

 新用户17038774 2024-05-13 发布于河南


2. 睡了个回笼觉,一觉起来之后就快6点了。这时老爸已经给小鸡小鸭们弄完了吃的喝的。小狗们也自己出去转了一圈儿。

3. 上午下着小雨,老爸吃完饭后就出去钓鱼了,我继续在家里看着小鸡小鸭们防止它们乱跑。

4. 中午吃了点泡面,午休了一会儿。下午雨停了,天又热了,带着小狗去河滩转了一圈。

5. 傍晚和老爸一起去菜园忙活了一会儿老爸种了点儿苋菜和空心菜,而我则去黄瓜地把黄瓜苗绑到架子上。

6. 今天继续在追小说《大商土地公》。可惜已经追到了最新章节,又有点儿闹书荒了。


1. I woke up for a while after having a strange dream at a little past 3 a.m., and then it started raining heavily at a little past 4 a.m. The weather finally turned cool. I got up to use the toilet and changed to a thicker quilt by the way. Then I listened to a book for a while and made up a diary.

2. I took a return sleep and woke up almost 6 o'clock after that. At this time, Dad had already prepared food and drink for the chicks and ducklings. The puppies also went out for a walk by themselves.

3. In the morning, there was light rain. After Dad finished eating, he went out fishing, and I continued to watch the chicks and ducklings at home to prevent them from running around randomly.

4. I ate some instant noodles at noon and took a nap for a while. In the afternoon, the rain stopped and it became hot again. I took the puppies to the river beach for a walk.

5. In the evening, I went to the vegetable garden with Dad and worked for a while. Dad planted some amaranth and water spinach, while I went to the cucumber field to tie the cucumber seedlings to the shelf.

6. Today, I continue to follow the novel "The Great Merchant Tudigong".

It's a pity that I have already caught up to the latest chapter, and I'm a little short of books to read again.

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