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2023-11-17 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
分散。永结无情游,相期邈云汉。英文翻译:raise my cup to invite the moon,Turn to my sh
adow,which makes three of us.Because the moon does not know how t
o drink,My shadow merely follows the movement of my body.The prac
tice of mirth should keep pace with spring.I start a song and the
moon begins to reel.I rise and dance and the moon moves onward,W
hile I''m still merrily among the living.I can increase my joy wit
hout limit,Fill my plate and pass it to others.Spring is a time o
f intoxication.Without spring,how can I enjoy this delight?刘禹锡《八月
ainly,here''s the English translation of Liu Yuxi''s poem"Enjoying
the Moon on the Fifteenth of August":Tonight,heaven will display
the moon so bright,Cleansing the entire world with its light.The
summer heat retreats to the ninth sky,Autumn arrives,making all t
hings clear and high.Stars,in awe,yield their radiant gleam,Wind
and dew create a crystalline dream.Transforming the human realm w
ith its grace,It seems,we''ve glimpsed the celestial place.苏轼·《水调歌
绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟!When will the
bright moon appear?I raise my wine cup and ask the blue sky.I do
not know in the celestial palace on high,what year it is tonight
?I wish to ride the wind and return,but I fear the jade buildings
and high towers,In that lofty place,I would not withstand the co
ld.I rise to dance and play with my clear shadow;it''s as if I wer
e in the human world.I turn to the vermilion chamber and gaze at
the carved windows,shining throughout the sleepless night.There s
hould be no regrets,why does the full moon always appear to be ro
und at parting?People experience joys and sorrows,meetings and fa
rewells,while the moon waxes and wanes,This has been a timeless t
ruth.May we simply hope for enduring happiness,as we share the be
auty of the moon,even if we are a thousand miles apart!辛弃疾的《木兰花慢》
moon tonight,where does it wander,drifting far and wide?Is there
another world beyond,where one can only see the light and shadow
s to the east?Is it from beyond the sky,endlessly vast,that it ar
rives with the grandeur of the Mid-Autumn Festival?The flying mir
ror has no roots;who ties it up there?And does the Moon Goddess r
efuse to marry anyone,and so remains?They say to cross the depths
of the sea and inquire is futile,and it makes one melancholy.Fea
rful of the colossal whale,crisscrossing and breaking through the
jade palaces and ivory towers.Even the toad can bathe in the wat
er,but how can we ask the Jade Rabbit how to rise and fall?If it
is claimed that all is well in the heavens,why do things graduall
y take on such a hook-like shape?This poem by Xin Qiji reflects o
n the mysterious and enchanting nature of the moon and the unansw
ered questions it poses.以下是一些关于中秋的诗句,并附上翻译:"月到中秋分外明,情人怨遥夜不明。"翻译:T
he moon on Mid-Autumn night is exceptionally bright,but it brings
loneliness to those far away from their loved ones."举头望明月,低头思故乡。
"翻译:I lift my head to gaze at the bright moon,and lower it to thi
nk of my hometown."中秋饮美酒,三杯而过节。"翻译:During Mid-Autumn,we drink fin
e wine,toasting three times in celebration."家中团圆夜,不可辜负明月。"翻译:On t
his night of family reunion,we must not let the bright moon down.
"明月几时有,把酒问青天。"翻译:When will the bright moon appear?I raise my wine
cup and ask the blue sky."秋月秋风,相随相从。"翻译:Autumn moon,autumn wind,
they accompany each other."团圆之夜月皎洁,美满家庭情更浓。"翻译:On the night of re
union,the moon is bright,and the love in a complete family is eve
n stronger."圆圆满满月儿圆,阖家团圆情更甜。"翻译:The round moon is full,and family
reunion makes the love even sweeter."中秋明月皎洁,家人团聚欢喜。"翻译:The Mid-A
utumn moon is bright,and the family gathers with joy."明月清风情更浓,中秋佳节心飞扬。"翻译:The clear moon and cool breeze make the love even stronger,and the heart soars during the Mid-Autumn Festival.这些诗句表达了对中秋节的美好祝愿、家庭团聚以及对明亮的月光的赞美。中秋节是中国传统文化中的重要节日,这些诗句反映了人们对这个节日的深切情感。