

 kibcat 2024-05-15 发布于美国


随着汉学将中国人名传自欧洲,最早出现的纪念中国人的植物属名是1822年发表的神农草属Schinnongia Schrank,纪念神农氏;

最早出现的纪念中国人的植物种加词是1881年发表的Coix ma-yuen Rom. Caill.,纪念伏波将军马援;

最早纪念植物采集人为中国人的植物属名是1923年发表的Tsoongia Merr.,纪念钟观光;

早纪念植物采集人为中国人的植物种加词是1903年发表的Heptapleurum hoi Dunn,纪念A. Henry的本地采集人Ho。




1. Paphiopedilum wardii f. ying-xiangii F.Y.Liu & Z.F.Zhao
词源: Gewidmet Professor Ying Xiang, dem Hochschullehrer von F. Y. Liu. 纪念刘芳媛的老师Xiang Ying,未知姓名

2. Cypripedium cheniae Torelli
词源:raccolto da Chen Yi; Fiorito in coltivazione a Borgo Valsugana, Italia 纪念采集人 Chen Yi, 未知姓名

3.× Hsuara F.L.Chang
词源:named for Ching-Hau Hsu, wife of the originator Fu Lai Chang of Hwuluduen Orchids, Taiwan 致敬台湾葫芦墩兰园张福来的夫人,未知姓名。

4. × Huangara J.M.H.Shaw
词源: named for the originator, Kuo-Yuan Huang of Taiwan. 纪念台湾的黄Kuo Yuan,未知姓名

5. 白花过路黄 Lysimachia huitsunae S.S. Chien
词源: This species is named after my wife who is much interested in collecting plant specimens and often raising them in our small garden. 纪念钱崇澍的夫人huitsun,未知姓名

6. 康南杜鹃 Rhododendron wongii Hemsl. & E.H.Wilson
词源Named in compliment to Mr. Y. C. Wong, of Ichang, Central China, a cultured Chinese gentleman, who rendered me signal services during the whole of my stay in China.-E. H. W

7.香港瓜馥木 Melodorum uonicum Dunn
词源: The specific name commemorates the services of an old Hakka plant collector named Wu On, who possessed to an unusual degree, even for a Chinaman, the natural gifts which make for success in his calling. 纪念采集人胡安?

8.丛毛岩报春 Primula tsongpenii H.R. Fletcher
词源: named after Tsongpön, a native collector

9.Hypocrella zhongdongii M. Liu & K.T. Hodge
词源: Zhongdong in honour of the first author’s spouse, Zhongdong Wang, who assisted in collecting.

10.杭州榆Ulmus changii W.C. Cheng
纪念采集人S.C. Chang,未知姓名

11. 鞍马山越橘 Vaccinium kengii C. E. Chang

12-1红河鹅掌柴 Heptapleurum hoi Dunn
Dr. Henry's most valued native collector Ho, 老何?

12-2滇南千里光 Senecio hoi Dunn
collected by Ho,Dr. Henry's best native collector

13. 南粤黄芩 Scutellaria wongkei Dunn
CHINA. Kwangtung: Sanning (' Shun-ling '); Aug. 1903, Wong-ke (Hongkong Herb. 899) 
Sanning is on the sea coast south of Hongkong and Wongke was sent there by the writer, then Superintendent of the Forestry Department in Hongkong, to make a botanical collection in 1903. He subsequently accompanied the Superintendent on numerous botanical explorations in the interior of China, and  this species is named in acknowledgment of his valuable as a collector on these occasions 纪念采集人Wong ke, 黄纪?未知姓名

14.皖景天 Sedum jinianum X.H.Guo

15.Knema wangii Hu

16.秦岭柳 Salix wuiana K.S.Hao ex C.F.Fang & A.K.Skvortsov

17.Rhododendron youngae Fang
词源:This new species,Rh. Youngae Fang,is named in memory  of my affectionated mother, Mrs. Young Fang, who died on 31st March 1936 at sixty five years of age when I was carrying on my research work in Edinburgh.  It is my deep regret that I was not able to attend at her deathbed and had not served the duty of son to her. As for more than fifteen years I was away from home in Nanking and Europe. 当余在英爱丁堡皇家植物园进行研究之时,先母杨太夫人忽因恙於廿五年三月三十一( 即旧历三月初九日)在四川忠县官壩乡原籍寿终,闻信极为悲伤,特以先母之姓名此新种,以志哀悼。文培,廿五年八月十日於爱丁堡'

18.罗葵氏柃,细枝柃 Eurya loquaiana Dunn
collected by Lo Quai。
1912 Flora of Kwangtung and Hongkong 里面记载的One such wood on low ground in Hongkong was carefully examined by Lo Quai, an officer of the Botanical and Forestry Department, and the constitution of this wood may be taken as an isolated example of such formations. 罗葵?罗桂?卢桂?

19-1. 折苞羊耳蒜 Liparis tschangii Schltr.
West -China: Nanfautchoang (Yunpe), Yunnan. - Rev. Pere Tschang (no. 32, Herb. S. Ten), Juli 1920.
云南巧家的张牧师Joseph Tchang, 未知姓名

19-2. Satyrium tschangii Schltr.
West-China: Lu-hwei-tang (Yunpe). - Rev. Pere Tschang. (no. 42 in Coll. Ten)
云南巧家的张牧师Joseph Tchang, 未知姓名

20. 李氏篦羽叶 Ctenis leeiana Shen

21. 潘氏拟扇叶 Rhipidopsis panii Chow

22. 谭氏网叶蕨 Dictyophyllum tani Mi et al.

23-1徐氏无髓根 Amyelon xui Li

23-2Palaeosmunda xui Tian, Wang, Guo, Chen et Zhao

24.Torreya chowi Lee et Yeh

25-1. Boletus shichianus Teng & L. Ling
25-2. Daedalea shichiana Teng & L. Ling
词源:The following species are dedicated to thd late Mrs. Shichi Yang who was a most ardent and promising student of mycology and whose untimely death at the fower of youth is a great loss to the future of the science of mycology in China. Mrs. Yanghad the most pleasant personality and was respected by all who knew her. Her death has caused acute grief among the workers of mycology in this laboratory. To her memory the present species are therefore dedicated. 纪念邓叔群的学生Shichi Yang

26. Liangiana Skvortzov
词源:Dedicavi hanc generis in honorem Dom. Arena Liang, Curator Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, China 纪念台湾博物馆的Arena Liang

27-1. Oedogonium fanii Li

27-2. 大孔双星藻 Zygnema fanicum Li

28. Botrytis yuae Munt.-Cvetk.


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