
DINZ德网 | Samuso Hyojadon · Aesop伊索首尔西村店

 德国室内设计网 2023-10-22 发布于广东

Seungmo Seo(서승모)是一位韩国建筑师,1971年出生于日本京都。他毕业于韩国的庆园大学,随后在日本东京艺术大学攻读建筑学,获得美术学硕士学位。在获得学位后,他曾在东京艺术大学担任助教职位,历时2年,随后于2004年回到首尔,开始自己的独立建筑实践。2010年,他创建了“사무소효자동”(Samuso Hyojadong),并扩展了自己的设计领域,涵盖住宅、酒店、商业设施等多个方面。他的重要项目包括C House、南海613酒店、SJ韩屋翻新项目、以及“现代卡 Vinyl & Plastic”外墙装饰翻新,还有“Theory 旗舰店”外墙装饰翻新,以及与建筑师坂本龙一一起设计的展览场馆、DDP设计图书馆等。

Seungmo Seo is a South Korean architect born in Kyoto, Japan, in 1971. He completed his education at Kyungwon University in South Korea and pursued a Master's degree in Fine Arts in Architecture at the Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan. Following his studies, he worked as an assistant professor at the Tokyo University of the Arts for two years. In 2004, he returned to Seoul and embarked on his independent architectural practice.In 2010, he established "Samuso Hyojadong" and expanded his design portfolio to encompass various areas, including residential, hospitality, and commercial facilities.Some of his notable projects include C House, Namhae 613 Hotel, SJ Hanok Renovation, the 'Hyundai Card Vinyl & Plastic' facade renovation, 'Theory Flagship Store' facade renovation, as well as collaborative work with architect Ryuichi Sakamoto on exhibition spaces and the DDP Design Library, among others.

位于韩国首尔的伊索西村店是一个极简的商店,由建筑设计公司Samuso Hyojadong精心打造。该设计汲取了韩国潭阳地区Soswaewon花园的灵感,这个花园代表了16世纪的美与宁静,旨在创造一个体验,其中过去与现在以极具优雅的方式相互融合。设计团队在材料选择方面十分慎重,精心挑选了那些能够以最纯粹的形式呈现的元素,使它们能够在没有过多人为干预的情况下独立共鸣。这种处理方式体现了对材料的深思熟虑,将建筑与环境相融合。

Aesop Seochon Store is a minimal interior located in Seoul, South Korea, designed by Samuso Hyojadong. Taking inspiration from the Soswaewon garden of the Damyang region, an epitome of sixteenth-century beauty and serenity, the designers set forth to create an experience where the past meets the present in a graceful convergence. Emphasizing a thoughtful approach to the use of materials, the design team at Samuso has carefully selected elements that embody their purest forms, allowing them to resonate individually, devoid of excessive human manipulation. 


The street-facing facade was created with mesh metal screens that can open out entirely to create a storefront with no walls. Once closed, the woven metal backing creates translucent windows through which passersby observe the softly lit silhouettes of uniform rows of bottles.


For the store's material palette, the designers referenced the timber and stone that are typically used to build traditional Korean houses known as hanoks.A large, rough-edged stone plinth displaying clusters of products was positioned at the entrance while various wooden accents were created with timber reclaimed from salvage yards and an abandoned house.


Hanji paper created from mulberry tree bark sourced from South Korea's Gyeongnam province features on the store's walls, which frame central geometric cabinetry and sleek taps made of locally produced aged copper.The store was also built on a raised stone platform, which nods to the traditional architecture.


This conscious choice in materiality not only highlights the intrinsic qualities of each element but also brings forth a tapestry of textures that invite visitors to connect on a deeper level. The defining characteristic of this project, however, lies in its deliberate attempt to blur the lines between the external and internal realms. As one steps into the store, it becomes increasingly evident that a careful orchestration of space has taken place, offering a seamless transition between the outdoor serenity and indoor refinement. This fluid movement between spaces alludes to a broader narrative where the natural and the crafted coalesce to offer a tranquil retreat amidst the bustling urban backdrop.


Samuso extended the floorplate outwards to create a threshold that conveys a generous sense of hospitality.


Rosewood was used to create the store's signature fragrance armoire, which is hidden from view until opened out and was conceived as a traditional Korean jewellery box,Throughout the store, we were compelled by a desire to dissolve the boundaries between inside and outside, between the naturally occurring and the human-made.

Lake and Mountain
H house
grds Seoul store
2022集艾设计 | 泉州城市之光
一野设计 | 湖畔岛间,城市之央
众睦设计 | 杭州建发之江城投 · 云启之江售楼处

锦禾设计 | 月晟集团燕园品牌体验中心

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