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2023-11-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 



1.(1分)A.That is his pencil.

B.This is my grandma.

C.Those are my parents.

2.(1分)A.Is your father at home?

B.Do you like ice cream?

C.Can you play basketball?

3.(1分)A.I didn''t climb that hill.

B.We don''t eat hamburgers.

C.He isn''t coming tomorrow.

4.(1分)A Why are they late again?

B.What does she look like?

C.Where is the supermarket?

5.(1分)A.Have a good day!

B.Welcome to my party!

C.Thanks for your time.










11.(5分)11.A.His cousin.

B.His sister.

C.His parents.

12.A.A comedy.

B.A documentary.

C.A scary movie.




14.A.On Center Street.

B.On North Street.

C.On Bridge Street.

15.A.It has comfortable seats.

B.It is the most popular.

C.It has the best sound.


D) 在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题.请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案.短文及问题听两遍.(5分)

16.(5分)16.A.Sunny and hot.

B.Cold and windy.

C.Rainy and wet.

17.A.At a bus stop.

B.In a clothes store.

C.At the school gate.

18.A.An old man.

B.A young man.

C.A young woman.

19.A.Some gloves.

B.Some milk.

C.A scarf.

20.A.He was a volunteer.

B.He was a teacher.

C.He was a TV reporter.



21.(1分)This is not my ping﹣pong _______/b?t/.It''s Tom''s.(  )

A.but B.bat C.beat D.boat

22.(1分)My school is ______/kl??s/to the post office.(  )

A.cloud B.class C.clock D.close

23.(1分)I saw the little girl ____/f?:l/down from her bike and quickly went up to help.(  )

A.fall B.feel C.full D.fill

24.(1分)I was a little _______/''n3:vas/before the exam.(  )

A.notice B.nervous C.famous D.novels

25.(1分)My brother wants to be a _______/m??d????n/.(  )

A.machine B.medicine C.magician D.magazine

26.(1分)﹣Can I help you?

﹣Yes,please.I need _____ sweater. (  )

A.a B.an C.the D./

27.(1分)﹣Who is that girl?

﹣I think _____ is Betty''s friend. (  )

A.he B.him C.her D.she

28.(1分)Helen doesn''t like ______.She likes fruit and vegetables.(  )

A.pear B.meat C.carrot D.tomato

29.(1分)﹣______you have an eraser,Cindy?

﹣Yes.It''s in my pencil box.(  )

A.Is B.Are C.Do D.Does

30.(1分)I can''t watch TV on school nights,_____ I can watch TV onweekends.(  )

A.and B.but. C.if D.or

31.(1分)﹣What do you usually eat ______ breakfast?

﹣I usually eat noodles.(  )

A.for B..in C.from D.on

32.(1分)﹣Jane,_____ is our School Day?

﹣It''s on May 18th.(  )

A.who B.how C.where D.when

33.(1分)﹣Don''t worry.I''ll help you find your bag.What color is it?

﹣It''s_______.(  )

A.new B.fat C.red D.dry

34.(1分)﹣I hear that you stayed in Canada for _______ days last summer.

﹣Yes.I stayed there for a week.(  )

A.three B.four C.seven D.eleven

35.(1分)﹣Jim is very sick.We must find a doctor.

﹣Let''s take him to the nearest _______.(  )

A.bank B.hospital C.station D.restaurant

36.(1分)My uncle and aunt live in the countryside.They _______ strawberries.(  )

A.turn B.make C.grow D.play

37.(1分)﹣I''d love to go to the water park with you.But I _______ swim.

﹣It doesn''t matter.I will teach you.(  )

A.must B.mustn''t C.can D.can''t

38.(1分)Sarah is ______than her sister Susan.Sarah is 166cm tall.Susan is 171cm tall.(  )

A.shorter B.shortest C.taller D.tallest

39.(1分)Which of the following is good behavior?(  )

A. B. C. D.

40.(1分)﹣Math is too_____ for me.

﹣But it is very useful.Please don''t give up.(  )

A.delicious B.favorite C.difficult D.different

41.(1分)﹣Rick,could you help me cook dinner?

﹣Sure,_____.(  )

A.no problem B.never mind

C.here you are D.you''re welcome

42.(1分)﹣It''s important to keep healthy.

﹣You''re right._____ is as important as our health.(  )

A.Something B.Nothing C.Anything D.Everything

43.(1分)﹣Tony,would you like some more dumplings?

﹣No,thanks.They _____ great,but I''m full.(  )

A.feel B.look C.taste D.sound

44.(1分)﹣Laura,_____out the rubbish when you leave.And I''ll do thedishes.

﹣OK,Dad.(  )

A.take B.takes C.took D.to take

45.(1分)﹣Oh,no!We are too late.The train _____.

﹣Well,we''ll have to catch the next train to Beijing.(  )

A.leaves B.left C.will leave D.has left

46.(1分)﹣Kelly always does her homework very _____.

﹣Yes.That''s why she makes few mistakes in her homework.(  )

A.hardly B.loudly C.carefully D.politely


﹣You can have _____ a computer _____ a camera.We don''t have enough money for both.(  )

A.both; and B..either or

C..neither; nor D..not only; but also

48.(1分)﹣We should keep teenagers away from the Internet.

﹣_____.Sometimes they need to search the Internet for useful information.(  )

A.Good idea B.I hope so C.Sounds good D.I disagree

49.(1分)﹣I''11go for a picnic if it _____tomorrow.Will you go with me?

﹣Yes,of course.(  )

A.doesn''t rain B.isn''t raining

C.won''t rain D.didn''t rain

50.(1分)Last night,I found a photo in an old book.It made me_____ of my primary school life.(  )

A.think B.thinking C.thought D.to think

51.(1分)﹣Will you go bike riding with Sam or stay at home?

﹣_____.My book report is due in two days.(  )

A.Yes,I will B.No,I won''t

C.I''ll ride a bike D.I''ll stay at home

52.(1分)﹣Steve and his two little brothers made a model plane,and they wonfirst prize.

﹣_____ clever children!(  )

A.How B.What C.What a D.What an

53.(1分)﹣How do you _____ with your classmates?

﹣Very well.They are all friendly and helpful.(  )

A.get off B.get on C.put off. D.put on

54.(1分)﹣Is this a new piano?

﹣No.I have _____ it for a long time.(  )

A.had B.joined C.bought D.borrowed

55.(1分)﹣Could you please tell me ___?

﹣Well,I always write e﹣mails to my pen pals.(  )

A.how do you learn Chinese

B.what is your pen pal''s hobby

C.what do you do after class

D.how you improve your writing



56.(10分)Have you ever worked as a volunteer?Volunteers don''t get paid forwhat theydo,but the experience of helping others can be more valuable than (56)   .Thereare many charities(慈善机构)around the world.There are alwaysin need of volunteers who want to make a difference.

Do you want to(57)    a volunteer?Think about what skills youhave?If you speak more than one language or you are good at(58)   things,you can find places to use your skills to help other people.

Volunteers doesn''t always mean doing great things.You can start with(59)   things.There is a famous saying that goes,"Charity begins at home".If people help those around them,(60)    will be in trouble.There arealways people in your neighborhood who need help(61)   sometasks,such as walking their dogs,looking after their kids,andcarrying their heavy shopping bags.You can also volunteer by giving(62)    to hospitals.These things may seem small,but they canstillmake a difference in someone else''s life.

Volunteers don''t(63)    help people.Environmental volunteerswork hard to protect the environment.They plant trees or(64)    cityparks.Other volunteers work for animal charities which save the homeless or injured(受伤的)animals.They feedthe animals and show them love.They take care of the animals until they are(65)    enough to be put in good homes.

All in all,volunteering is really a good way to make a contribution to your hometown and to the world.

56.A.food B.time C.money D.coffee 57A.meet B.visit C.choose D.become 58.A.eating B.fixing C.asking D.losing 59.A.small B.big C.right D.cheap 60.A.no one B.someone C.anyone D.everyone 61.A.for B into C.from D.with 62.A.sugar B.salad C.blood D.paper 63.A.ever B.just C.even D.still 64.A.clean B.enter C.draw D.enjoy 65.A.kind B.tall C.well D.old  

V.补全对话阅读对话, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话.(5分)


Judy:(66)   Did you have a good school trip yesterday?

Alex:Yes.We had a great time.


Alex:No,we didn''t.We went to a farm.


Alex:It is about 30miles away from our school.

Judy:Oh,it''s a little far.How did you get there?

Alex:(69)   It took us about half an hour.The train ride was fun.

Judy:What did you do there?

Alex:We fed some animals.There were quite a lot of animals on the


Judy:What else did you do?


Judy:Sounds like you had a great school trip.

66.A.Who is that?

B Hi,Alex!

C.What''s this?


67.A.What time is it?

B.Did you go to the farm?,

C.Where did you go?

D.Did you go to Green Park?

68.A.How far is it?

B.When did you get there?

C.How much is it?

D.How long did it take?

69.A.I came here by subway..

B.I rode a horse.

C.Wegot there by train.

D.We took the bus.

70.A.Wealso picked apples.

B.We fed the chickens.

C.They played volleyball.

D.They went for a walk.



71.(5分)Once up a time,there was a young man.He lived in a small village.He was the only child in his family.so his parents loved him very much and did everything for him.He just hung out every day,doing nothing.

One day,he met an old man in his village.The old man asked him,"My boy,why don''t you work hard to achieve something when you are young?"

The young man replied without care,"Why do I have to be in a hurry?I''m young,so I have plenty of time!Besides,I haven''t made anyplans formy future yet."

"Time waits for no man!"the old man said.Then he asked theyoung man to go into a dark house with him.

"I can''t see anything!"the young man said

The old man lit a match and said to the young man,"Before thematch goes out,pick something in the house as you like."

By the weak light,the young man tried to see the things in it.Butbefore he found something,the match went out,and the house became dark again at once.

"Before I could get something,the match had gone out,"the young man said angrily.

The old man said,"My boy,your youth(青春)is like the burning match,which can only last for a short time.So you shouldn''t waste your time!

71.The young man lived in a   .

A.Small city

B.small village

C.big city

D.big town

72.The old man asked the young man why he didn''t   .

A.work hard

B.hang out

C.play games

D.do homework

73.The old man led the young man into a dark   .





74.What did the young man pick before the match went out?   

A.A ring.

B.A watch.

C.A picture.


75.What can we learn from the story?   .

A.Youth is like a burning match.

B.It''s dangerous to light matches.

C.Young people have much time.

D.We should look after ourselves.

76.(5分)Nowadays,we are having a much busier life,and we are using our eyes more than ever before.So we often have tired eyes after a day''s work or study.Here are some good methods of protecting eyes against tiredness to keep them healthy.


Get into the habit of paying attention to the way you sit.Try to stick to the proper posture that doctors suggest.


There are some special pictures online that can help relax your eyes.You may download such pictures to your computer or smartphone.When there is nothing far away you can look at to relax your eyes,you can use one of these pictures.A picture with something like a tunnel(隧道)in it is quite popular.Try to look as far into the tunnel as you can for 30seconds(秒).Do you feel better?


The 20﹣20﹣20rule:take a break from the screen every 20minutes for 20seconds and look at something 20feet (about 6meters) away.


Step 1.Sitting comfortably,imagine there is a clock in front of you and turn your eyes up to 12o''clock.Pause(停顿)for a second,and then lower your eyes to 6o''clock.Pause again,and then repeat this step 10times.Complete the exercise by cupping your hands over your eyes for a few seconds,letting them rest in the darkness.

Step 2.Look at something on the right,Keep your eyes on it and slowly turn your head to the lest as far as possible.Then do the same thing on the left.Repeat the exercise a couple of times.

Step 3.Hold your finger in front of your nose and keep looking at it.Slowly move the finger towards yourself as close as you can without losingfocus(焦点).Then look outside the window as far as possible.Repeat this several times.


Table tennis is about a small ball traveling at high speed﹣the best sport to train your eyes and relax the muscles(肌肉) in and around the eyes.Other sports like like tennis,badminton and kiteflying are also great for relaxing tired eyes.

76.Which of the following methods of protecting eyes is NOT mentioned in the passage?   .

A.Having the proper posture.

B.Looking at something green.

C.Following the 20﹣20﹣20rule.

D.Playing some kinds of sports.

77.According to the passage,which of the following pictures can help relax your eyes?   .

78.What does the underlined word''them"refer to(指代)?   .

A.Your eyes.

B.Your hands..

C.The doctors.

D.The exercises.

79.As for eye exercises,which of the following is TRUE?   .

A.In Step l,you must have a large clock in front of you.

B.In Step 2,you should turn left when you look to the right.

C.In Step3,you should move you finger as far as you can.

D.After finishing each step,you should repeat it a few times.

80.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?   .

A.We must take a break every 20minutes.

B.How to do eye exercises properly.

C.Ways to protect eyes against tiredness.

D.People have tired eyes very easily.

81.(5分)For years,psychologists(心理学家) have been against giving children prizes or money for their performance in school."Outwards"prizes,they say,can undermine the joy of learning for its own good and can even lead to cheating.

But many economists(经济学家) and business people disagree,and their opinions often become popular in the educational market place.Prize programs that pay students are underway in many cities.In some places,students can bring home hundreds of dollars for,say,taking an Advanced Placement course and having high grades in the exams.

"Whether such efforts work continues to be a debate(争议),"said Barbara Marian,an assistant professor of education at Pennsylvania State.She is against using prizes as encouragement.Among parents,it often leads to very hot discussion.And in public education,a new focus on school reform(改革) pushes researchers on both sides of the debate to make more efforts to get data(数据) that may provide information on when and whether prizes work.

"We have to get beyond our biases(偏见),"said Roland Fryer,aneconomist at Harvard University who is planning and testing several prizeprograms."Luckily,the scientific method allows us to examine most ofthose biases and let the data do the talking."In the cash programs being studied,Roland Fryer and other economists compare the schoolperformance of groups of students who are paid and students who arenot.In the study,they find that the students who are prized get highergrades on the SAT and go to better colleges than those who are not.

However,many psychologists believe that early data can be one﹣sided.Research suggests that prizes may work in the short term but havebad influences in the long term.

"Are they highly interested in what they are doing?Or does it feel like hard work?The same prize program might have different influences ondifferent kinds of students,"said Kirabo Jackson,a famous psychologist at Cornell University."The higher the prize is,the more harmful the result might be."

81.The underlined word"undermine"in Paragraph l most probably means"   ".





82.From Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3,we can learn that   .

A.the students''parents welcome prize programs

B.prize programs are getting popular in many cities

C.Thegovernment provides money for prize programs

D.all theeducation researchers support prize programs

83.According to Roland Fryer and other economists''study,students who are paid   .

A.have more scientific methods

B.like to discuss with other students

C.always cheat in examinations

D.have better performance at school

84.The passage mainly tells us   .

A.how to use prizes to encourage the students

B.different opinions on giving students prizes

C.how to make students study hard in schools

D.bad results caused by some prize programs

85.What does the writer think of prize programs?   

A.He doesn''t mention it.

B.He thinks they are harmful.

C.He thinks they are great.

D.He doesn''t care about them.




on what month library lovely Anna is a little girl.She loves reading books.

Last (86)   ,she and her parents went on vacation.Anna took some books with her.She read her books (87)    the plane.She read her books at the hotel.She read her books at a museum.She read her books at(88)   garden.

"Anna,we are here to visit interesting places,not to read books,"said Dad.

"Stop reading and tell us(89)    you want to see,"said Mom.

"I need more books,"said Anna."I want to see the(90)   ."




make get snow clear go When I got up and looked out of the bedroom window,I found,tony great surprise,it (91)    heavily.I was very excited since it was thefirst snowfall this winter.

I quickly got dressed and ran into the yard.Some kids were alreadythere.We(92)    some snowmen and rolled snowballs.We also enjoyedthe fun of having snowball fights.Laughing and shouting,all of us wereso happy.Suddenly we noticed that the buses and cars were moving very

slowly because of the heavy snow."Shall we(93)   to clear the snow?"someone suggested.At these words,weallran(94)    toolsandbegan to clear the snow.After the whole morning''s hard work,the snow on theroad (95)    and wewent home happily.



96.(1分)This white T﹣shirt is expensive.(改为否定句)

This white T﹣shirt    expensive.

97.(1分)Bob likes pandas because they are very cute.(就句子画线部分提问)

    Bob like pandas?

98.(1分)"Do you know the way to BaotuSpring?"a tourist asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)

A tourist asked me    I    the way to Baotu Spring.

99.(1分)When you travel to foreign countries,you''ll realize how important itis to learn English.(改写句子,句意不变)

You''ll realize the    of learning English when you travel   .

100.(1分)Readers,a popular TV show,invites people to read poems

andarticles they like or wrote.(改写句子,句意不变)

In Readers,a popular TV show,people   to readpoems and articles they like or wrote.




This bookstore is open   8a.m.    7p.m.


My parents are very   me,so I have good habits.


Life if full of challenges.We should hope for the best and   the worst.


The environment is getting worse.People have to start    to improve it.


The 3﹣D printing   is developing fast.Manyexperts suggestthat it should be   to more middle school students.



106.(5分)Shi Peng won the top prize in a college,students''start﹣up(创业) competition for setting upa website to help children find playmates(玩伴).

Shi was brought up by his grandparents in avillage in Hubei Province.(106)    Later,the 22﹣year﹣old student at a university in Wuhan decided to setup a special

website for children.He hoped that his website could help children meet new friends of the same age and feel less lonely.

(107)   According to his research one about 6,000children in citieslike Guangzhou,Wuhan and Stizhou,most of them don''t havebrothers orsisters and they are in need of playmates."From my own experience,I think it''s a great idea to have such a website on which children can findplaymates,"Shi said.

The website is set up mainly for pre﹣school children in kindergarten(幼儿园) and their parents.All the users of the website must use theirreal names.(108)   Through the website,parents who are busy duringthe day can get in touch with other parents who are free and willing tofind some playmates for their children.

As it gets more and more popular among children and parents,the

website now holds many colorful offline activities.(109)   The websitealso provides parents with valuable chances to communicate with eachother.

Ni Wufan is one of the professors in Shi''s university.He said,"(110)    He also agrees that our society needs more creative ideas likeShi''s to deal with children''s problems.

A.This is to make sure that the children are safe.

B.I have some different opinions about Shi''s website.

C.The website is a great example of start﹣up projects.

D.He hardly had any playmates growing up as a child.

E.There''re many interesting online games for children to play.

F.Shi Peng did some research before he set up the website.

G.They include scientific tests and group games for children.  


111.(10分)如图描述了李华今年春节得到压岁钱(lucky money)之后,他和父母对于如何花压岁钱产生的不同观点.请根据图片提示,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文.








1.(1分)A.That is his pencil.

B.This is my grandma.

C.Those are my parents.





2.(1分)A.Is your father at home?

B.Do you like ice cream?

C.Can you play basketball?





3.(1分)A.I didn''t climb that hill.

B.We don''t eat hamburgers.

C.He isn''t coming tomorrow.





4.(1分)A Why are they late again?

B.What does she look like?

C.Where is the supermarket?





5.(1分)A.Have a good day!

B.Welcome to my party!

C.Thanks for your time.
































11.(5分)11.A.His cousin.

B.His sister.

C.His parents.

12.A.A comedy.

B.A documentary.

C.A scary movie.




14.A.On Center Street.

B.On North Street.

C.On Bridge Street.

15.A.It has comfortable seats.

B.It is the most popular.

C.It has the best sound.





D) 在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题.请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案.短文及问题听两遍.(5分)

16.(5分)16.A.Sunny and hot.

B.Cold and windy.

C.Rainy and wet.

17.A.At a bus stop.

B.In a clothes store.

C.At the school gate.

18.A.An old man.

B.A young man.

C.A young woman.

19.A.Some gloves.

B.Some milk.

C.A scarf.

20.A.He was a volunteer.

B.He was a teacher.

C.He was a TV reporter.






21.(1分)This is not my ping﹣pong _______/b?t/.It''s Tom''s.(  )

A.but B.bat C.beat D.boat



根据给出的音标是"/b?t/"又结合前面的词语是"This is not my ping﹣pong"因此可知这句话的意思是"这个不是我的乒乓球拍,"结合给出的单词提示,故选B.



22.(1分)My school is ______/kl??s/to the post office.(  )

A.cloud B.class C.clock D.close






23.(1分)I saw the little girl ____/f?:l/down from her bike and quickly went up to help.(  )

A.fall B.feel C.full D.fill






24.(1分)I was a little _______/''n3:vas/before the exam.(  )

A.notice B.nervous C.famous D.novels






25.(1分)My brother wants to be a _______/m??d????n/.(  )

A.machine B.medicine C.magician D.magazine






26.(1分)﹣Can I help you?

﹣Yes,please.I need _____ sweater. (  )

A.a B.an C.the D./



结合语境推断句意是"﹣﹣我能帮你吗?﹣﹣是的,我想买一件毛衣.",不定冠词a,an表示泛指,定冠词the表示特指. a用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音素前,本题中的名词表示泛指,设空处后面的 sweater发音时是辅音发音开头,所以用不定冠词a,故选A.



27.(1分)﹣Who is that girl?

﹣I think _____ is Betty''s friend. (  )

A.he B.him C.her D.she







28.(1分)Helen doesn''t like ______.She likes fruit and vegetables.(  )

A.pear B.meat C.carrot D.tomato



首先明确选项中每个单词或短语的意思,A:梨;B:肉;C:胡萝卜;D:西红柿;根据题干结合She likes fruit and vegetables推测设空处句子的句意是"Helen不喜欢肉,她喜欢水果和蔬菜.",A,C,D都是水果或蔬菜,由此判断句子中缺少"肉"一词,故答案为B.



29.(1分)﹣______you have an eraser,Cindy?

﹣Yes.It''s in my pencil box.(  )

A.Is B.Are C.Do D.Does




【点评】协助主要动词构成谓语的词叫助动词(Auxiliary Verb),也叫辅助动词.被协助的动词称作主要动词(Main Verb).助动词用来构成时态和语态. 助动词具有语法意义,但没有词汇意义,不可单独作谓语.


30.(1分)I can''t watch TV on school nights,_____ I can watch TV onweekends.(  )

A.and B.but. C.if D.or






31.(1分)﹣What do you usually eat ______ breakfast?

﹣I usually eat noodles.(  )

A.for B..in C.from D.on






32.(1分)﹣Jane,_____ is our School Day?

﹣It''s on May 18th.(  )

A.who B.how C.where D.when




根据It''s on May 18th,可知这里说的是时间,提问时间应该用when.故选D.



33.(1分)﹣Don''t worry.I''ll help you find your bag.What color is it?

﹣It''s_______.(  )

A.new B.fat C.red D.dry



首先明确选项中每个单词或短语的意思,A:新的;B:胖的;C:红色的;D:干燥的;根据题干结合What color is it?推测设空处句子的句意是"﹣﹣别担心,我会帮你找到你的包,它是什么颜色的?﹣﹣是红色的.",由此判断句子中缺少"红色的"一词,故答案为C.



34.(1分)﹣I hear that you stayed in Canada for _______ days last summer.

﹣Yes.I stayed there for a week.(  )

A.three B.four C.seven D.eleven




根据I stayed there for a week可知我在那里呆了一个星期,一个星期是七天,所以这里用seven.故选C.



35.(1分)﹣Jim is very sick.We must find a doctor.

﹣Let''s take him to the nearest _______.(  )

A.bank B.hospital C.station D.restaurant


【解答】答案:B 根据上文吉姆病得很重,我们必须找个医生,结合选项,推测意思是让我们带他去最近的医院吧,故选B医院.A银行,C车站,D餐馆



36.(1分)My uncle and aunt live in the countryside.They _______ strawberries.(  )

A.turn B.make C.grow D.play






37.(1分)﹣I''d love to go to the water park with you.But I _______ swim.

﹣It doesn''t matter.I will teach you.(  )

A.must B.mustn''t C.can D.can''t




must,一定;mustn''t不可以;can,可能;can''t不会.根据I''d love to go to the water park with you.But I _______ swim.可知我很想和你一起去水上公园,但是我不会游泳.这里but前后应该是转折关系,前面说的是我很想和你一起去水上公园,后面应该是我不会游泳,所以用can''t表示.故选D.



38.(1分)Sarah is ______than her sister Susan.Sarah is 166cm tall.Susan is 171cm tall.(  )

A.shorter B.shortest C.taller D.tallest



根据题意"Sarah一米六六,Susan一米七一",结合than,可指Sarah比Susan个子矮,要用比较级,结合选项,A.更矮 B.最矮 C.更高 D最高,故选A.



39.(1分)Which of the following is good behavior?(  )

A. B. C. D.






40.(1分)﹣Math is too_____ for me.

﹣But it is very useful.Please don''t give up.(  )

A.delicious B.favorite C.difficult D.different




delicious意思是"美味的";favorite意思是"最喜欢的";difficult意思是"困难的";different意思是"不同的"根据"it is very useful.Please don''t give up"它很有用的,请不要放弃.因此可知上一句的意思是"数学对于我来说太难了."结合给出的单词提示,故选C.



41.(1分)﹣Rick,could you help me cook dinner?

﹣Sure,_____.(  )

A.no problem B.never mind

C.here you are D.you''re welcome


【解答】答案:A.考查常用日常交际用语.句意:﹣﹣瑞克,你能帮我做晚饭吗?﹣﹣当然.没问题.no problem没问题.never mind没有关系.here you are给你.you''re welcome不客气.根据题干Rick,could you help me cook dinner?﹣Sure.瑞克,你能帮我做晚饭吗?当然.可知回答是肯定的,所以应说没问题.故选A.



42.(1分)﹣It''s important to keep healthy.

﹣You''re right._____ is as important as our health.(  )

A.Something B.Nothing C.Anything D.Everything




根据题干"It''s important to keep healthy﹣保持健康很重要",可知没有什么能和健康一样重要,结合选项,A.某事 B.没事 C.任何事 D.每件事,故选B.



43.(1分)﹣Tony,would you like some more dumplings?

﹣No,thanks.They _____ great,but I''m full.(  )

A.feel B.look C.taste D.sound




fell感觉;look看上去;taste尝起来;sound听上去;这四个词都可作感官动词,后跟形容词;根据but I''m full但我吃饱了,可知对方已经吃过水饺了,所以此处应指水饺尝起来很好吃,故用taste.故选C



44.(1分)﹣Laura,_____out the rubbish when you leave.And I''ll do thedishes.

﹣OK,Dad.(  )

A.take B.takes C.took D.to take


【解答】答案:A 根据out the rubbish when you leave.And I''ll do thedishes,即本题考查祈使句,故用动词原形,同时考查固定短语take out,拿走.故选A.



45.(1分)﹣Oh,no!We are too late.The train _____.

﹣Well,we''ll have to catch the next train to Beijing.(  )

A.leaves B.left C.will leave D.has left


【解答】答案:D 根据我们迟到了,我们得赶下一班去北京的火车,结合选项,推测意思是火车已经离开了,即现在完成时,结构是have/has+done,主语是三单火车,故选D已经离开.



46.(1分)﹣Kelly always does her homework very _____.

﹣Yes.That''s why she makes few mistakes in her homework.(  )

A.hardly B.loudly C.carefully D.politely



【解答】答案:C,根据文中的下文,说That''s why she makes few mistakes in her homework那就是为什么她的家庭作业有很少错误的原因.说明她做作业很仔细,认真,所以很少犯错.A几乎不B大声地D礼貌地均不符合题意,故选C




﹣You can have _____ a computer _____ a camera.We don''t have enough money for both.(  )

A.both; and B..either or

C..neither; nor D..not only; but also




both…and…意思是"两者都…";either…or…意思是"或者…或者…";neither…nor…意思是"既不…也不…";not only…but also…意思是"不仅…而且…"根据"We don''t have enough money for both."我们没有足够的钱来买这两样东西.因此可知这句话的意思是"你要么买电脑,要么买相机."结合给出的短语的意思,故选B.



48.(1分)﹣We should keep teenagers away from the Internet.

﹣_____.Sometimes they need to search the Internet for useful information.(  )

A.Good idea B.I hope so C.Sounds good D.I disagree


【解答】答案:D.考查常用日常交际用语.句意:﹣﹣我们应该让青少年远离网络.﹣﹣我不同意.有时他们需要在互联网上搜索有用的信息.Good idea好主意;I hope so希望如此;Sounds good听起来不错;I disagree我不同意.根据题干Sometimes they need to search the Internet for useful information.有时他们需要在互联网上搜索有用的信息.可知应说我不同意.故选D.



49.(1分)﹣I''11go for a picnic if it _____tomorrow.Will you go with me?

﹣Yes,of course.(  )

A.doesn''t rain B.isn''t raining

C.won''t rain D.didn''t rain




if引导的是条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的规则,结合I''11go for a picnic if it _____tomorrow,可知这里是表达明天不下雨我们就会去野餐,从句主语it故借助于助动词does构成否定,故选A.



50.(1分)Last night,I found a photo in an old book.It made me_____ of my primary school life.(  )

A.think B.thinking C.thought D.to think



根据关键词made为make的过去式,在此句的意思是"使得…",是使役动词;结合选项,此句的意思是它(照片)让我想起了我的小学生活,think of为固定短语"想起";结合make的用法,应为make sb do sth"让某人做某事",所以此处应用动词原形think.故选A



51.(1分)﹣Will you go bike riding with Sam or stay at home?

﹣_____.My book report is due in two days.(  )

A.Yes,I will B.No,I won''t

C.I''ll ride a bike D.I''ll stay at home


【解答】答案:D.考查常用日常交际用语.句意:﹣﹣你和山姆一起去骑自行车还是呆在家里?﹣﹣我将呆在家里.我的读书报告要在两天内完成.Yes,I will和No,I won''t是will开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答和否定回答;根据题干Will you go bike riding with Sam or stay at home?你和山姆一起去骑自行车还是呆在家里?可知句子是选择一般疑问句,这里句子My book report is due in two days.我的读书报告要在两天内完成.所以应说我将呆在家里.故选D.



52.(1分)﹣Steve and his two little brothers made a model plane,and they wonfirst prize.

﹣_____ clever children!(  )

A.How B.What C.What a D.What an




根据 clever children!可知这里考查了感叹句,本句的中心词是children,它是一个可数名词复数形式,clever 是一个形容词,在这里修饰children,根据What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!故选B.



53.(1分)﹣How do you _____ with your classmates?

﹣Very well.They are all friendly and helpful.(  )

A.get off B.get on C.put off. D.put on




get off下车;get on单独用时意为上车,get on with sb与某人相处;put off推迟;put on穿上,上演;根据关键词 with your classmates及答语Very well.They are all friendly and helpful很好,他们都很友好并乐于助人可知此处应用固定短语get on with sb,此句问你和你的同学相处得怎么样?故选B



54.(1分)﹣Is this a new piano?

﹣No.I have _____ it for a long time.(  )

A.had B.joined C.bought D.borrowed


【解答】答案:A.考查动词词义辨析.句意:﹣﹣这是一个新的钢琴吗?﹣﹣不,我已经拥有它很长时间了.had有;joined加入;bought买;borrowed借.根据题干No.I have _____ it for a long time.可知这里有时间段for a long time,所以用延续性动词had.即我已经拥有它很长时间了.故选A.



55.(1分)﹣Could you please tell me ___?

﹣Well,I always write e﹣mails to my pen pals.(  )

A.how do you learn Chinese

B.what is your pen pal''s hobby

C.what do you do after class

D.how you improve your writing




根据Could you please tell me,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项ABD是疑问句语序,不符合,排除.根据how you improve your writing这里是一个陈述句语序,符合要求.故选D.




56.(10分)Have you ever worked as a volunteer?Volunteers don''t get paid forwhat theydo,but the experience of helping others can be more valuable than (56) C .Thereare many charities(慈善机构)around the world.There are alwaysin need of volunteers who want to make a difference.

Do you want to(57) D  a volunteer?Think about what skills youhave?If you speak more than one language or you are good at(58) B things,you can find places to use your skills to help other people.

Volunteers doesn''t always mean doing great things.You can start with(59) A things.There is a famous saying that goes,"Charity begins at home".If people help those around them,(60) A  will be in trouble.There arealways people in your neighborhood who need help(61) D sometasks,such as walking their dogs,looking after their kids,andcarrying their heavy shopping bags.You can also volunteer by giving(62) C  to hospitals.These things may seem small,but they canstillmake a difference in someone else''s life.

Volunteers don''t(63) B  help people.Environmental volunteerswork hard to protect the environment.They plant trees or(64) A  cityparks.Other volunteers work for animal charities which save the homeless or injured(受伤的)animals.They feedthe animals and show them love.They take care of the animals until they are(65) C  enough to be put in good homes.

All in all,volunteering is really a good way to make a contribution to your hometown and to the world.

56.A.food B.time C.money D.coffee 57A.meet B.visit C.choose D.become 58.A.eating B.fixing C.asking D.losing 59.A.small B.big C.right D.cheap 60.A.no one B.someone C.anyone D.everyone 61.A.for B into C.from D.with 62.A.sugar B.salad C.blood D.paper 63.A.ever B.just C.even D.still 64.A.clean B.enter C.draw D.enjoy 65.A.kind B.tall C.well D.old 【分析】文章讲述了只要具备某种特长就可以成为一名志愿者,志愿者不仅仅是做大事情,也可以做些小事情.志愿者也不都是帮助人,也可帮助保护环境,照顾动物等.做志愿者是为家乡和世界做贡献的一种好的方式.

【解答】56.C 考查名词,A.food食物 B.time时间 C.money金钱 D.coffee咖啡,根据of helping others can be more valuable 帮助别人更有价值,结合选项,可知跟"金钱"相比,故选C.

57 D 考查动词,A.meet遇到 B.visit参观 C.choose选择 D.become 成为,根据Think about what skills you have?想一想你有什么技巧?,可知是指你要想"成为"一名志愿者,得看看你有什么技巧,结合选项,故选D.

58.B 考查动词,A.eating吃 B.fixing修理 C.asking问 D.losing失去,根据前文,说到成为一个志愿者,得有特长,此处be good at 擅长于,结合选项,可知是擅长"修理"东西是一种特长,故选B.

59.A 考查形容词,A.small小的 B.big大的 C.right正确的 D.cheap 便宜的,根据Volunteers doesn''t always mean doing great things志愿者并不并不总是要做大事情,可知也可以做"小"事情,故选A.

60.A 考查代词,A.no one没人 B.someone某人 C.anyone任何人 D.everyone每人,根据If people help those around them如果人们帮助他们周围的人,可知在这种假设条件下,就没人会处在困境中了,故选A.

61.D 考查介词,A.for为了…B into进入 C.from从…D.with 和…一起,根据空格前的动词help,结合选项,可以和介词with搭配成固定短语help with帮助做某事,故选D.

62.C 考查名词,A.sugar糖 B.salad沙拉 C.blood 血D.paper 纸,根据 to hospitals给医院,结合选项,可知是志愿给医院献血,故选C.

63.B 考查副词,A.ever曾经 B.just仅仅 C.even甚至 D.still 仍然,根据后文Environmental volunteers work hard to protect the environment环境志愿者努力保护环境,可知志愿者的工作不"仅仅"是帮助人,故选B.

64.A考查动词,A.clean打扫 B.enter进入 C.draw画 D.enjoy喜欢,根据后面的宾语是 city parks城市公园,结合选项,可知是"打扫"公园,故选A.

65.C考查形容词,A.kind善良的 B.tall高的 C.well好的 D.old旧的,根据They take care of the animals until 他们照顾这些动物,直到…,可知动物被照顾到身体康复,形容身体好用well,故选C.



V.补全对话阅读对话, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话.(5分)


Judy:(66) B Did you have a good school trip yesterday?

Alex:Yes.We had a great time.

Judy:(67) D 

Alex:No,we didn''t.We went to a farm.

Judy:(68) A 

Alex:It is about 30miles away from our school.

Judy:Oh,it''s a little far.How did you get there?

Alex:(69) C It took us about half an hour.The train ride was fun.

Judy:What did you do there?

Alex:We fed some animals.There were quite a lot of animals on the


Judy:What else did you do?

Alex:(70) A 

Judy:Sounds like you had a great school trip.

66.A.Who is that?

B Hi,Alex!

C.What''s this?


67.A.What time is it?

B.Did you go to the farm?,

C.Where did you go?

D.Did you go to Green Park?

68.A.How far is it?

B.When did you get there?

C.How much is it?

D.How long did it take?

69.A.I came here by subway..

B.I rode a horse.

C.Wegot there by train.

D.We took the bus.

70.A.Wealso picked apples.

B.We fed the chickens.

C.They played volleyball.

D.They went for a walk.























71.(5分)Once up a time,there was a young man.He lived in a small village.He was the only child in his family.so his parents loved him very much and did everything for him.He just hung out every day,doing nothing.

One day,he met an old man in his village.The old man asked him,"My boy,why don''t you work hard to achieve something when you are young?"

The young man replied without care,"Why do I have to be in a hurry?I''m young,so I have plenty of time!Besides,I haven''t made anyplans formy future yet."

"Time waits for no man!"the old man said.Then he asked theyoung man to go into a dark house with him.

"I can''t see anything!"the young man said

The old man lit a match and said to the young man,"Before thematch goes out,pick something in the house as you like."

By the weak light,the young man tried to see the things in it.Butbefore he found something,the match went out,and the house became dark again at once.

"Before I could get something,the match had gone out,"the young man said angrily.

The old man said,"My boy,your youth(青春)is like the burning match,which can only last for a short time.So you shouldn''t waste your time!

71.The young man lived in a B .

A.Small city

B.small village

C.big city

D.big town

72.The old man asked the young man why he didn''t A .

A.work hard

B.hang out

C.play games

D.do homework

73.The old man led the young man into a dark C .





74.What did the young man pick before the match went out? D 

A.A ring.

B.A watch.

C.A picture.


75.What can we learn from the story? A .

A.Youth is like a burning match.

B.It''s dangerous to light matches.

C.Young people have much time.

D.We should look after ourselves.



【解答】71.B细节理解题,根据Once up a time,there was a young man.He lived in a smallvillage可知年轻人住在一个小村里,故答案为:B.

72.A细节理解题,根据My boy,why don''t you work hard to achieve something when you are young可知老人问年轻人为什么不努力工作,故答案为:A.

73.C细节理解题,根据Then he asked theyoung man to go into a dark house with him可知老人领着年轻人进了一个黑房间,故答案为:C.

74.D细节理解题,根据Before I could get something,the match had gone out可知火柴熄灭之前,年轻人什么也没有拿到,故答案为:D.

75.A细节理解题,根据最后一句My boy,your youth(青春)is like the burning match,which can only last for a short time.So you shouldn''t waste your time可知从本文中我们可以知道青春就像燃烧的火柴,故答案为:A.



76.(5分)Nowadays,we are having a much busier life,and we are using our eyes more than ever before.So we often have tired eyes after a day''s work or study.Here are some good methods of protecting eyes against tiredness to keep them healthy.


Get into the habit of paying attention to the way you sit.Try to stick to the proper posture that doctors suggest.


There are some special pictures online that can help relax your eyes.You may download such pictures to your computer or smartphone.When there is nothing far away you can look at to relax your eyes,you can use one of these pictures.A picture with something like a tunnel(隧道)in it is quite popular.Try to look as far into the tunnel as you can for 30seconds(秒).Do you feel better?


The 20﹣20﹣20rule:take a break from the screen every 20minutes for 20seconds and look at something 20feet (about 6meters) away.


Step 1.Sitting comfortably,imagine there is a clock in front of you and turn your eyes up to 12o''clock.Pause(停顿)for a second,and then lower your eyes to 6o''clock.Pause again,and then repeat this step 10times.Complete the exercise by cupping your hands over your eyes for a few seconds,letting them rest in the darkness.

Step 2.Look at something on the right,Keep your eyes on it and slowly turn your head to the lest as far as possible.Then do the same thing on the left.Repeat the exercise a couple of times.

Step 3.Hold your finger in front of your nose and keep looking at it.Slowly move the finger towards yourself as close as you can without losingfocus(焦点).Then look outside the window as far as possible.Repeat this several times.


Table tennis is about a small ball traveling at high speed﹣the best sport to train your eyes and relax the muscles(肌肉) in and around the eyes.Other sports like like tennis,badminton and kiteflying are also great for relaxing tired eyes.

76.Which of the following methods of protecting eyes is NOT mentioned in the passage? B .

A.Having the proper posture.

B.Looking at something green.

C.Following the 20﹣20﹣20rule.

D.Playing some kinds of sports.

77.According to the passage,which of the following pictures can help relax your eyes? D .

78.What does the underlined word''them"refer to(指代)? A .

A.Your eyes.

B.Your hands..

C.The doctors.

D.The exercises.

79.As for eye exercises,which of the following is TRUE? B .

A.In Step l,you must have a large clock in front of you.

B.In Step 2,you should turn left when you look to the right.

C.In Step3,you should move you finger as far as you can.

D.After finishing each step,you should repeat it a few times.

80.Which of the following is the best title of the passage? C .

A.We must take a break every 20minutes.

B.How to do eye exercises properly.

C.Ways to protect eyes against tiredness.

D.People have tired eyes very easily.


【解答】76.B细节理解题,根据Try to stick to the proper posture that doctors suggest.可知文章提到了选项A,根据The 20﹣20﹣20rule:take a break from the screen every 20minutes for 20seconds and look at something 20feet (about 6meters) away.可知文章提到了选项C,根据Table tennis is about a small ball traveling at high speed﹣the best sport to train your eyes and relax the muscles(肌肉) in and around the eyes.Other sports like tennis,badminton and kiteflying are also great for relaxing tired eyes.可知文章提到了选项D.没有提到看绿色的东西.故答案为:B.

77.D细节理解题,根据A picture with something like a tunnel(隧道)in it is quite popular可知看隧道样的图片可以放松眼睛,故答案为:D.

78.A单词理解题,根据上一句:Complete the exercise by cupping your hands over your eyes for a few seconds捂住眼睛几秒钟完成这个操,可知此处应该是:让眼睛在黑暗中放松一下,故答案为:A.

79.B细节理解题,根据Step 2.Look at something on the right,Keep your eyes on it and slowly turn your head to the lest as far as possible.Then do the same thing on the left.Repeat the exercise a couple of times可知在第二步中,当你转向右边的时候应该向左看.故答案为:B.

80.C主旨大意题,根据Here are some good methods of protecting eyes against tiredness to keep them healthy.可知本文讲述的是一些保护眼睛不疲劳的好方法,故答案为:C.



81.(5分)For years,psychologists(心理学家) have been against giving children prizes or money for their performance in school."Outwards"prizes,they say,can undermine the joy of learning for its own good and can even lead to cheating.

But many economists(经济学家) and business people disagree,and their opinions often become popular in the educational market place.Prize programs that pay students are underway in many cities.In some places,students can bring home hundreds of dollars for,say,taking an Advanced Placement course and having high grades in the exams.

"Whether such efforts work continues to be a debate(争议),"said Barbara Marian,an assistant professor of education at Pennsylvania State.She is against using prizes as encouragement.Among parents,it often leads to very hot discussion.And in public education,a new focus on school reform(改革) pushes researchers on both sides of the debate to make more efforts to get data(数据) that may provide information on when and whether prizes work.

"We have to get beyond our biases(偏见),"said Roland Fryer,aneconomist at Harvard University who is planning and testing several prizeprograms."Luckily,the scientific method allows us to examine most ofthose biases and let the data do the talking."In the cash programs being studied,Roland Fryer and other economists compare the schoolperformance of groups of students who are paid and students who arenot.In the study,they find that the students who are prized get highergrades on the SAT and go to better colleges than those who are not.

However,many psychologists believe that early data can be one﹣sided.Research suggests that prizes may work in the short term but havebad influences in the long term.

"Are they highly interested in what they are doing?Or does it feel like hard work?The same prize program might have different influences ondifferent kinds of students,"said Kirabo Jackson,a famous psychologist at Cornell University."The higher the prize is,the more harmful the result might be."

81.The underlined word"undermine"in Paragraph l most probably means" C ".





82.From Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3,we can learn that B .

A.the students''parents welcome prize programs

B.prize programs are getting popular in many cities

C.Thegovernment provides money for prize programs

D.all theeducation researchers support prize programs

83.According to Roland Fryer and other economists''study,students who are paid D .

A.have more scientific methods

B.like to discuss with other students

C.always cheat in examinations

D.have better performance at school

84.The passage mainly tells us D .

A.how to use prizes to encourage the students

B.different opinions on giving students prizes

C.how to make students study hard in schools

D.bad results caused by some prize programs

85.What does the writer think of prize programs? A 

A.He doesn''t mention it.

B.He thinks they are harmful.

C.He thinks they are great.

D.He doesn''t care about them.


【解答】81.C词汇猜测题.根据"For years,psychologists(心理学家) have been against giving children prizes or money for their performance in school"可知物质奖励可能会破坏学习自身的快乐,甚至会引导他们欺骗.

82.B 推理判断题.根据第二自然段中"But many economists(经济学家) and business people disagree,and their opinions often become popular in the educational market place.Prize programs that pay students are underway in many cities.可知有奖计划在许多地方是受欢迎的.故选B.

83.B推理判断题.根据"they find that the students who are prized get highergrades on the SAT and go to better colleges than those who are not."可知受过奖的学生在学校有更好的表现.故选D.


85.A 细节理解题.通读全文,主要阐述不同人士对有奖计划的不同看法,并没发现作者对该问题的看法.故选A.





on what month library lovely Anna is a little girl.She loves reading books.

Last (86) month ,she and her parents went on vacation.Anna took some books with her.She read her books (87) on  the plane.She read her books at the hotel.She read her books at a museum.She read her books at(88) lovely garden.

"Anna,we are here to visit interesting places,not to read books,"said Dad.

"Stop reading and tell us(89) what  you want to see,"said Mom.

"I need more books,"said Anna."I want to see the(90) library ."


【解答】86 month 考查名词:根据she and her parents went on vacation她和她的父母去度假了,这里时态是一般过去式,结合last及选词,推测意思是上个月,她和她的父母去度假了,即last month上个月,故用名词month

87 on 考查介词:根据the plane.结合选词,推测意思是她在飞机上看她的书,即on the plane,故用介词on

88 lovely 考查形容词:根据garden公园,这里可以用一个形容词作定语来修饰名词公园garden,结合选词,推测意思是她在一个令人愉快的公园里读书,故用lovely令人愉快的

89 what 考查关系词:根据 tell us(89)you want to see,其中(89)you want to see充当了tell的宾语,而在you want to see中,又缺少一个充当see的宾语,结合选词,推测意思是停止看书,告诉我们你想看些什么,故用what

90 library 考查名词:根据前文妈妈说:"停止看书,告诉我们你想看些什么",她说:"我需要更多的书",结合选词,推测意思是我想看图书馆,前面是定冠词,即特指的那个图书馆,故用单数即可





make get snow clear go When I got up and looked out of the bedroom window,I found,tony great surprise,it (91) snowed  heavily.I was very excited since it was thefirst snowfall this winter.

I quickly got dressed and ran into the yard.Some kids were alreadythere.We(92) made  some snowmen and rolled snowballs.We also enjoyedthe fun of having snowball fights.Laughing and shouting,all of us wereso happy.Suddenly we noticed that the buses and cars were moving very

slowly because of the heavy snow."Shall we(93) go to clear the snow?"someone suggested.At these words,weallran(94) to get  toolsandbegan to clear the snow.After the whole morning''s hard work,the snow on theroad (95) was cleared  and wewent home happily.



根据下文"I was very excited since it was thefirst snowfall this winter."由于这是这个冬天的第一场雪,所以我很兴奋.因此可知上句号的意思是"雪下得很大"结合给出的单词提示,所以要用snow来填空,又因为整体时态是一般过去时,故填snowed.


根据空格后面的词语是"some snowmen"一些雪人,结合给出的单词提示,所以要用make来填空,所以这句话的意思是"我们做了一些雪人"又因为整体时态是一般过去时,故填made.


根据"Shall we(93)_____to clear the snow?"someone suggested.这是一个直接引语,在直接引语中用了情态动词shall,所以空格处需要动词原形来填空,根据上下文提供的信息来看,这句话的意思是"我们是不是去清除积雪呢?有人建议到"结合给出的单词提示,所以要用go来填空,综上所述,故填go.

94.答案:to get.考查动词不定式.

根据空格前面的词语是ran,空格后面的词语是tools,因此可知这句话的意思是"我们跑回去拿工具,开始帮着清除积雪"在run的后面我们用动词不定式来表示"跑着去干某事",结合给出的单词提示,所以要用get来填空,综上所述,故填to get.

95.答案:was cleared.

根据这个句子的主语是the snow,对于雪来说是被清除的,所以要用被动语态,结合给出的单词提示,因此可知这句话的意思是"路上的积雪被清除了",由于snow这个词是不可数名词,所以谓语动词要用第三人称单数,综上所述,故填was cleared.




96.(1分)This white T﹣shirt is expensive.(改为否定句)

This white T﹣shirt isn''t  expensive.






97.(1分)Bob likes pandas because they are very cute.(就句子画线部分提问)

 Why does  Bob like pandas?



【解答】答案:Why does.划线部分指的是原因,提问用疑问词why,后加一般疑问句语序,这里是一般现在时,主语三单,故借助于does、故答案是Why does.



98.(1分)"Do you know the way to BaotuSpring?"a tourist asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)

A tourist asked me if/whether  I knew  the way to Baotu Spring.



【解答】答案:if/whether; knew.本题主要是改为间接引语:在改为间接引语时,直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的,转换为第一人称,故:you﹣﹣I;直接引语为一般疑问句,间接引语用连词if/whether引导,语序应该是陈述语序,时态也要做相应变化:一般现在时态变为一般过去时态;故know﹣﹣knew;故填:if/whether; knew.



99.(1分)When you travel to foreign countries,you''ll realize how important itis to learn English.(改写句子,句意不变)

You''ll realize the importance  of learning English when you travel abroad .



【解答】答案:importance,abroad. travel to foreign countries表示出国旅行,故用travel abroad,how important it is to learn English学习英语是多么的重要,也就是意识到学习英语的重要性,故用the importance of learning English,故答案是importance,abroad.



100.(1分)Readers,a popular TV show,invites people to read poems

andarticles they like or wrote.(改写句子,句意不变)

In Readers,a popular TV show,people are invited to readpoems and articles they like or wrote.


【解答】答案:are invited.主语people是动词invite的承受者,这里是客观事实用一般现在时,故用一般现在时的被动语态be+过去分词,主语people,故are,故答案是:are invited.





This bookstore is open from 8a.m. to  7p.m.

【分析】This bookstore is open from 8a.m. to 7p.m.

【解答】答案:from,to.结合中文含义从早八点到晚七点表示从…到…用介词from …to…,故答案是from,to.




My parents are very strict with me,so I have good habits.

【分析】My parents are very strict with me,so I have good habits

【解答】答案:strict with.

首先通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"对某人严格要求"的表达.短语"对某人严格要求"的英文表达是:be strict with,故答案为:strict with




Life if full of challenges.We should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

【分析】Life if full of challenges.We should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

【解答】答案:prepare for.为…做准备用prepare for,这里and、连接的两个动词,故答案是prepare for.




The environment is getting worse.People have to start taking steps  to improve it.

【分析】The environment is getting worse.People have to start taking steps to improve it.

【解答】答案:taking steps.

首先通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"采取行动"的表达.短语"采取行动"的英文表达是:take steps,根据设空处前面的start判断考查句式start doing sth.,故答案为:taking steps




The 3﹣D printing technology is developing fast.Manyexperts suggestthat it should be introduced to more middle school students.

【分析】The 3﹣Dprinting technology is developing fast,Many experts suggest that it should be introduced to more middle school students.


首先通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"技术"和"介绍"的表达."技术"是technology(不可数名词),"介绍"的英文表达是:introduce,此处表示"被介绍",含有情态动词的被动语态,其构成是:主语+情态动词+be+动词的过去分词. 故答案为:technology,introduced




106.(5分)Shi Peng won the top prize in a college,students''start﹣up(创业) competition for setting upa website to help children find playmates(玩伴).

Shi was brought up by his grandparents in avillage in Hubei Province.(106) D  Later,the 22﹣year﹣old student at a university in Wuhan decided to setup a special

website for children.He hoped that his website could help children meet new friends of the same age and feel less lonely.

(107) F According to his research one about 6,000children in citieslike Guangzhou,Wuhan and Stizhou,most of them don''t havebrothers orsisters and they are in need of playmates."From my own experience,I think it''s a great idea to have such a website on which children can findplaymates,"Shi said.

The website is set up mainly for pre﹣school children in kindergarten(幼儿园) and their parents.All the users of the website must use theirreal names.(108) A Through the website,parents who are busy duringthe day can get in touch with other parents who are free and willing tofind some playmates for their children.

As it gets more and more popular among children and parents,the

website now holds many colorful offline activities.(109) G The websitealso provides parents with valuable chances to communicate with eachother.

Ni Wufan is one of the professors in Shi''s university.He said,"(110) C  He also agrees that our society needs more creative ideas likeShi''s to deal with children''s problems.

A.This is to make sure that the children are safe.

B.I have some different opinions about Shi''s website.

C.The website is a great example of start﹣up projects.

D.He hardly had any playmates growing up as a child.

E.There''re many interesting online games for children to play.

F.Shi Peng did some research before he set up the website.

G.They include scientific tests and group games for children. 【分析】文章讲述了一个大学生史鹏在大学生创业竞赛中赢得了最高奖项.他创造了一个能帮助孩子们找伙伴的网站.Ni Wufan 教授对此给予了肯定,他认为社会需要更多这样的创新思想来帮助孩子解决问题.

【解答】106.D 根据Shi was brought up by his grandparents in avillage in Hubei Province史鹏是在湖北省的一个小村庄由爷爷奶奶带大的.可知他小时候没有什么玩伴,故选D.

107.F 根据According to his research…根据他的研究…,可知他在建立网站前做了调查研究,故选F.

108.A 根据All the users of the website must use theirreal names网站所有的使用者必须使用真实姓名,可知这样做是为了保证孩子们的安全,故选A.

109.G 根据the website now holds many colorful offline activities.这个网站有很多丰富多彩的线下活动,可知空缺处的句子是对这些活动的具体描述,选项G"它们包括科学测试和给孩子的小组赛",这正是对前一句中活动的解释,故选G.

110.C 根据He also agrees that our society needs more creative ideas likeShi''s to deal with children''s problems他还同意,我们的社会需要更多的创造想法来对待孩子的问题.可知这是教授对史鹏做法的认可,故选C.




111.(10分)如图描述了李华今年春节得到压岁钱(lucky money)之后,他和父母对于如何花压岁钱产生的不同观点.请根据图片提示,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文.




Her mom wanted her to buy some books because reading more books could bring her more knowledge.她妈妈想让她买一些书,因为多读书能给她带来更多的知识.这是because引导的原因状语从句,因为….


she can take it out when she needs money.她需要钱时就可以把它取出来.这是when引导的时间状语从句,当…时候.

【解答】After this Spring Festival,Li Hua got a lot of lucky money,he and his parents had different opinions about how to spend lucky money.【开头点明主题】Her mom wanted her to buy some books because reading more books could bring her more knowledge【高分句型一,注意原因状语从句的使用】.Her dad thought she should offer the lucky money to the poor children to get education.Li Hua hoped to buy some delicious food.【正文部分详细介绍几个人的观点】I think she can save it in a bank,she can take it out when she needs money【高分句型二,注意时间状语从句的使用】.Anyway,we should never spend the lucky money on eating junk food or playing computer games.【结尾紧扣主题】


