
精读 | 卢修斯与黑魔王的约定!

 预言家日报 2024-04-16 发布于北京
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows explain that Voldemort wouldn't have just left his concealed soul fragments lying around for anyone to find. So, how did Lucious get hold of Tom's diary?


Albus Dumbledore explained in Half-Blood Prince that Voldemort had a different plan in mind for his diary Horcrux than the others, and Lucius Malfoy was supposed to be a part of it.


Since Lord Voldemort had been forced to close the Chamber of Secrets before the events of Harry Potter, he set up a plan to one day open it again. He made his diary into a Horcrux and saved it until it was the right time to plant it back at Hogwarts.


Sometime before his downfall, Voldemort gave this diary to his trusted servant, Lucius Malfoy. He didn't tell him what it was—only what it would do. He also instructed him not to use it until he was ordered to.    So Lucius kept the journal for ten years.


conceal 英 [kənˈsiːl]  美 [kənˈsiːl]  
此处意为 v. 隐匿,隐藏;

除此之外还有 v.隐瞒 (信息),掩饰 (情感);等含义,例:Robert could not conceal his relief.  罗伯特掩饰不住自己如释重负的心情。

set up 英 [ˈset ʌp]  美 [set ʌp]  
此处意为 筹备:为某项活动或计划做准备工作。

除此之外还有 调试 (设备、机器等)  ;例:Setting up the camera can be tricky.  调试相机可能会很费事。

journal 英 [ˈdʒɜːn(ə)l]  美 [ˈdʒɜːrn(ə)l]  
此处意为 n. 日记,日志;

除此之外还有 n.杂志,期刊,报纸;的含义,例:...ads in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and other publications.  …纽约时报、华尔街日报和其他出版物上的广告。

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