
disdain, inexorable, vernacular | 经济学人记单词(雅思/托福)

 经济学人精读社 2024-02-23 发布于上海

disdain [dɪsˈdeɪn] vt./n. 蔑视,轻视。词根-dain来自原始印欧语词根*dek-,意思是接受,同源词如decent得体的,就是让人容易接受的。Disdain本意是不接受,认为不值得或没有价值,因此有蔑视意思。

Conservativesdisdain the philosophy as “woke capitalism”, which wastes shareholders’ money on gestures that make executives feel good about themselves; left-wing critics view it as a smokescreen that allows businesses to keep raking in profits by misleading consumers.


注:“觉醒资本主义”(Woke Capitalism)一词频繁见诸报端,常被用来描述大公司、企业首席执行官和亿万富翁们公开地在财政上支持进步的左翼政治事业progressive left-wing political causes),如黑人的命也重要运动(Black Lives Matter)、同性婚姻、气候行动主义和动物权利保护等。(摘自参考消息)

inexorable [ɪnˈeksərəbl] adj.无情的。这个词词根有个-ora,其实就是oral口头的,同根词orator演说者,就是善于用嘴表达的人,而Inexorable本意是指无法通过言语说服感动的,所以有无情的意思。

The result was a continuation of the inexorablerise of CEO pay in America during a year that, for mere mortals, was one of massive job losses, furloughing (休假) and government support. According to MyLogIQ, a data gatherer, the median pay of nearly 450 CEOs running firms in the S&P 500 that have reported so far was $13.2m last year, an increase for the fifth year running. It said Mr Nassetta and Mr Del Rio were among two dozen bosses in that group who got a pay rise even though their firms lost money.

其结果是,在对普通人来说是大规模失业、休假和靠政府支持生存的一年里,美国首席执行官的薪酬继续无情上涨。根据数据收集公司MyLogIQ的数据,标准普尔500总近450家已公布财报的公司首席执行官去年平均薪酬为1320万美元,连续第五年增长。报告称,NassettaDel Rio20多位公司高管在公司亏损情况下仍获得加薪。

vernacular [vərˈnækjələr] n. 本国语;行话;adj.本国语的;民间风格的。同源词Vernation(植物叶片的蕾展方式),指植物新叶片的展开方式或排列方式,这与植物的本性相关,因此词根verna-有本性的、本国的意思。Vernacular后也引申为行话。

Yes, standard English stems from the vernacularof power in the 1500s, and is preferred by a middle- and upper-class, mostly white elite today. Some academic types hang labels like “hegemonic” on it. So be it; but it was also the English that Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela enlisted to fight for change. Mandela learned Afrikaans, too, while imprisoned on Robben Island. He did not reject the languages of his oppressors. He knew that changing their minds first required knowing how to reach them.



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