

 bmtz 2023-10-09 发布于江苏


If you think that the evolution of cars is solely about faster, more efficient engines or more advanced autonomous driving technology, you might be missing out on some of the latest industry trends. In November, a new standard will be officially implemented, and it's closely related to every car owner. No, it's not about the engine or the tires; it's about something we use every day: car rearview mirrors.



Back to that winter of 2022, when the 'Vehicle Vision Installation Requirements' first made its appearance, few could have anticipated the profound impact it would have on the automotive industry. This new standard explicitly stated that electronic rearview mirrors could not only be installed in vehicles but could also entirely replace traditional rearview mirrors.


Electronic rearview mirrors, as the name suggests, utilize electronic camera technology to transmit real-time images of the rear view to a display screen inside the vehicle cabin. This technology may sound like something out of science fiction, but in reality, it has already been implemented in some high-end automobiles.



This new 'visual' experience brings many benefits to drivers. Firstly, it offers a wider field of vision, eliminating the limitations imposed by traditional rearview mirrors such as mirror curvature, size, and angles. This undoubtedly enhances safety during the driving process, especially in complex road environments.


Secondly, for those who frequently drive in inclement weather conditions, electronic rearview mirrors are almost a must-have tool. Whether it's heavy rain, snowy weather, or fog, electronic rearview mirrors always provide drivers with a clear and undisturbed view. Furthermore, during nighttime driving, electronic rearview mirrors can automatically adjust brightness to prevent glare from oncoming headlights, reducing the risk of driver discomfort.



Furthermore, the compact design of electronic rearview mirrors contributes to a more streamlined vehicle body, helping to reduce aerodynamic drag, thereby improving fuel efficiency in traditional combustion engine vehicles or reducing electricity consumption in electric vehicles.


However, of course, no technology is without its flaws. While electronic rearview mirrors offer an unprecedented driving experience, they also come with some potential risks and issues. For instance, the cameras may become contaminated or damaged, leading to a decline in image quality; system malfunctions could result in camera or display screen failures; and the maintenance and repair costs for this technology may be higher than those for traditional rearview mirrors.



Faced with such technological innovation, consumers should make their choice based on their individual preferences and priorities. For some drivers who prioritize safety and enhanced driving experiences, electronic rearview mirrors are undoubtedly an excellent choice. However, for some traditionalists, they may prefer to stick with the familiar rearview mirror because it provides them with a sense of security they've grown accustomed to.


In summary, whether it's electronic rearview mirrors or traditional rearview mirrors, they are both products of the evolution of the automotive industry and have their own value and characteristics. With the implementation of new standards, there will undoubtedly be more choices and opportunities in the automotive market, allowing consumers to select the option that best suits their preferences and needs.



In the future, we are likely to see more vehicle models equipped with electronic rearview mirrors. This is not only because they excel in certain aspects compared to traditional rearview mirrors but, more importantly, they represent a cutting-edge technological trend and the direction of future driving. However, at the same time, traditional rearview mirrors are unlikely to disappear quickly. After all, many drivers are still accustomed to using traditional mirrors to assess the situation behind them, and for them, familiarity provides a deep-seated sense of security.

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