
grotty encumber hackneyed | 经济学人记单词(雅思/托福)

 经济学人精读社 2024-01-25 发布于上海


grotty令人讨厌的;劣质的;粗鄙的;身体不适;难受。跟grotesque(丑陋奇异的)、grotto (洞穴)同源,洞穴里的生活往往是粗鄙的。跟crypto(加密货币)也是同源词。

Fixing those problems requires complex cultural changes, says Ms Aiyar of CPR. One state-level government that has done more than most is in Delhi, India’s capital, under the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Starting in 2015, it massively boosted spending on education. The aim was to improve infrastructure and the quality and accountability of teachers and administrators in its secondary schools through a combination of curriculum reform, training and community involvement. The approach worked: for the past eight years, formerly grotty government schools in the city have done far better than private ones.


Encumber v. 阻碍,妨碍。中间的-cum跟accumulate同源,表示累积、堆积。因此引申为阻碍。

This lack of technical expertise is a shame, because Mr Tinubu’s policies are facing unexpected headwinds. In August, when the central bank published its first audited accounts since 2015, these revealed a huge hole in the country’s foreign reserves. More than 40% of the $34bn in foreign reserves the bank held at the end of 2022 were encumbered, either as collateral for loans from foreign banks or by being tied up in forward contracts. Nigeria officially claims to have enough foreign currency to cover almost eight months of imports, but, after subtracting these obligations, that falls to little more than four months, leaving it vulnerable to external shocks. “[The central bank] still does not have any firepower to anchor the market... and calm things down,” says Feyi Fawehinmi, a political commentator.

缺乏技术专长真是可惜,因为Tinubu先生(尼日利亚总统)的政策面临着意想不到的困境。8月份,尼日利亚央行发布自2015年以来的首份审计报告,报告揭示了该国巨大的外汇储备缺口。央行在2022年底持有的340亿美元外汇储备中,超过40%被用作外国银行贷款的抵押品,或者卷入远期合同。尽管尼日利亚官方声称拥有足够的外币储备应对近8个月的进口,但在扣除这些债务后,只能维持4个月多一点,很容易受到外部冲击的影响。政治评论员Feyi Fawehinmi表示:“[央行]仍然没有实力稳定市场...并缓解局势。”

Hackneyed adj. 平凡的,陈腐的。hackney是一个伦敦的地名,这里有small saddle horse let out for hire(小鞍马可供出租)。hackney借入法国后变为haquenée,意思是ambling nag,"nag"指的是一种小型或中型的马匹,通常体型较小、适合进行轻负荷工作或休闲骑乘,尤其是那些在比赛或高强度工作中不够出色的马匹。

Starting with Orwell’s essay may seem as clichéd as the hackneyed phrases he derides (嘲笑) in it. Published in 1946, this polemic against poor and perfidious writing will be familiar to many. But its advice on how to write is as apposite (合适的) now as then. (Besides, it is short and free.) Orwell analyses the unoriginal, “dying” metaphors that still haunt the prose of academics, politicians, professionals and hacks. He lambasts the “meaningless words” and “pretentious diction” of his day; many of the horrors he cites remain common. To save writers from regurgitating (重复) these, Orwell proposes. The first five boil down to: prefer short, everyday words and the active voice, cut unneeded words and strive for fresh imagery. The sixth - “break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous” - displays the difficulty of pinning down something as protean (千变万化的) as language. But this has not stopped others trying.


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