

 预言家日报 2024-05-21 发布于北京
The Black family is one of the oldest and purest wizard bloodlines in the Wizarding World, and they take pride in that. When a member of the Black family decides to defect in any way, then, the repercussions are fierce, and they are disowned, literally burned away from their family tree.  

This happened to Andromeda Black when she decided to marry a Muggle-born wizard named Ted Tonks.  Nymphadora Tonks' mother, Andromeda, and her husband, Ted, were also allied with the Order of the Phoenix, showing just how much distance Andromeda Tonks got from her birth family.


Another good Slytherin wizard from the Black family is Regulus. While Sirius Black's younger brother Regulus Black seemed like he was more than willing to follow in the traditional Black family footsteps, as a wizard enamored with the Dark Arts and a true believer in Voldemort, he ultimately had a change of heart. 

Though Regulus was a loyal Death Eater in the First Wizarding War, he had doubts when he learned of Voldemort's Horcrux plan, and with the help of the house elf Kreacher, he stole one of the Horcruxes, and attempted to destroy it.


With a complex morality that's still debated, Severus Snape both a divisive and tragic character, but it's undeniable that his loyalty to Dumbledore and eventual self-sacrifice earn him a spot among the heroes of this story.  


Snape put himself at risk for years by pretending to be loyal to Voldemort, all the while undermining He Who Must Not Be Named and waiting for the right moment to strike. There is so much about Snape the movies never had time to explore, especially his relationship with Lily Potter. 


Salazar Slytherin certainly had some troublesome qualities, but that doesn't erase the fact that he was one of the founders of the greatest magical school in the world.  

Slytherin House's negative reputation may be in part because of its founder, but at the same time, Salazar Slytherin created a house that allowed those who prized ambition and cunning to maximize their abilities.


Interestingly, Slytherin has a bad reputation among students, but the wizard who has made the greatest contribution to the relationship between Muggles and wizards is Slytherin. Famous in both the wizarding and Muggle communities, Merlin was a wizard who was open about his abilities and who did good for the world. 

A huge reason for that is that he intentionally revealed himself to Muggles in the hopes that the Wizarding and Muggle worlds could eventually become one.  His grand ideas and impact on wizards led to the figure becoming immortalized on a Chocolate Frog Card.






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