
【口琴汇-回归正常】福利继续-ArielBartConversations withMusicians withLeahRose

 口琴汇 2024-05-21 发布于北京


2022年的香港半音阶口琴大赛,让亚太地区的琴友认识了来自以色列的半音阶口琴手Ariel Bart,今天就为您推送她演奏的经典

Ariel Bart Conversations with Musicians with Leah Roseman

This week’s episode is with the wonderful harmonica player and composer Ariel Bart. @arielbart4046  I first started listening to her music with her debut album, “In Between” in which she presents a unique approach to the harmonica and all her albums feature her original music which is inspired by the European jazz tradition and the Middle-Eastern world. Ariel began playing the chromatic harmonica at the age of 7 and since then it’s been her primary instrument.  We’re including music from several of her albums. You’ll hear  about some of her inspiring mentors and collaborators and her positive experience at the New School University for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York City, including working with Reggie Workman, Shai Maestro, and Jane Ira Bloom. We also talked about the music business, and her delight in using storytelling and film with her music.  Like all my episodes, you can also listen to the podcast, and I’ve also linked the transcript to my website, everything linked together here: https://www./episodes/...

Besides being the host, I take care of all the many jobs of research, production, and publicity for this podcast, and I really do need the help of my listeners to keep this project going; please consider buying me a coffee through my support page which is linked to Paypal: https:///leahroseman

Did you know that this podcast is in Season 4, and that I send out a weekly email newsletter where you can get access to Sneak Peeks of upcoming guests and be inspired by highlights from the archive? Newsletter sign-up: https:///ebed4a237788/podca...


(00:00) Intro

(02:51) Ariel Bart’s harmonica journey and music education, starting to compose

(07:40) In Between

(13:16) Brendan Power, chromatic harmonica, playing technique

(18:15) harmonica improvisation

(20:03) Ariel’s influences and mentors, Jane Ira Bloom, New School in New York, Reggie Workman, effect of many influences

(28:36) please help this series keep going!

(29:13) making Teardrop narrative video, storytelling

(31:55) Teardrop

(35:18) The Trio Project 

(37:52) part two Listening to Shame from The Trio Project

(42:12) writing for film, collaborations cellists Mayu Shviro, Talia Erdal

(46:17) European contacts, the challenge of teaching

(48:56) the need to learn the business side of a music career

(52:32) clip from Deep Down with Omri Bar Giora

(53:23) creative process, the importance of collaboration

(54:56) the novelty of the harmonica for audiences, listening to singers

(56:01) Nine Souls film project Take a Ten Minute Break

(57:33) Nine Souls ensemble version from album Documentaries

本周的节目由出色的口琴演奏家兼作曲家Ariel Bart主持。@arielbart4046我第一次听她的音乐是在她的首张专辑《In Between》中,她展示了一种独特的口琴演奏方法,她的所有专辑都以她的原创音乐为特色,其灵感来自欧洲爵士乐传统和中东世界。Ariel从7岁开始演奏半音口琴,从那时起,这就是她的主要乐器。我们收录了她的几张专辑中的音乐。你会听到她一些鼓舞人心的导师和合作者,以及她在纽约市爵士与当代音乐新学院大学的积极经历,包括与雷吉·沃克曼、谢·马斯特罗和简·伊拉·布鲁姆合作。我们还谈到了音乐事业,以及她在音乐中使用讲故事和电影的乐趣。和我所有的剧集一样,你也可以收听播客,我还将文字记录链接到了我的网站,所有内容都在这里链接在一起:https://www./episodes/...





(02:51)Ariel Bart的口琴之旅和音乐教育,开始创作


(13:16)Brendan Power,半音口琴,演奏技巧


(20:03)Ariel的影响和导师,Jane Ira Bloom,纽约新学校,Reggie Workman,多种影响的影响









(52:32)剪辑自《与Omri Bar Giora一起深入》





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