

 左龙右虎艺术馆 2024-03-23 发布于江西

我们必须了解东西方之间互相竞争的哲学、信仰和意识形态的起源和发展,才能真正了解当今世界冲突和动荡的根源。这将使我们得以重建现代普世价值体系的神圣本源,帮助人们重新找回个体生命的尊严和公德。——作家、企业家、经济学家、慈善家 何道峰 


何道峰出身并受教于唯物主义世界观的背景,却能超越唯物主义,引导读者进入人类生存的更高的层次,达到令人耳目一新的境界——灵性。缺乏这个维度,众生往往会迷失于物质主义、后现代或技术中心的深渊中。 他漫长曲折的智力旅程也是一个灵性朝圣之旅,正如圣奥古斯丁在15 世纪前所指出:我们内心深处的空虚,只有上主才能填补。在作者的引领下品读这本书,不期然踏入令人自省而谦卑的旅程,不仅明白我们到底是何物,而且启发我们知道为何而活,应当如何生活。 


该书深入探讨人存在的意义、人应该如何生活,进而追问两者的关系。这是自文明诞生以来一直困扰众生灵魂的心灵期盼……这是一部仔细研究而后成的学术著作,以其独特的导游方式向读者一一介绍从古代到现在的文明景观。——哲学博士 宗座神学博士 太平绅士 陈剑光牧师 正如《人的应当》所强调的,一定要给神的启示留下位置。毕竟这个世界,包括人类本身,都是造物主创造的。所谓人的应当,说到底,是作为受造物的人类对造物主呼召的正确回应,从而找到人的应当。

——文化学者 经济学博士 陈浩武 

Philanthropist Daofeng He takes us on a vast 3000 year journey through Eastern and Western history, philosophy, and religion. The Human Calling is an extremely informative and insightful overview that stems from his personal biographical narrative combined with and supported by a breadth of academic research in both Asian and Western intellectual thought.——Prof. Dr. Ronald T. Michener, BELGIUM This is a book with broad scope and profound meditation that invites all well-cultivated minds to think deeper in this morally fragmented and confused and technologically colonialized age. Apart from Christianity, where can we find a resting place for our soul and a foundation for societal living? Where can we find both liberal democracy and decency, market economy and self-discipline, and justice and love? And where can we find the ally of the good, and the true, and the beautiful?

——基督教会 吴一介牧师 

There is an enormous amount to digest in The Human Calling and every reader will have his or her own takeaway. Two ideas resonated with me. The first is that we make a fundamental mistake to see science and faith as entirely separate matters. To seek to understand the universe is to worship its Creator. God is as much to be found in quarks and muons as in scripture. Second, the technology derived from science is a double-edged sword. “Human ability” if not tempered by “human calling” will be our downfall.

——Simon Barber   

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