
prejudice adjudicate precipice | 经济学人记单词 (雅思/托福)

 经济学人精读社 2024-03-02 发布于上海
Prejudice n. 偏见,成见;(法律)损害,伤害。这个词的中间是一个judge,喜欢评判别人的人往往带有偏见。
Prejudice may stop Rishi Sunak from becoming prime minister. For Mr Sunak, the grandson of Indian immigrants, comes from a demographic that has long gone unrepresented at the very top of British politics: Old Wykehamists.
注:Old Wykehamists
温彻斯特公学的校友称为Old Wykehamists,温彻斯特公学是少有的几所比伊顿古老的私校,建立历史可以追溯到1382年。学校校友包括:
英国前首相---Henry Addington;
前外交大臣---Lord Grey;
诺贝尔奖得主---Richard Synge;
贵族诗人---Lord Alfred Douglas;
著名演员---Hugh Dancy;
adjudicate v.判决, 宣判, 裁定。这个词中间也有一个judge,所以有裁决的意思。前面的ad-表示面对。
With the count in the presidential run-off election held on June 6th almost complete, Mr Castillo had won 50.2%, a lead of just 70,000 out of 17.5m votes over his conservative opponent, Keiko Fujimori. She claims fraud, but has presented little evidence. International observers found none. The electoral authority has still to adjudicate some 300,000 disputed votes and will take days to arrive at an official result.
随着6月6日举行的总统决选计票工作接近完成,Castillo赢得了50.2%的选票,在1750万张选票中仅领先其保守派对手藤森庆子(Keiko Fujimori) 7万张。她声称对方存在欺诈行为,但没有拿出像样的证据。国际观察员没有发现证据。选举当局仍需对约30万张有争议的选票进行裁决,并需要几天时间才能得出官方结果。
precipice n.悬崖峭壁。中间的-cip其实就是capital中的cap-,本义是头......

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