

 新用户17038774 2024-05-23 发布于河南


2. 早上起床给。小鸡小鸭们弄完吃的喝的,又带着俩小狗随便转了一圈,我和老爸便收拾一下,带着昨天摘好的桃子准备去镇上赶集,卖桃子。

3. 感谢康大叔和左姐他们照顾我的生意,我们很快就完成了今天开门红的第1单、第2单、第3单……

4. 好久都没吃热干面了,正好今天趁着赶集在街上和老爸一起吃了一顿热干面。

5. 好在昨天摘好的桃子分类挑了一下,于是好点儿的桃子才能卖出了个更好的价格。

6. 今天摆摊摆在了菜市场中间一个老熟人旁边。这里人流量大一些,但是很多人注意力都不在我们的小摊上。幸好老爸这位老熟人,时不时帮忙说点好话,于是促成了好几单生意。

7. 老实说,我和老爸多少都有点不太适应这种摆摊儿的时光。或许我们确实该磨砺一下这方面的心性了。

8. 卖完桃子回来后,我感觉整个人好像被掏空了一样,几乎干三儿都没精神。

9. 晚上把一些小桃子排开去核,然后又用刚买的绞馅机,搅了一批桃子,准备用这些小桃子做点果酒。


1. I slept quite well last night. Although I was woken up in the middle because the fan blew too cold, but later I turned off the fan and lit the mosquito-repellent incense, and then I fell asleep quickly again.

2. After getting up in the morning, I finished preparing food and drink for the chicks and ducklings, and then took the two puppies for a random walk. My father and I tidied up a bit and took the peaches picked yesterday to prepare to go to the town fair to sell peaches.

3. Thanks to Uncle Kang and Sister Zuo for taking care of my business. We quickly completed the first deal, the second deal, the third deal... of today's good start.

4. I haven't eaten hot dry noodles for a long time. Just today, I ate a meal of hot dry noodles with my father on the street while going to the fair.

5. Fortunately, the peaches picked yesterday were sorted and selected, so the better peaches could be sold at a better price.

6. Today's stall was set up next to an old acquaintance in the middle of the vegetable market. There is a larger flow of people here, but many people's attention is not on our small stall. Fortunately, this old acquaintance of my father helps to say some good words from time to time, and thus several deals are facilitated.

7. To be honest, both my father and I are somewhat not quite used to this kind of stall time. Perhaps we really should temper our dispositions in this regard.

8. After selling the peaches and coming back, I felt as if the whole person was emptied out, and almost had no energy even for the simplest things.

9. In the evening, I spread out some small peaches and removed their pits, and then used the newly bought meat grinder to grind a batch of peaches, preparing to make some fruit wine with these small peaches.

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