
精读 | 《哈利·波特》里最可怕的魔法生物是夜骐吗?

 预言家日报 2024-04-02 发布于北京
Thestrals must be pretty lonely, when you think about it. They can only be seen by those who’ve seen death, so although they aren’t bad creatures in the slightest, they herald death to those who actually know what they look like.


At present, we haven't seen thestrals fighting, but they still seem to have certain strength and can fly a long distance.


At first glance, boggart is terrifying. It can take on the form of what humans fear most. For example, Harry's greatest fear is dementors, so boggart becomes one.


Once the illusion is broken, Bogert's power is very limited. Wizards have mastered the spell to deal with it since childhood, so it is not a terrible creature.


  • death 英 [deθ]  美 [deθ]  
    此处意为 n. 死,死亡;

    除此之外还有 n. 破灭,终止;的含义,例:It meant the death of everything he had ever been or ever hoped to be.  这意味着他曾拥有或希望拥有的一切的结束。

    还可以表示 n. 死神;

  • distance 英 [ˈdɪstəns]  美 [ˈdɪstəns]  
    此处意为 n. 距离;

    除此之外还有 n.差距;的含义,例:There was a vast distance between psychological clues and concrete proof.  心理线索和现实证据之间存在着巨大差距。

    还可以表示 n.疏远; 冷淡;例:There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness.  出现阶段性的愠怒、明显的疏远和冷淡。

  • limited 英 [ˈlɪmɪtɪd]  美 [ˈlɪmɪtɪd]  
    此处意为 adj. 有限的;受限的;

    除此之外还有 adj. 有限责任的 (公司);含义,

    例:We are now a private Limited Company, and we shall be glad if you will in future make out remittances to us to H. & Co., Ltd.   目前我们为私人有限公司, 今后如有汇款, 请寄到H.股份有限公司, 则甚为感激。


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