正如我们在英语课堂上所学的那样,动名词和现在分词都来自动词,并且都以–ing结尾。然而,每个都有不同的功能。动名词的作用像名词,而现在分词的作用像动词或形容词。 动名词和现在分词的语法功能 如 snowboarding,当 snowboarding 用作动名词时,它的作用就像一个名词。它可以作主语、宾语、介词的宾语或主语补语。- Snowboarding is a winter sport.
- 滑雪板是一项冬季运动。[snowboarding 作主语]
- 我喜欢滑雪板。[snowboarding 作宾语]
- I am excited by snowboarding.
- 我对滑雪感到兴奋。[snowboarding 作介词宾语]
- One popular sport is snowboarding.
- 单板滑雪是一项受欢迎的运动。[snowboarding 作主语补足语]
当 snowboarding 用作现在分词时,它是进行时态的一部分。- Right now, the athlete is snowboarding.
- 现在,这位运动员正在滑雪。[is snowboarding是现在进行时]
- He was snowboarding yesterday afternoon.
- 昨天下午他在滑雪。[was snowboarding 是过去进行时]
- Tomorrow, my friends and I are going to be snowboarding.
- 明天,我和我的朋友们将去滑雪。 [are going to be snowboarding 是将来进行时]
辨别方法 动名词的词性是名词,而现在分词可以作形容词,用于进行时,或用作分词分句(participle clauses)。 习题及答案解析 1. Swimming in the ocean is my favourite summer activity.2. He enjoys reading books and watching movies.3. The chef is cooking a delicious meal while singing a catchy tune.4. I appreciate your helping hand during the project.5. The kids were laughing and running around in the playground.6. He has been working hard all day.7. His constant talking during class makes it difficult to concentrate.8. I found the movie boring, so I read a book instead.9. My new running shoes are really hurting my feet.10. Quickly combing her long blond hair, Louise was now ready for the party.11. Climbing that mountain was a challenging and rewarding experience.12. He finished the project by focusing hard on what he had to do.13. My favourite pastime, walking around the nearby lake, will always keep me fit and happy.14. Watching the sun set in the distance, John felt at peace with the world.15. His passion in life is traveling around the world.解析:your helping 是动名词的复合结构(物主代词+动名词)。解析:talking during class是动名词短语(动名词可以自带状语),在这里作主语。(名词)解析:很容易将 running 误认为现在分词充当形容词描述鞋子,但实际上表示的是 shoes for running,动名词 running 表示用途。如果我们说 crying baby,那么 crying 是一个形容词,是现在分词,表示婴儿正在哭泣,而鞋子并没有执行跑的动作。解析:现在分词短语 Quickly combing her long blond hair 作状语,描述主语 Louise。解析:现在分词作形容词,描述名词 experience。解析:walking around the nearby lake 在这里是同位动名词,同位语重命名同一句子中的名词,或提供有关名词的更多信息(在本例中为名词p astime)。解析:现在分词短语 Watching the sun set in the distance 作状语,描述主语 John。解析:traveling 在这里不是现在分词,因为它不是正在进行的活动。它是动名词作为主语补语。在这种情况下,动名词 traveling 是对主语 His passion in life 的补充。
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