

 预言家日报 2024-03-31 发布于北京


The regretful love story between Madame Maxim and Hagrid takes place during the Goblet of Fire, as that is when Madame Maxime is at Hogwarts as she is the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy.

They bond over their incredible height and love of magical creatures and it is clear that they're very fond of each other. They giggle and chat like school children when they're together on screen. This pair adds a lot of jokes to the Goblet of Fire.


the relationship between Cho and Harry's Triwizard Cup competitor, Cedric Diggory was such a good one. The handsome and beautiful duo also made viewers love it, and it's a pity that we don't get shown too much of them together, mainly because the focus is more on Harry. 

When they are together they seem to always have fun, and the fact she is so torn up about it afterwards just proves how much she cared about him.


Tonks and Lupin are the couple we rarely spend time with. There is very little footage of them until their tragic deaths at the Battle of Hogwarts.

While watching Deathly Hallows 2, the camera slowly panned over their bodies and saw their hands touching, many viewers could not help but cry tears of sadness.


Ron and Hermione are standard tell it to the judge lovers. In the book, Ron is a very skilled wizard and way more intelligent than the movies often portray him.  Emotionally intelligent?  That’s another story.

罗恩和赫敏是标准的欢喜冤家形式的情侣。在原著里罗恩是一个技巧熟练的巫师,比电影中经常描绘的他要聪明得多。至于情商? 那就是另一个故事了。
Ron had always been a faithful lad, a character that allowed Hermione's confidence to flourish. Audiences love to see Ron and Hermione bickering and being affectionate.




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