
来听Boléro: 一首每15分钟就被演奏一次的古典音乐 | 经济学人精读(174)

 经济学人精读社 2024-05-17 发布于上海


“Boléro” is among the most lucrative works of classical music

It is also at the forefront of a new film and copyright dispute

May 02th 2024

MAURICE RAVEL’S“Boléro” is a strange piece of music, consisting of two melodies repeated nine times each. Originally the score to a ballet, it is catchy and keeps running in the listener’s head long after it ends. “Boléro”, a new French biopic about Ravel’s struggle to compose the work in 1928, also employs repetition. Anne Fontaine, the director and co-writer, returns to Ravel’s tortured sexuality, fascination with mechanical noise and slow mental deterioration. He died in 1937 of a brain disease; neurologists think it may have been frontotemporal dementia, which is associated with obsessiverepetition.

莫里斯·拉威尔的Boléro是一首奇怪的乐曲,由两个旋律组成,每个旋律重复九次。它原本是芭蕾舞剧的配乐优美动听,让人听后余音绕梁,三日不绝。一部新的法国传记电影Boléro》讲述了1928年拉威尔努力创作这首作品的过程,电影采用了类似Boléro音乐的重复手法。导演兼联合编剧Anne Fontaine重现了拉威尔饱受性欲折磨、迷恋机械噪音和缓慢的精神衰退。1937年,他死于脑部疾病;神经科医生认为可能是额颞叶痴呆,与强迫性重复有关。

“Boléro” is among the most famous tunes in classical music. The royalties it has generated from live performances, recordings and film soundtracks are estimated at more than $100m. The question of who got all that money is complicated. Ravel had no descendants. On his death the copyright passed to Ravel’s brother, who married his caretaker after a car accident. She then left the rights to her first husband, who married his manicurist. Ultimately the copyright wound up belonging to that manicurist’s daughter from a previous marriage, Evelyne Pen de Castel.

Boléro是古典音乐中最著名的曲调之一。据估计,该首歌曲从现场表演、录音和电影配乐中获得的版税超过1亿美元。谁得到了这1亿美元这个问题很复杂。拉威尔没有后代。在拉威尔死后,版权传给了他的哥哥,他哥哥在一次车祸后与他的看护人结婚。然后他妻子又把版权留给了她的第一任丈夫,这位前夫又娶了自己的美甲师。最终,版权归属于这位美甲师与其前妻所生的女儿Evelyne Pen de Castel

Under French law the piece entered the public domain in 2016. But much like the music, the copyright battle over “Boléro” just keeps going. In 2018 the heirs of Alexandre Benois, the original ballet’s set designer, suedSACEM, France’s copyright agency; Ms Pen de Castel also got behind the lawsuit. They argue that the ballet was a collaborative work, and that because Bronislava Nijinska, the choreographer, did not die until 1972, they are entitled to receive royalties until 2051. In June a French court will decide whether they are right.

根据法国法律,Boléro的版权于2016年到期,进入公共版权领域。但就像这首音乐本身一样,围绕Boléro的版权之争仍在继续。2018年,芭蕾舞剧原布景设计师Alexandre Benois的继承人起诉法国版权机构SACEMPen de Castel女士也支持这场诉讼。他们辩称,这部芭蕾舞剧是一部合作作品,而且由于编舞师Bronislava Nijinska直到1972年才去世,版权到期时间应该是2051年。6月,法国法庭将对该案进行裁决。

Ms Fontaine’s film is not about money; it is about the man and his music. In 1928 Ida Rubinstein, a Russian dancer in Paris, commissioned Ravel to write a ballet. But he puts it off, obsessed by an unconsummated emotional affair. He flees to the seaside, attends parties and visits brothels (where instead of sex, he asks a girl to put on gloves so he can listen to the sound). In flashbacks viewers learn of his struggle to be accepted by France’s stuffy musical academy and of his rivalry with Claude Debussy, another French composer.

Fontaine女士的电影与金钱争夺无关,讲述的是拉威尔和他的音乐。1928年,在巴黎的俄罗斯舞蹈家Ida Rubinstein委托拉威尔创作一部芭蕾舞剧。但他推迟了,当时他正困扰于一段未结束的感情。他逃到海边,参加派对,逛窑子(他不是去寻欢,而是让女孩戴上手套,听这一过程的声音)。在电影的回忆中,观众了解到他曾为了被法国古板的音乐学院接受做过艰辛的努力,并曾与另一位法国作曲家克劳德·德彪西一争高下。

With Rubinstein’s deadline approaching, Ravel plinks hopelessly at the piano. A vaguely Spanish pop song his housekeeper sings feeds in to his melody. Some films might have treated this as a eureka moment, but Ms Fontaine suggests various sources of inspiration. In another scene Ravel takes Rubinstein to a factory to listen to the machines: the ballet, he says, should be an ode to mechanical modernity.


The success of “Boléro” was immediate and enduring.Leonard Bernstein, the celebrated American conductor and composer, loved it. The credits of Ms Fontaine’s film claim it is played by an orchestra somewhere in the world every 15 minutes. It is hardly surprising that Ms Pen de Castel wishes those performances were still earning her money. Benois designed the ballet’s sets and costumes but never claimed to have had a hand in the music, says David El Sayegh, the deputy chief executive of SACEM, which deems the lawsuit nonsense. Though unlikely, if this lawsuit by long-distant heirs were to be successful, it could embolden others to sue over expiring copyrights.

Boléro的成功立竿见影,经久不衰。美国著名指挥家和作曲家Leonard Bernstein很喜欢它。Fontaine女士的电影演职员声称,世界上每15分钟就有管弦乐队演奏一次Boléro。毫不奇怪,Pen de Castel女士希望还能靠Boléro赚钱。SACEM副总裁David El Sayegh说,Benois设计了芭蕾舞剧的布景和服装,但从未声称自己参与了Boléro制作。SACEM认为这起诉讼是无稽之谈。虽然不太可能,但如果这场版权继承人的诉讼取胜,其他人可能会也会就过期版权提起诉讼。

Ravel was ambivalent about “Boléro”, according to a protégé. He considered it his masterpiece but also said that “unfortunately there is no music in it.” Yet Ravel might find it fitting that its story goes on and on. In the film, he asks a friend: “Don’t you think there is something terribly insistent about this melody?”


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