

 外语行天下 2023-09-27 发布于福建

你知道如何使用连词来提供对比信息给自己来个大转弯吗,比如despite,as much 或 whereas?
  • Although she now flies down the slopes, it took her years to learn to ski well.
  • He's really busy. He still offered to help, though.
  • I passed the exam even though I hardly studied.
  • While I don't agree, I understand their point of view.
  • Much as I'd love a holiday this year, I just can't afford it. 

Although,despite,even if,even though,in spite of,much as,though,whereas 和 while 都被用来连接两个截然不同的想法,或者表明一个事实让另一个事实令人惊讶。
  • In spite of the heavy rain, the hikers continued climbing the mountain.
  • The hikers continued climbing the mountain in spite of the heavy rain.


in spite of 和 despite

在 in spite of 和 despite 之后,我们使用名词短语或动词的ing形式:

  • We arrived on time in spite of missing the train.
  • 尽管没赶上火车,我们还是准时到达了。
  • Their restaurant succeeded despite the bad reviews.
  • 尽管评价不好,他们的餐馆还是成功了。

In spite of 和 despite 经常与 the fact that 连用,这样它后面就可以跟一个主语和动词:

  • We arrived on time, in spite of the fact that we missed the train.
  • 尽管我们错过了火车,但我们还是准时到达了。
  • Their restaurant succeeded, despite the fact that they received bad reviews.
  • 他们的餐馆成功了,尽管他们的评价很差。

although,though 和 even though

在 although,though 和 even though 之后,我们使用一个主语和一个动词。它们的意思是一样的,但 even though 比 although 和 though 语气更强,有强调的作用:

  • Although Marjorie lost the election, many more people voted for her than the first time.
  • 尽管马乔丽在选举中失利,但投票给她的人比第一次多得多。
  • I love my Italian conversation class, though I struggled at first.
  • 我喜欢我的意大利语会话课,尽管一开始我很吃力。
  • Even though my team lost, it was great to be in the stadium for the final.
  • 尽管我的球队输了,但能在体育场参加决赛真是太棒了。

Though 也可以放在第二个句子的末尾。这种表达不同观点的方式在英语口语中最为常见:

  • I didn't know anyone when I first got to uni. I soon made friends, though.
  • 我刚到大学的时候谁也不认识。不过我很快就交到了朋友。

even if

Even if 的意思是 whether or not 或 no matter whether,后面跟着一个主语和一个动词:

  • Even if you are an expert swimmer, you should be careful at this beach.
  • 即使你是游泳高手,在这个海滩上也要小心。

while 和 whereas

While 是一个最常用于时间的连词,但它也可以用来表示“尽管事实如此”或“尽管”:

  • While I made some mistakes in my driving exam, I still passed.
  • 虽然我在驾驶考试中犯了一些错误,但我还是通过了。

While 和 whereas 可以用来表示 but 或 compared with the fact that,用来比较两个矛盾的想法:

  • While/Whereas Ivan is very sociable, his brother is more reserved.
  • 虽然伊凡很善于交际,但他的弟弟比较矜持。
  • My trip home was quick and easy, whereas/while my colleagues were delayed for hours.
  • 我的回家之旅既快捷又轻松,而我的同事们却耽搁了好几个小时。

much as
Much as 是一种更正式的表达方式。意思是 although,depiste how much 或 no matter how much:
  • Much as I enjoyed studying abroad, it was good to return home.
  • 尽管我很喜欢出国留学,但回国也很好。


1. _____ the delays caused by the bad weather, the trip went quite smoothly.
a. Although
b. In spite of(后面接名词或动名词)
c. While
2. _____ socialising energises some people, it leaves others feeling tired and drained.
a. Despite
b. Even if
c. Whereas(表转折)
3. We had a lot of tests in my language classes at school. I still loved English, _____!
a. although
b. much as
c. though(唯一一个可以置于分句句尾)
4. _____ the fact that he grew up in Canada, he gets cold very easily.
a. In spite of(in spite of 和 depiste 常与 the fact that 连用)
b. Much as
c. While
5. Don't worry too much about the test today. _____ you fail, you'll still pass the course, which is the most important thing.
a. Despite
b. Even if(表假设,第一条件句)
c. Much as
6. _____ this table is over two hundred years old, it's still in perfect condition.
a. Despite
b. Even though(后面跟句子)
c. In spite of
7. _____ all the difficulties she faced, Ellen never gave up on her dream of sailing solo around the world.
a. In spite of(后面跟名词或动名词)
b. Much as
c. While
8. My sister has four children, _____ I struggle with taking care of two guinea pigs!
a. despite
b. even
c. while(后面跟句子)


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