

 laobing719 2024-05-16 发布于内蒙古

那天是如此辽远,辽远地展着翅膀,即使爱是静止的,静止着让记忆流淌。—— 安德鲁 怀斯《远方》


—— 安德鲁 怀斯


 安德鲁·怀斯 ,(1917年7月12日-2009年1月16日) 美国超级写实主义绘画的代表人物。怀斯先后被三届美国总统肯尼迪、里根、布什分别授予“总统自由勋章”、“金质总统勋章”和“国会金质章”。怀斯的艺术启发了此后出现于上世纪七八十年代的美国“照相写实主义”绘画,他成为美国二十世纪最伟大的画家之一。 



海边的风  1947年 



坐在门槛上的克里斯蒂娜  1947年


这幅画早于《克里斯蒂娜的世界》问世,画中怀斯强调的不是她残疾的身体,而是她那坚定的神态,尽管显而易见年轮在她身上已留下很多印迹,但是依旧很坚强。女主人公是怀斯在缅因州Cushin镇的邻居Christina Olson(May 3, 1893 - January 27, 1969)。自此,克里斯蒂娜(Christina)在他笔下便整整生动了二十年。

克里斯蒂娜的世界 1948年 



克里斯蒂娜·奥尔森  1952年 



被践踏的草  1951年


远方 1952年 

画中戴着海狸皮帽的小孩正是艺术家的儿子杰米·怀斯(Jamie Wyeth)。这是怀斯一幅早期的干笔作品,他最初以水彩创作,在皮帽位置用上干笔技巧。因为这幅画,怀斯还写了一首脍炙人口的诗《远方》:“那天是如此辽远,辽远地展着翅膀;即使爱是静止的,静止着让记忆流淌。


爱国者 1964年



希莉 怀斯  1970年 


1969年,在缅因州,他去参加克里斯蒂娜·奥尔森的葬礼的途中,他恰巧驾车经过芬兰人George Erickson(乔治·埃里克森)的房子,使他想起了Erickson(埃里克森)夫妇的年轻的女儿Siri,1970年她成为怀斯最好的裸体模特。

她的房间  1970年

这幅《她的房间》(her room),是怀斯有关爱情的孤寂主题系列之一。秋叶凋零,户外枯叶从窗口探进,射入的光线交错在古铜色的旧桌上。怀斯以其丰富的记忆和联想,将生活中的片断,化作令人感动的画面。


1930s Camden Hills. Maine

1933 Spring Landscape at Kuerners


1934 Chadd's Ford Landscape 

1934 My Father's Studio

1935 Chads Ford Quaker


1935 self portrait

1936 Chopping Wood

1936 The Captain\\\'s House

1936 Windmill

1937 Charlie Ervine In The Doorway

1937 Charlie Ervine

1937 Jim Smalley, Fisherman

1937 Lobsterman (Walt Anderson)


1937 The Bobsled

1937 Two Figures in a Dory

1937 Under the Live Oaks

1937 Willow Tree at Howe's Headquarters


怀斯以其丰富的记忆和联想 ,将生活中的片断,化作令人感动的画面。出现在画中的对象--孤屋、老人和鸟兽,含有一股静寂与淡淡的哀愁,洋溢着动人肺腑的诗意,他以敏锐的感触,精致的写实技巧,捕捉视觉的一瞬。怀斯创造一种属于个人的主观艺术,以一种连续而持久的个人主义,应付这个毫不稳定和全无把握的现实生活。


1938 Across the Bay

1938 Black Hunter

1938 Cal Wallace and His Friendship Sloop

1938 Chopping Wood

1938 From Stone Island

1938 House on Winter Hill

1938 Low Tide

1938 Maine

1938 Morning, Little Caldwell Island

1938 Rickinmar

1938 Self-Portrait

1938 untitled

1939 After the Rain

1939 April

1939 Florida Swamp

1939 From Mount Kearsarge

1939 The Country Schoolmaster

1939 Young Swede

1940 Little Caldwell\\\'s Island

1940 Lobster Bouy

1940 My Father’s Studio


1941 Coot Hunter

1941 Dil Huey Farm

1941 Fields of Broad Cove

1941 Frog Hunters

1941 Tamarack House

1941 The Corn Huskers

1942 Alvaro on Front Doorstep

1942 Apples on a Bough, Study Before Picking

1942 Blueberry Pickers

1942 February

1942 Jack Be Nimble

1942 Noon Hour

1942 Northern Coast

1942 Pennsylvania Landscape

1942 Summer Freshet Study

1942 View The Mall, Thomaston

1942 Winter Corn Fields

1942 Winter Fields

1943  Blackberry Branch, Study for Blackberry Picker

1943 John Andress House

1943 My Mother’s Birthplace

1943 Public Sale

1943 Rebecca Glatt\\\'s House

1943 Spring Beauty

1943 Taylor’s Run

1943 The Falls of Brandywine

1943 The Hunter

1944 Albert Orff’s Squash Patch

1944 Chestnut Ridge

1944 Christmas morning

1944 Conch Shell

1944 Crows

1944 Woodshed

1944 Night Hauling

1944 The Oak

1944 Turkey Pond

1945 Henry Teel

1945 Knyphausen\\\'s Artillery

1945 Mother Archie's Church

1945 The Oil Lamp

1946 Marshall Point Light

1946 Memorial Day

1946 On the Beach

1946 The Stone Fence

1946 Winter

1947 Christina Olson

1947 Christina's Bedroom

1947 Marshall Point

1947 Snowy Morning

1948 Big Room

1948 Blackberry Picker

1948 Christina’s World

1948 Karl

1948 McVey’s Barn

1948 Pine Needles

1948 Room in the Mirror, Study

1948 Spring Evening

1949 Master of the Hounds

1949 Talley Farm

1949 The Children's Doctor

1949 The Cloisters

1949 The revenant (Self-Portrait)

1949-50 A Crow Flew By

1950 A River Fog

1950 Along the Coast

1950 Below Dover

1950 Carol on the Beach

1950 Northern Point

1950 November First

1950 Portrait of a Man (Forest Wall)

1950 Rail Fence

1950 Soaring

1950 Spindrift

1950 The Sexton

Christina Olson and Andrew Wyeth,1950s

1951 Approaching the Island

1951 Back Country

1951 James Loper

1951 Man from Maine

1951 River Weir

1951 Trodden Weed

1951 Young America

1952 April Wind

1952 Blue Door

1952 Faraway

1952 Foghorns

1952 Incoming Fog

1952 James Loper-

1952 Wet Sand

1953 Cooling Shed

1953 Roaring Spout

1953 Sandspit HS

1953 Sandspit

1953 Sea Snails

1953 Snow Flurries

1954 Blue Jacket

1954 Corner of Woods (Betsy Wyeth)

1954 detail of Island House

1954 Front Door at Teel's

1954 Hatteras

1954 Lifeboat House

1954 Loon

1954 Pot Buoys

1954 Rockland Harbor

1954 Shed Lantern

1954 Silver Maple

1954 Teel\\\'s Islan

1955 Barn Lamp

1955 Benjamin\\\'s House

1955 Benny\\\'s Scarecrow (Jim Loper\\\'s Coat)

1955 Cellar Fireplace

1955 Cider and Pork

1955 Coastal Survey

1955 Fall grasses

1955 Monday Morning

1955 Nicholas

1955 South Cushing

1956 Chambered Nautilus

1956 Granddaughter

1956 New Grass

1956 Orchard Knoll

1956 Roasted Chestnuts

1957 Army Blanket

1957 Brown Swiss

1957 Citizen Clark

1957 Coast Guard

1957 Farm Pond (study for tempra Brown Swiss)

1957 Hill Pasture

1957 Summer Day

1957 The rope

1958 Bushel Basket Study

1958 Fishermen in Dory

1958 Raccoon

1958 River Cove

1958 Spring sun

1958 Study of Floating Leaves

1958 The Gum Tree Stump

1958 The Mill

1959 Along the Tail Race

1959 Blue measure

1959 First Snow

1959 Groundhog Day Study

1959 Groundhog Day

1959 Wild Dog (Study for Groundhog Dog)

1959 Wild Dog

1959 Wolf Rivers

1960 Above the Narrows

1960 Geraniums

1960 Maud Stone\\\'s

1960 Young Bull

1961 Bone White

1961 Distant Thunder

1961 Grain bag

1961 Independence Day

1961 Light Wash

1961 Perpetual Care

1961 Quart and a Half


1961 Stable Door

1961 Tenant Farmer

1962 British At Brandywine

1962 Chester County

1962 Frostbitten

1962 Garret Room

1962 Lime Banks

1962 The Four Seasons

1962 The Garret Room

1962 Wash Bucket

1962 Wood Stove

1963 Adam

1963 Below the Dam

1963 Day of the Fair

1963 Early Spring

1963 George\\\'s Place

1963 Her Room

1963 Riverboat

1963 Study for Her Room

1963 The Berry Picker

1963 The Trophy

1963 Wash tub

1964 Marsh Hawk

1964 Moved Out

1964 Open and Closed

1964 Study for The Bachelor

1964 The Drifter

1964 The new table

1965 Arthur Cleveland

1965 Chain Hoist

1965 Gunning Rocks

1965 Master Bedroom

1965 Monologue

1965 The Pikes

1965 Up in the studio

1965 Weatherside

1966 Army surplus

1966 Bean Basket

1966 Blizzard

1966 Cranberries

1966 Far from Needham

1966 Grape Wine

1966 Headgate

1966 Maga's Daughter

1966 Olson House

1966 River Valley

1966 Snowflakes

1966 The Studio

1967 Anna Christina

1967 End of Storm

1967 Fence Line

1967 French Twist

1967 Frosted Apples

1967 Henriette

1967 Room After Room

1967 The Hatton House

1967 The Sweep

1968 Alvaro and Christina

1968 Berry Bucket

1968 Buzzard's Glory

1968 Christina’s Teapot

1968 Outpost

1968 Slight Breeze

1968 Spring Fed

1968 The Wood Stove

1968 Willard’s Coat

1969 End of Olsons

1969 Ice Pool

1969 Maine Door

1969 Olson House

1969 Pumpkins

1969 The Finn

1969 The General\\\'s Chair

1969 Thin Ice

1970 Evening at Kuerners

1970 InCollect The Porch

1970 Indian Summer

1970 Karl's Room

1970 Miss Erickson

1970 My Young Friend

1970 Spruce Grove

1970 The Reefer

1971 Homeless

1971 Ice Storm

1971 Marsh Hawk

1971 Sea Dog Study

1971 Sea Dog

1971 The Intruder

1971 The Kuerners

1972 Helga on the Path

1972 In the Orchard (Helga in Orchard)

1972 In the Orchard

1972 Nogeeshik

1972 Off at sea

1972 Red House

1973 Asleep Study

1973 Crown of Flowers

1973 Ericksons

1973 In the Orchard

1973 Late Harvest

1973 Night Mare

1973 On Her Knees

1973 Portrait Of Dwight Eisenhower

1973 Seated by a Tree

1973 Sheepskin


1974 From My Window

1974 Gunsight

1974 Horse Flies

1974 Ides of March

1974 Open Shutter ,Study for my studio


1975 Flint study

1975 German

1975 Lamp Light

1975 Loden Coat (Walking in Her Cape Coat)

1975 Study for The Quaker

1975 The Quaker

1975 The Kass

1975 Wolf Moon

1976 Barracoon


1976 Home Comfort

1976 Pine Barron

1976 Sea Boots

1976 Sleeping Helga

1976 Smoke at Kuerner’s

1976 study for Brown Swiss

1977 Featured. Winter

1977 Floatation Device

1977 Pumpkin Hill

1977 Rocky Hill

1977 The Witching Hour

1978 Dusk

1978 Hawking

1978 Knapsack

1978 Night Cap

1978 Spring

1978 The Fog Bell

1978 The Observatory

1978 Wet Spring

1979 Bird in the House

1979 Braids (Helga Testorf)

1979 Combers

1979 Curtain Call

1979 Farm Road

1979 Hand Split

1979 Helga Looking from Afar

1979 House on the Cove

1979 Night Sleeper

1979 Pageboy

1979 The Letter

1980 Blowing leaves

1980 Branch in the Snow

1980 Day Dream

1980 Dogtrials Room

1980 French Connection

1980 Full Moon

1980 Jacklight

1980 Snowed In

1980 Sticks

1981 Battleground

1981 Binoculars

1981 Buttonwood leaf

1981 French Connection

1981 Sea Running

1981 Self-Portrait, Dr. Syn

1981 Shade

1981 Wisteria

1982 Adrift

1982 Campfire (Helga series)

1982 Davis Straits

1982 Moon Madness

1982 Rose Hips (Study for Back Water )


1982 Sun Shield

1982 Sycamore

1982 The House Guest

1983 Antler Crown

1983 Dogwood

1983 Liberty Launch


1983 Metal Box

1983 Rack At Kuerners

1983 Sail Loft

1984 Bird in the House

1984 Border Patrol

1984 North Light

1984 Race Bridge

1984 Turtleneck

1985 Crows grove

1985 Harbor House

1985 Not Plowed

1985 Refuge

1985 Ring Road

1986 Flood Plain

1986 Halyards

1986 Quill and Drill

1986 Starfish

1986 Stormy night ahead Squall


1987 Crescent

1987 Fast Lane

1987 Feather in Her Cap

1987 Sunday Times

1987 Weather beaten

1988 At the farm

1988 Flat Boat

1988 Last Light

1988 Nat

1989 Pentecost

1989 Self-Portrait Snow Hill

1989 Tea for Two

1990 Orca in Winter

1990 Widows Walk

1990 Witches Broom



1991 Maine Room

1991 No Trespassing

1991 Swifts


1992 Cornet

1992 Lady of the House

1992 Love in the Afternoon

1992 New England

1992 The Olson House

1992-93 Bonefire

1993 Marriage

1993 SWING

1993 The Liberal

1993 Whale Rib

1994 Around the Corner

1994 Breakup

1994 First Mowing

1994 Messersmith’s

1994 Pickup Sticks

1994 Schoolhouse

1995 Bull Moose

1995 Jack in The Pulpit

1995 Night Nurse

1995 The way to Staking

1995 Two if by Sea

1996 Airborne


1997 Breakup

1997 Hand Lines Study

1997 Harlequin

1997 Sharpshooter

1997 The Pond

1999 Joyce Hill Stoner

1999 Long Limb

1999 Only Child

1999 Renfield

1999 Victoria

2000 Jupiter

2001 Dentzel

2001 On the Edge

2001 Sparks

2001 Study For Hay Bales

2001 Wishbone

2002 Albinos Study

2002 Declaration of Independence

2002 Otherworld

2002 Walking Stick

2003 Dock Lights

2003 Gone ashore

2003 The Carry

2005 Cosmos

2006 Homeland Security

2007 Me

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