

 吕杨鹏 2023-10-05 发布于上海
抖音和Tik Tok,两种短视频新闻实验



华盛顿邮报TikTok目前已拥有160万粉丝,主要的拍摄模式是“新闻小剧场”,戴夫(Dave Jorgenson)与同事就新闻主题展开对话。较严肃的新闻内容,也通过故事分享的方式进行软化。比如,对于2023年9月29日加州参议员Dianne Feinstein逝世的新闻,华盛顿邮报的短视频并没有重复网站上的新闻内容,而是用1分钟讲述了她亲历枪击事件并开始倡导枪支管制的小故事。相比于传统单向的新闻播报,记者们通过短视频与观众建立了更平等、更亲切的连接。


(图片来源:Washington Post的TikTok主页)


创建于2020年的Ac2ality,起初只是一个四人的小团队,如今已成为TikTok欧洲地区粉丝数最多的新闻媒体之一(4.4M)。正如账号简介,将新闻“翻译”为短视频,用年轻一代的方式解释新闻,是这个团队的创作初衷。创始人Daniela McArena在采访中表示,“我们希望创造和引领新的新闻浪潮”。Ac2ality的主营内容包括“今日5件事”、“1分钟新闻”、“1分钟名人采访”等等,视频中的表达往往是口语化的,并伴随讲解,插入人物照片、图表、地图和相关的新闻网页。他们的主要商业收入则源于品牌合作。
















尽管短视频平台上的新闻内容总是不可避免地受到关于真实性和娱乐性的质疑,但正如《华盛顿邮报》团队的Michelle Jaconi与Dave Jorgensen所说,对于传统新闻系统的运作来说,这看似是一个小项目,但它也在实际上“强化了新闻的使命感,吸引着更多的新读者”。

作者:陈悦 林晨 余南兴 胡璐驿


Tik Tok vs. Douyin: Two Types of Short Video News Experiments

The popularity of short video platforms, like TikTok, has gradually changed the way people use social media and access information. According to a survey by Ofcom, TikTok has become the primary news source among 12 to 15-year-old teenagers in the UK. Douyin, as the Chinese version of TikTok, also becomes the way for the public to understand the world. In recent years, various traditional news publishers have joined short video platforms, and the latter, in turn, have provided opportunities for many new media.


The Washington Post TikTok: News “Softener”

Mainly filming in the comedic style, where Dave Jorgenson and his colleagues engage in funny dialogues about news topics, The Washington Post TikTok has gained 1.6 million followers. The news content, while more serious in nature, is softened through storytelling. For instance, for the news of California Senator Dianne Feinstein's death on 29 September 2023, The Washington Post's short video did not just copy the news content from the website. Instead, they shared a one-minute story about Dianne’s personal experience with a shooting incident and how it led her to advocate for gun control. In comparison to traditional one-way news broadcasts, journalists on TikTok establish a more equal and relatable connection with the audience through these short videos.


Ac2ality: We Translate Newspaper

Ac2ality, founded in 2020, initially started as a small team of four individuals. Today, it has become one of the most popular news media on TikTok in the European region with 4.4 million followers. As stated in their account bio, Ac2ality 'translates' news into short videos and explains them for the younger generation. The co-founder Daniela McArena expressed their inspiration in an interview, 'we wanted to create and ride a wave of new journalism”.

Ac2ality's main content includes segments like “5 Things about Today”, “1-Minute Explaining News” and “1-Minute Celebrity Interviews”. Expressions in the videos are often colloquial and are accompanied by explanations, inserting photographs of people, diagrams, maps and relevant news pages. Their primary source of revenue comes from brand collaborations.


News Lady: Vivid Personal News Brand

“News Lady” is the account of the host of City Voice on Zhejiang Media Group. As one of the top accounts with more than 25 million followers on Douyin, “News Lady” explains the news in the form of a “monologue” in front of the camera. Despite the somewhat monotonous form, “News Lady” has successfully attracted a large number of fans through her formal yet personal ways of expression. Her iconic phrase “I cannot help but have to ask” used to appear in almost every video she made. With her standard accent, the language style of official news media and personal characteristics of the comment mode, “News Lady” chooses the middle place between an official release and a personal brand.


The Paper: New Mode of Douyin News
The Paper’s news production has covered a variety of platforms, such as WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Toutiao, etc. On Douyin, the number of fans of The Paper account has reached more than 40 million, with a total of 780 million likes. Similar to most traditional media in China, the elements of The Paper Douyin content are simple: photo- and video-based news material is at the center, with a few lines of bold text above the video summarizing the news, and smaller text below providing more details, complemented by emotional pop background music. Most Douyin news is centered on video or graphic material, with a bold style and a clear message. Although this feature is more applicable to simple news stories, The Paper has also made attempts to explain complex stories on Douyin, such as 'Zhang Yuhuan's Road to Innocence' series, which uses 23 short videos to explain different representative details of the case.


Two Types of News Experiments

From anchors in front of news sets to TikTokers in their offices, bedrooms, or in green-screened pictures, news in short video platforms has been adapted to be more lighthearted, conversational, and interactive.

Based on a report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ), many media on TikTok aim to attract a more diverse and younger audience group, and their news content and formats are specifically designed for TikTok. News media on TikTok delve into the platform's popular narratives and trending topics and imitate or recreate them accordingly. Compared with the various attempts media on TikTok made to adapt to the platform, news media on Douyin has developed a rather fixed pattern of short-video journalism. Apart from that, similar to TikTok, individual news interpreters with faces and characters on Douyin have become another norm.

Although news content on short-video platforms has always been inevitably questioned about its authenticity and entertainment, as Michelle Jaconi and Dave Jorgensen of The Washington Post TikTok team put it, what may seem like a side project is actually “to reinforce the journalistic mission and draw in new readers.”
Authors: Chen Yue, Lin Chen, Yu Nanxing, Hu Luyi


TikTok is the most popular news source for 12 to 15-year-olds, says Ofcom:


How a Spanish startup became the second biggest European news publisher on TikTok: 


The Washington Post Is All In on TikTok:



主编(Chief editors): 冯碧漪 江宇轩

增长编辑:(Growth editor):林适芬

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