

 bill224 2024-03-13 发布于美国

芝商所CEO称考虑申请清算美国国债交易--这是什么意思? CD, 年金, 退休金, 社会保障金..也是美债衍生品?;美债收益率怎么算?方法、步骤与实战举例解析 2024/03/13 14:01

芝商所CEO称考虑申请清算美国国债交易 2024年03月13日 07:46 环球市场播报
芝商所首席执行官Terry Duffy表示,其衍生品交易所会考虑在规模达27万亿美元的美国国债市场即将到来的变革之前,寻求监管部门批准清算美国国债交易。
  芝商所代表对此不予置评。 责任编辑:王许宁
--in 2012-2013 i found many cities sold out their depts which made money, the rest are relied on residents to pay local, state and property taxes. thats how i decide never invest money on city-state bonds even can tax waived..
i did see news many states bought gold to avoid us$ fall down, so who didnt? people like me-type suffering frequent stealing our things, banks wont resonse their workers stealing clients put in safety box.
to buy gold cant touch also very high risk because cant monitor and wont know your gold still existing. same to 比特币 all you see is "magic" digital nubmer no equal assests protection.
last 2 months banks account interest rate kept down. saving account less than 0.04%. some are 0% (most investment company whose products are not FDIC-type).

美债收益率怎么算?方法、步骤与实战举例解析 梓开工作室 2024-02-10 00:48陕西
--if before expired to sell out. if you bought interest rate lower than current market.
1. 确定债券的当前市场价格和面值:债券的市场价格会根据市场供求关系而波动,而面值则是债券发行时确定的固定金额。
2. 计算债券的年化利息收入:这是根据债券的面值和票面利率来计算的。例如,一张面值为100美元、票面利率为5%的债券,每年将支付5美元的利息。
3. 使用适当的公式计算收益率:对于普通的美国国债,可以使用简单的年化收益率公式来计算,即年化收益率 = (年化利息收入 + 到期时面值与市场价格的差额)/ 当前市场价格。
4. 考虑税收和通胀因素:实际收益率还需要考虑税收和通胀的影响。在美国,国债利息收入需要缴纳联邦所得税,但可能享受州和地方所得税的豁免。此外,通胀会侵蚀债券的实际回报率,因此投资者还需要关注通胀率来调整其预期收益。
--think too much then wont invest any. haaa myself quit re-invest(only tiny IRA/RIRA amount accounts), invest after realized masters wars wont stop. so we live like beggar try not rely on social benefits as long as possible.
my cousin, within a year youngernthan me, was cheated by 人生苦短不可留白,行乐须及时.
i also saw mom side uncles son invest 海边度假的旅游生意 and brother-in-law classmate did usa sports-related 生意 both failed and dragged down their relatives, 生意 friends. myself also failed in investe my company that sister also lost money.
the worst was my 2小表姊 married husbands who failed in any business (2小表姊 didnt in time know their spouse-type) in the end divorced or became monk. i reviewed my life (and spouse-type, when brother-in-law invited us join his business i turned down and told him we both are not business-style) by our ancestors 预测. the best way for me is to save penny way not waste money and not dream can make moeny easily but hard working.
to those pity middle class the food unit price inflation must higher than market average inflation rate. they also cant lose principal.
1. 市场价格的波动性:债券的市场价格是不断变化的,这会影响到收益率的计算。投资者在计算收益率时应使用最新的市场价格信息。
2. 债券的到期时间:不同到期时间的债券可能具有不同的收益率。一般来说,长期债券的收益率通常高于短期债券,以补偿更长的投资期限和更高的利率风险。
3. 利息支付方式:美国国债通常按季度支付利息,但不同种类的债券可能有不同的支付利息方式和频率。在计算收益率时,需要准确了解债券的利息支付条款。
4. 税收和通胀调整:如前所述,税收和通胀会对实际收益率产生影响。投资者在计算收益率时应考虑这些因素,以获得更准确的投资回报预期。
1. 首先,计算年化利息收入:票面利率为3%,因此每年的利息收入为1000美元 * 3% = 30美元。
2. 然后,使用公式计算年化收益率:年化收益率 = (年化利息收入 + 到期时面值与市场价格的差额)/ 当前市场价格。在这里,到期时面值与市场价格的差额为1000美元 - 950美元 = 50美元。所以年化收益率 = (30美元 + 50美元)/ 950美元 = 8.42%。
--why is not
A if not sell till expire (30美元 - 50美元) / 1000美元 = -2.0% ? if you didnt sell till expired you still get 1000美元 back ? 账面反亏 ps haaa it may become 造假账
B if sold, (30美元 - 50美元) / 950美元 = -2.1% 不赚反亏
C if not sell till expire (950-1030)/1000=-8% 账面损失
D if sold would lose : (950-1030)/950=-0.84% 应得反损
--haaa we should use chinese way not foreign term "年化收益率" 看不懂, "名称 定义" are very important. this is why i dont waste time to read foreign novels or 西方的星座名 which hardly can remember but one day can memoryize many our 古华夏星宿.
Expect chinese experts pay attention.


ps 中国年轻人的“词穷”困境:表达能力下降因何产生?2024年3月13日, 09:46

--i love to watch stars but didnt have chance knew our 古华夏星宿 in taiwan. when i was in Tsing-Hua univeristy i thought i can learn more from western writer book but the english "names" killed my interesting.  same as 4th grade i read sister borrowed japan writer "冰点?",  i finished and sister was very surprised. however it took more time than chinese novels.5-6th grade read British writers, in usa read Russia and China writers. after married i got 3 times samedreamt our ancestors 古华夏星宿 that was so beautiful..but earth toward death route...  due to weird things happen to me and cant figure out why, who did these to me, why spouse denied... so i began to find a solution so studed our ancestors  预测-related. till then i learnt 古华夏星宿 very similar as my dreams. i did 感叹 why we dumpt our ancesttors achievements but to learn from western that cost more time and easy blockaded such as "年化收益率". we should use our chinese ways in stead 音译 english names 又长又没意义且难记忆. 会被卡住.

 西化 is the worthless. the older the less blindly worship western and realize our ancestors are the greates who keeps our history, millions books... it is we 无知的盲目崇拜 caused IQ 低下 without knowing. DO not be shame to learn 古华夏星宿.

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