

 喀什魅力 2023-10-24 发布于山东

【Weather Oct. 24】
郑州 多云 16℃/6℃
Zhengzhou Cloudy 16℃/6℃
洛阳 多云 15℃/4℃
Luoyang Cloudy 15℃/4℃
>German satellite enters Earth's atmosphere
>World population could be 15bn by 2100
>'Unwanted' Indian girls renamed
>Bug 'may be linked to bowel cancer'
>Study: Too much time off is stressful
【Top News】
>'Age of national anxiety' hurts
A survey found more than 50 percent of China's office workers show some symptoms of depression, the Workers' Daily reported. About 17 percent of people above 15 have mental diseases, with 5 percent suffering from depression, 5 percent from anxiety disorder, and 5 percent from drug and alcohol addiction. Replacing heart disease and cancer, mental illness has become the most burdensome disease in China. Dr. Fan Xiaodong, a psychiatrist at Peking University Sixth Hospital, said: 'We have stepped into an 'age of national anxiety.'' To conquer various pressures, he suggests people get more exercise, be more socially involved, and actively seek professional psychological intervention when necessary.
据《工人日报》报道,调查显示,超过50%的职场人士存在不同程度的抑郁症状。十五岁以上的人中,大约17%的患有精神疾病,其中抑郁症约为5%,焦虑症约5%,药物、酒精等物质依赖症约5%。在中国,精神疾病已经超过心脏病和恶性肿瘤,成为让人负荷最重的疾病。北京大学第六医院的精神病学家范肖冬博士表示:'我们已经步入'全民焦虑时代'。' 要应对各种压力,他建议人们多进行体育锻炼﹑多参加社交活动,必要的时候要积极主动地寻求专业的心理干预。
【In the News】
>'Unwanted' Indian girls renamed
More than 200 Indian girls whose names mean 'unwanted' in Hindi have been given a fresh start at a mass renaming ceremony in Maharashtra state, BBC reported. They had been called Nakusha by parents who would have preferred sons. Statistics show a continuing preference for boys in India. The gender imbalance has widened every decade since independence in 1947. Female feticide remains common in India, although sex-selective abortion is illegal. Sons are still seen by many as wage-earners for the future.

>Man borrows 6m yuan to 'study'
Graduate, 31, said he was heading to Oxford but spent a third of the cash 6 million yuan on his girlfriend before falling into debt, Guardian reported. Six years later his parents learned that the young man had never left China – instead living in Beijing and blowing a third of the money on his girlfriend, Chinese media reported. She dumped him when his cash ran out. When his parents ran out of money to fund him, he borrowed 400,000 yuan more from loan sharks, but could not pay it back. He was finally forced to confess to his parents after saying he would kill himself over his unpaid debts. They called police and firefighters to stop him.
>Trees boost African crop yields
An assessment shows planting trees that improve soil quality can help boost crop yields for African farmers, BBC reported. The use of trees in agriculture has other benefits as well, such as helping to 'climate proof' farmland. 'It has a deep-penetrating tap root, and it can secure a good water supply even in dry years,' explained Frank Place, co-author of the report. 'The trees fix nitrogen and improve the soil; the leaves can be fed to livestock; the crops then benefit greatly in subsequent years.'
>IQ 'can change in teenage years'

A new research shows that the mental ability of teenagers can improve or decline on a far greater scale than previously thought, BBC reported. Tests were conducted on teenagers at an average age of 14 and then repeated when they nearly reached 18. An increase in verbal IQ corresponded with a growth in the density of part of the left motor cortex - a region activated during speech. And an increase in non-verbal IQ correlated with a rise in the density of the anterior cerebellum - an area associated with movements of the hand. The findings are published in the journal Nature.
>Bug 'may be linked to bowel cancer'
Scientists suspect that a type of bacterium known to cause dental decay and skin ulcers may also be linked to bowel cancer, the BBC reported. Two independent research teams have now found the bug Fusobacterium in colon tumors. It's not yet clear if the pathogen might cause cancerous changes, the researchers told Genome Research journal. If the bug is to blame, antibiotics might be able to treat it and therefore prevent cancer. Fusobacterium infection has already been linked with a gut condition called ulcerative colitis which is itself a risk factor for bowel cancer.
>Study: Poor neighborhoods hurt health

Back in the 1990s, the U.S. federal government tried an unusual social experiment: It offered thousands of poor women in big-city public housing a chance to live in more affluent neighborhoods, AP reported. A decade later, the women who relocated had lower rates of diabetes and extreme obesity. The small-but-significant differences offered some of the strongest support yet for the idea that where you live can significantly affect your overall health, especially if your home is in a low-income area with few safe places to exercise, limited food options and meager medical services.
据美联社报道,20世纪90年代,美国联邦政府曾经做了一个特殊的社会实验: 政府为成千上万的贫困妇女提供公共房屋,让他们与一些富人为邻。10年过去了,这些住户中得糖尿病和肥胖症的人却很少。虽然这种差异很小却很重要的,这为'居住环境影响身体健康的观点'提供了有力的支持。特别是在低收入的地区环境对健康影响更大,这些地区的治安不好、食物可选性有限、医疗服务也很欠缺。
>Social networks may alter minds
A new research suggests that social network sites may alter people's minds as well as their social lives, BBC reported. Brain scans show a direct link between the number of Facebook friends a person has and the size of certain parts of their brain. It's not clear whether using social networks boosts grey matter or if those with certain brain structures are good at making friends, say researchers. It also showed that the number of Facebook friends a person has reflected their number of friends in the real world.
【In Brief】
>World population could be 15bn by 2100
A landmark study by the United Nations Population Fund says the world's population could more than double to 15 billion by the end of this century, the Guardian reported. A previous UN estimate had expected the world to have more than 10 billion people by 2100; currently, there are nearly 7 billion.
>German satellite enters Earth's atmosphere

A defunct satellite has entered the atmosphere, the German Aerospace Center reported Sunday morning. 'There is currently no confirmation if pieces of debris have reached Earth's surface,' it said. Up to 30 pieces of space debris could hit land or water. Europe, Africa and Australia appeared to be out of the path of the Roentgen Satellite, CNN reported.

【Fancy That】
>Study: Too much time off is stressful
According to researchers, there is one thing that matches the stress of not having enough free time: having too much, the Daily Mail reported. Experts asked 1,329 teenagers how much spare time they had, and how happy they were. Those who thought they had little free time were often miserable – but teens with plenty of time to themselves soon run out of things to do. 'What is more desirable: too little or too much spare time on your hands? To be happy, somewhere in the middle,' the researchers said. The report concluded: 'Living with a sensible, balanced amount of free time promotes well-being not only directly, but also by helping to alleviate some of the negative side effects associated with living in our consumer-orientated society.'
【Language Tips】
Up for grabs 大家有份
※The prize was up for grabs to anyone under 16 years of age.
※I tell you, Jim, the job is up for grabs - go in there and ask her for it!
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