
精读 | 与伏地魔战斗时间最久的人——邓布利多!

 预言家日报 2024-03-28 发布于北京

In the pensieve of the movie Half-Blood Prince, fans saw two memories. One of them is Dumbledore's, showing his first meeting with Voldemort in an orphanage in London. 


The other is from Horace Slughorn, who told Voldemort how to make horcruxes when he taught Voldemort at Hogwarts.


Dumbledore collected more memories. One of them came from a house elf who explained that Voldemort killed a woman named Hepzibah Smith, took her valuables and forged a horcrux from one of the house elves.


The book sequences that show these memories prove just how long Dumbledore has been working against Voldemort, and how complex the fight is.


In the book Deathly Hallows, fans learned a lot about Dumbledore's background story. When he was young, he was close friends with Grindelwald. However, the relationship between the two men broke up because of the disagreement of ideas.


In the sixth book of this series, shortly after Dumbledore died, Harry, Ron and Hermione all went to his former office. Once there, they saw the portrait of the old headmaster looking at them.


  • explain 英 [ɪkˈspleɪn]  美 [ɪkˈspleɪn]  

    此处意为 v. 说明(……的)原因,解释(……的)理由;

    除此之外还有 v. 解释 (意思);的含义,例:Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms.  然而,并非每个法官都能用浅易的话来解释法律。

  • valuable 英 [ˈvæljuəb(ə)l]  美 [ˈvæljuəb(ə)l]  

    此处意为 n. 贵重品;

    除此之外还有 adj. 值钱的,贵重的;含义,例:Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.  并不能因为照相机样式老就以为它是值钱的。

    还可以表示 adj. 有益的,宝贵的;例:Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University.  我们的许多教师也和海德堡大学保持着有价值的学术联系。

  • forge 英 [fɔːdʒ]  美 [fɔːrdʒ]  

    此处意为 v. 形成,缔造;

    除此之外还有 v. 伪造 (纸币、文件或画作等);含义,例:He admitted seven charges including forging passports.  他承认了包括伪造护照在内的7项罪名。




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