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2023-11-27 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 



Abstract: productivity is the foundation of social development, the relations of production and productivity is a part of each other, and the labor relations is a relatively independent part of relations of production. On labor relations, both theoretical research and practice exploration are already very mature. We also should see, the ultimate goal of climate change and the real purpose is to guide the production of human life. Therefore, this subject to climate change as the breakthrough point, will be an important part in agricultural and animal husbandry -- animal husbandry as the end result. The purpose of this study is to realize the research contribution in two aspects: first, the study of climate analysis, through the analysis of the research on climate change in Hulun Buir, to understand the deeper the trend of climate change, to explore the deep-seated on climatic prediction method analysis. Second, research on the relationship between animal husbandry and climate, through the study of the impact of climate change on animal husbandry, not only can understand the direct relationship between climate and animal husbandry two, provide valuable also for the future development of animal husbandry.

