

 中国美术家网 2024-02-20 发布于山东




Communication and integration - Han Zhibing making a speech in Oxford University art exhibition

Ladies and gentlemen:

Hello everyone

I am very proud to accept the beneficial Arts Council England and the Royal Theatre invitation to come to the beautiful Britain, and join the Royal Art festival. I would like to express my sincere thanks. At the world famous University of Oxford Magdalen held an art exhibition, many experts, scholars and Professors coming from University of Oxford with a profound research and exploration in different areas of social science and natural science. You let the event graced, thank you for your support!



This festival invited the famous Italy sculptor Mr. Nicola, a famous German painter Ms. Zhong Yan , who have made outstanding achievements in the field of oil painting and sculpture We bless them! My name is Han Zhibing, hanzhibiang, is an artist from China, Chinese ink and wash painting is a traditional Chinese painting form. You maybe feel relatively unfamiliar with this from Oriental painting, but she is an important part of the oriental culture of five thousand years. Compared with the western oil painting art, they are two gold coordinates of the East and the West cultural axis, while they also are the both ends of the human spiritual civilization Libra!



Different regions of the world, life of different ethnic groups, despite the differences of colors, languages, but they are respectively creating their own civilization and culture, so is the art of painting, and the performance is more prominent in the language of painting.

Chinese painting has a long history of Chinese culture, has its own obvious characteristics. She used the traditional Chinese brushes and rice paper, ink and paint, the scatterplot perspective method, do not pay attention to the object structure, size, spatial relationship, do not emphasize natural objects solid color and environmental color, color of changes in temperature change, didn’t get bogged down in the appearance of object shape and subjective paintings express own subjective interests, to express their feelings. the content of poetry, books, painting, printing as one of the integrity of the art language form has been created and perfect.


Western oil painting is by oil paint, linen, the focus perspective, by means of anatomy, optical principle, strict according to the image of an object, volume, structure, space, color, texture and so on. Chinese painting pursues that 'the spirit base on the shape, shape in both externality and internality, form is not important, but the spirit.’ And Chinese painting pursue a wonderful state of the like and the unlike, created the brilliance of human art.


Chinese painting in the composition, not all covered with pictures, pay attention to defeat, the ordinary picture blanked, by contrast airtight, sparsely, blank Chinese painting is painting, painting the sky is generally not left blank, but she was described by Van Gogh like bright stars in the sky. Chinese painting surface is generally not painting, or adding a little water, but she has the same temperature with Monet’s "Lotus".


Chinese painting pen can be used in many ways, such as, center, side peak, following peak, reversible peak, fast or slow, brush size, different speed with different pen peak changes, can produce changes in different effect on rice paper, like painting texture effect, China painting also pay attention to the brush screen as "pen see the ink".


The traditional Chinese painting focuses on mixing all kinds of painting skills of crack, rub, point, dye, pour, burn, dry, wet, thick and light to shape object and cultivate atmosphere with effect of thick and light, thick mutually locates inside each other dilutes each other. There are five colors to ink that change endlessly and full of interest. So Chinese painting is nothing inferior when comparing to western oil painting! Then I think boneless painting by Zhen Bonian is the same dignified as stipple by Seurat, using lines to sketch stones by Pan Tianshou and ink block by Li Keran are the same as hard helmet worn by soldier by Rembrandt and full of tactile impression.


The Chinese painting focuses on lines, yet western oil painting on shape. The lines of Chinese painting are straight, turned, swift and soft, starting to paint, running and putting an end to paint, sometimes yin and yang, hidden and exposed, fluttered and delayed, soft and hard. They are full of change and rhythm. There is endless beauty to parallel or crossed lines! I think lines by Fu Baoshi and curve from Venus are the same pretty as curve from Krym.


The western oil painting focuses on reflection and sketch; the Chinese painting is good at expression and expressing spirit. They all belong to visual art, one toward outside, the other toward inside, one toward shape, the other toward spirit. But smile from Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is the same rich as little bird with white eyes by Pa Ta Shan Jen.


The painting art is common wealth of human. She has no boundary, poem without words, Chinese zither without string, dance without action and music without sound! It is creation and expression to aesthetic for human being. Genesis by Michelangelo created in Vatican,and Dunhuang fresco and VanGogh, Picasso and Xuwei and Zhuda, they all have same art achievement in art history.


The art has boundary. A culture that is national is also international. A culture that belongs to its nation also belongs to the whole world. Long time ago, the east and west painting communicated and exchanged. The Chinese XuBeihong and Wu Guangzhong are both oil painter and Chinese painter. They also inherit plenty of western art language. The paintings from Picasso, Matisse, Schiller are also deeply influenced by eastern art.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today what I am going to exhibit is Chinese painting. What l learned in university is western oil painting. After graduation, for culture atmosphere and desire from inner heart, I start to paint Chinese painting. In painting field, I am just a student who tries to explore ink, form and color of Chinese painting and works hard to intentional thinking and uses more beautiful and abstract figure to express object. Seek, form and freeze my own art language symbol.


Today what you are enjoying is my series of work Lotus in Pool that is what I thought and achieved in practical art. For she still possesses abstract and half abstract lotus leaf, lotus, lotus rod and lotus seed. If one day you could not see all there objects, there are only points, lines and surface on painting, not object, but regular and irregular object symbol that is like a string of light in darkness and dark spot on white painting. I use art symbol to express objects beyond flowers and birds, landscape and figures, which is my expectation!


I appreciate a lot if you give me precious advices!




Han Zhibing


29 June 2015

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