

 新用户17038774 2024-05-16 发布于河南


2. 起床后依旧是先给小鸡小鸭子们换水、弄点吃的。这两天后面池塘里也没有浮萍了,也就没有把小鸭子他们放出去。再加上昨天发现村里应该有野狗啥的在追赶鸭子们,再把这些小家伙放外面有点儿不安全。毕竟昨天就有一只小鹅被追赶到了村东头,幸好那家邻居(按辈分我该叫她三奶)告诉我,我们才能找到那只小家伙。

3. 果然晌午时,隔壁邻居家,一个堂哥就出来找他家小鹅苗了,并且来我家问我有没有看到他们家小鹅苗。

4. 后来快中午时,村东头的那个邻居三奶来我家看我家老鸳鸯鸭昨天领回来的那群小鸭子,并告诉我,他家的两只老鸭子好久之前就也找不到了。我们都知道那两只老鸭子多半儿是遇害了,毕竟村里的野猫野狗太多了。年初时我家一只老鸭子就被祸害死了,然后又被别人捡走吃了。当然我们也都怀着一丝侥幸心理,希望她那两只老鸭子,没准也是躲到哪儿孵小鸭子去了。

5. 午饭后和老爸一起去秧田拉了点儿秧苗,下午会有人帮忙插秧。而我俩只需要负责把二嫂他们拔好的秧苗,从育秧田运到我家秧田就行。这些年一直在外面打工,都没怎么过问这些事,今年好不容易在家,总算赶上了。我也才越发真切体会到幸好有堂哥他们帮忙我家种点稻谷才简单点儿。

6. 下午遛狗去河滩时发现了几棵桑树苗,于是让我饱饱地吃了一顿桑葚。

7. 晚饭时吃着空心菜,老爸说买这种菜不划算,因为花了5块钱买了两把空心菜,结果才只炒了一小盆儿。


1. I slept soundly last night and got up to use the toilet after 5 o'clock, then went back to bed to listen to some books. Occasionally I heard that there was already a little rooster learning to crow in my yard. This is really an unexpected little surprise.

2. After getting up, still the first thing is to change water and get something to eat for the chicks and ducklings. There has been no duckweed in the pond behind these two days either, so the ducklings haven't been let out. Plus, yesterday it was found that there should be wild dogs or something chasing the ducklings in the village, and it's a little unsafe to let these little guys out again. After all, yesterday a little goose was chased to the east end of the village. Fortunately, that neighbor (I should call her Third Grandma according to seniority) told me, and then we could find that little guy.

3. Sure enough, at noon, a cousin from the next-door neighbor's house came out to look for his little gosling seedlings and came to my house to ask if I had seen their little gosling seedlings.

4. Later, near noon, the neighbor Third Grandma from the east end of the village came to my house to see the group of ducklings that the old mandarin duck duck in my house brought back yesterday and told me that her two old ducks couldn't be found for a long time ago either. We all know that the two old ducks were mostly killed, after all, there are too many wild cats and wild dogs in the village. At the beginning of the year, an old duck in my house was killed by disaster and then picked up and eaten by others. Of course, we all have a glimmer of hope that her two old ducks may also be hiding somewhere to hatch ducklings.

5. After lunch, I went to the seedling field with my dad to pull some seedlings, and someone will help transplant the rice seedlings in the afternoon. And the two of us only need to be responsible for transporting the seedlings that the second sister-in-law and them have pulled out from the seedling nursery to my family's seedling field. I have been working outside all these years and haven't really asked about these things. This year, it's not easy to be at home and finally caught up. I also increasingly truly realize that fortunately, with the help of my cousin and them to plant some rice for my family, it is a little easier.

6. When walking the dog to the river beach in the afternoon, I found several mulberry seedlings, so I had a good meal of mulberries.

7. When having dinner and eating water spinach, my dad said it was not cost-effective to buy this kind of vegetable, because it cost 5 yuan to buy two bunches of water spinach, but only a small pot was fried as a result.

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