
tumult conceit moor | 经济学人记单词 (雅思/托福)

 经济学人精读社 2024-03-08 发布于上海

tumult [t(j)uməlt] n.骚动,暴动,吵闹。tumult来自词根*teue-,本意是swell肿胀,常见词如 thigh 大腿,大腿看上去确实是肿胀的样子。同样,人群骚动的时候,活动范围扩大,也像是膨胀的样子。同根词还有tumor, tumid, tuber, tuberculosis, protuberance,意思分别是肿瘤,肿块,块茎,结核,隆起。

Founded in 2012, Coinbase always wanted to be more than a place where people buy and sell digital monies. It aimed instead to become a bridge between the anarchic (无政府) cryptoworld and conventional finance. Though its history has been tumultuous at times, the firm is not far from its goal: users do not need a degree in cryptography to benefit from its services (though its customer support is notoriously wanting); it is on mostly good terms with regulators and banks; and, unlike other cryptoexchanges, it has so far avoided becoming the victim of a catastrophic hack.


conceit [kənˈsiːt] n. 自负,自高自大,别出心裁的措辞;精心的比喻;幻想;奇想。Conceit和conceive(怀孕/构思)同源。其原始印欧语词根是*kap-,本意是抓住,同根词如accept。

Yet in Mr Higgs’s telling, the two British icons also embody contrasting attitudes to life and politics. He teases out this conceit with a critic’s attention to detail. The titular (徒具虚名的) villain of “Goldfinger” is in love with money, he notes; contemporaneously, the Beatles disparaged wealth in their single “Can’t Buy Me Love”. In the same Bond film, the hat belonging to Oddjob, a grisly assassin, “was a lethal weapon to be feared”. In the Beatles film “A Hard Day’s Night”, a similar hat is “a sign of pompous authority that needed to be mocked”.

然而,在希格斯先生的讲述中,(甲壳虫乐队和詹姆斯邦德)这两位英国偶像在生活和政治上有着截然不同的态度。他通过作为批评家对细节的关注,梳理出这种奇想。他指出,《007之金手指》中徒具虚名的反派喜欢金钱;而披头士则在单曲Can’t Buy Me Love中贬低财富。在同一部邦德电影中,恐怖刺客Oddjob的帽子“是令人恐惧的致命武器”。而在甲壳虫乐队的电影A Hard Day’s Night中,类似的帽子“象征着会被嘲笑的傲慢权威”。

moor [mʊr] vt. 使停泊;使固定; n. 沼泽。一说来自原始印欧语词根*mori-,意思是水体,同根词有......


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