

 新用户90585827 2023-09-27 发布于甘肃



撰文 | 约翰·D.巴罗(John D. Barrow)

翻译 | 李新洲、徐建军、翟向华











J. D. B.

本文节选自《不论——科学的极限与极限的科学》(Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits )前言。


Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits (Excerpt)


The Preface is the most important part of the book. Even reviewers read a preface.


Both scientists and philosophers are much concerned with impossibilities. Scientists like to show that things widely held to be impossible are in fact entirely possible; philosophers, by contrast, are more inclined to demonstrate that things widely regarded as perfectly feasible are in fact impossible. Yet, paradoxically, science is only possible because some things are impossible.

The incontrovertible evidence that Nature is governed by reliable 'laws' allows us to separate the possible from the impossible. Only those cultures for whom there existed a belief that there was a distinction between the possible and the impossible provided natural breeding grounds for scientific progress. But 'impossibility' is not only about science. In the pages that follow we shall look at some of the ways in which the impossible in art, literature, politics, theology, and logic has stimulated the human mind to take unexpected steps: revealing how the concept of the impossible sheds new light on the nature and content of the actual. The idea of the impossible rings alarm bells in the minds of many.

To some, any suggestion that there might be limits to the scope of human understanding of the Universe or to scientific progress is a dangerous meme that undermines confidence in the scientific enterprise. Equally uncritical, are those who enthusiastically embrace any suggestion that science might be limited because they suspect the motives and fear the dangers of unbridled investigation of the unknown.

At the end of each century there seems to arise a stock-taking in science. We shall see that at the end of the last century the issue of the limits of science became a live one and attempts were made to pick out problems that could never be solved. These problems still make interesting reading. But what will people say about our concerns in a hundred years time? As we near the end of the twentieth century we look back on an extraordinary century of progress. Yet it is progress that possesses some extraordinary characteristics. A pattern has emerged in many spheres of inquiry in which a scientific theory becomes so successful in the quantity and quality of its accurate predictions that its practitioners start to wonder whether the end is in sight—whether their theory might be able to explain everything within its encompass. But then something strange happens. The theory predicts that it cannot predict. It turns out to be not simply limited in scope, but self-limiting. This pattern is so strikingly recurrent that it suggests to us that we can recognize mature scientific theories by their self-limiting character. Such limits arise not merely because theories are inadequate, inaccurate, or inappropriate: they tell us something profound about the nature of knowledge and the implications of investigating the Universe from within.

Our study of the limits of science and the science of limits will take us from the consideration of practical limits of cost, computability, and complexity to the restrictions imposed on what we can know by our location in the middle of the Nature's spectra of size, age, and complexity. We shall speculate about our possible technological futures and locate our current abilities on the spectrum of possibilities for the manipulation of Nature in the realms of the large, the small, and the complex. But practicalities are not the only limits we face. There may be limits imposed by the nature of our humanity. The human brain was not evolved with science in mind. Scientific investigation, like our artistic senses, are by-products of a mixed bag of attributes that survived preferentially because they were better adapted to survive in the environments they faced in the far distant past. Perhaps those ambiguous origins will compromise our quest for an understanding of the Universe? Next, we shall start to pick at the edges of possible knowledge. We shall learn that many of the great cosmological questions about the beginning, the end, and the structure of our Universe are unanswerable. Despite the confident exposition of the modern view of the Universe by astronomers, these expositions are invariably simplified in ways that disguise the reasons why we cannot know whether or not the Universe is finite or infinite, open or closed, of finite age or eternal. Finally, we delve into the mysteries of the famous theorems of Godel concerning the limitations of mathematics. We know that there must exist statements of arithmetic whose truth we can never confirm or deny. What does this really mean? What is the fine print on this theorem? What are its implications for science? Does it mean that there are scientific questions that we can never answer? We shall see that the answers are unexpected and lead us to consider the possible meaning of inconsistency in Nature, of the paradoxes of time travel, the nature of freewill and the workings of the mind. Finally, we shall explore some of the strange implications of trying to pass from the consideration of individual choices to collective choices. Whether it is the outcome of an election or the making up of one's mind in the face of the brain's competing options, we find a deep impossibility that may have ramifications throughout the domain of complex systems.

Here, in this strange world of fundamental limits we learn that worlds that are complex enough for certain individualities to be manifest necessarily display an open-endedness that defies capture within the confines of a single logical system. Universes that are complex enough to give rise to consciousness impose limits on what can be known about them from within.

By the end of our journey, I hope the reader will have come to see that there is more to impossibility than first meets the eye. Its role in our understanding of things is far from negative. Indeed, I believe that we will gradually come to appreciate that the things that cannot be known, that cannot be done, and cannot be seen, define our Universe more clearly, more completely, and more sharply than those that can.

Brighton November 1997

J. D. B.

约翰·D.巴罗(John D. Barrow, 1952—2020),天体物理学家、著名科学作家。曾荣获洛克天文学奖和皇家格拉斯哥哲学学会开尔文奖章。他所创作的《宇宙的起源》(The Origin of the Universe, 1994)等15部科普作品被译为28种语言,受到读者的广泛欢迎。

译者李新洲(1946-2022),原上海师范大学天体物理研究中心主任,第七届中国物理学会理事、第五届中国引力与相对论天体物理学会理事长、国际专业杂志《引力与宇宙学》(Gravitation and Cosmology)编委。

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