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, etc. LL. D., Cambridge. Address: 111 Puria Grande, Macao.

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