
精读 | 卢修斯·马尔福为什么讨厌亚瑟·韦斯莱?

 预言家日报 2024-04-11 发布于北京
Although the film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets reveals that Lucius Malfoy gave Ginny Tom Riddle's diary, it does not show why Lucius did so.


In the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie, Harry and the Weasleys ran into Lucius and Draco Malfoy at Flourish and Blotts. When rewatching it a second time, it's easy to see Lucius drop Tom Riddle's diary in Ginny's cauldron. 


In the Chamber of Secrets book, it became clear through the interaction that Lucius Malfoy held a significant grudge against Arthur Weasley since the latter had created several laws that made it harder for wizards to own dark objects, especially those intended to fool and harm Muggles.


To avoid jail, Lucius Malfoy had been forced to secretly sell several of his belongings (which Harry accidentally witnessed while he was in Borgin and Burkes in Harry Potter).


run into 美 [rʌn ˈɪntə]  
此处意为 撞上,碰上:意指偶然遇到或不期而遇。

除此之外还有 遇到困难,遭遇的含义,例:Wang agreed to sell IBM Systems last year after it ran into financial problems.  IBM公司遭遇财政问题后,王去年同意出售该公司的操作系统。

cauldron 英 [ˈkɔːldrən]  美 [ˈkɔːldrən]  
意为 n. 大汽锅,大锅;煮皂锅;坩锅;

例:Look, do you see that large cauldron of water which I am obliged to keep on the fire!   瞧,你看见那一大锅水了吗?我不得不一直生火烧。

interaction 英 [ˌɪntərˈækʃ(ə)n]  美 [ˌɪntərˈækʃ(ə)n]  
此处意为 n. 互动,交流;

除此之外还有 n. 相互影响,相互作用;的含义,例:It is the gravitational interaction with planets, right?   这是引力与行星的相互作用,对吧?

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