

 新用户17038774 2024-05-24 发布于河南



2. 起床后老爸出门去水田看水了,等我喂完小鸡儿小鸭,才发现那老鸭子领着一群小鸭已经跑了,结果还剩下6只小鸭子在院子里不知所措的乱叫。

3. 好在早饭后,我发现这几个小家伙也跑出去了,应该是去找鸭妈妈了。等我带着俩小狗去桃园转完一圈回来后,去池塘边看了一下,发现这些小鸭子果然已经和鸭妈妈聚到一块儿了,我也就放心了。

4. 上午心血来潮,决定骑着自行车去镇上给一个朋友寄桃子,于是一来一回骑了十多公里,一路听着书,看着风景倒也乐得自在。就是回来时发现车把有点晃,等一检查才发现有一个大螺丝有点松了,于是赶紧用扳手给紧了一下,不但把这个问题解决了,顺便还意外地解决了车把老是吱扭吱扭响这个问题。

5. 下午禧带着他的朋友一起来桃园摘桃子,看着他直接把T恤翻过来兜桃子,不由想起我们童年都干过这些事,瞬间感觉这人率真的一面真有趣。看着他一边大口大口吃桃子,一边还赞不绝口,他吃着舒服,我听着也舒服。他带来的那个朋友也特别会聊天,不摆架子,说啥都能聊到一块儿去,于是我们一边摘桃子一边吃,有时候干脆往地上一坐,就在那儿聊起来了,这样的时光倒也有趣。


1. Early this morning, I did a stupid thing: my orange cat didn't know when it got into my small room. As a result, before dawn, it was making noises there to go out, which made me unable to sleep. But when I angrily opened the door, it hid in the corner and didn't go out. So I was so angry that I really wanted to hit it with a bottle to make it go out quickly so that I could sleep for a while longer. Who knew that this thing actually hid tighter and tighter. Just now it was making noises to go out, but now it didn't go out instead. But when I saw the mosquito-repellent incense coil on the desktop, I suddenly had an idea. I lit a mosquito-repellent incense coil and threw it with a snap. Originally, I wanted to throw it directly at the thing's feet, but I didn't have good aim and threw it on a plastic bag. Well, this was good. The damned cat was driven out, but almost set the plastic bag on fire...

2. After getting up, my father went out to the paddy field to check the water. After I finished feeding the chicks and ducklings, I found that the old duck had led a group of ducklings and run away. As a result, there were still 6 little ducklings left in the yard chirping in confusion.

3. Fortunately, after breakfast, I found that these little guys had also run out and should be looking for the mother duck. After I took the two puppies to the peach orchard for a round and came back, I went to the pond to take a look and found that these little ducklings had indeed gathered with the mother duck, and I was relieved.

4. In the morning, on a whim, I decided to ride a bicycle to the town to send peaches to a friend, so I rode more than ten kilometers back and forth. Listening to books and looking at the scenery all the way, I was also quite comfortable. It was just that when I came back, I found that the handlebars were a little shaky. When I checked, I found that a big screw was a little loose, so I quickly tightened it with a wrench. Not only did this problem get solved, but also unexpectedly solved the problem that the handlebars always squeaked.

5. In the afternoon, Xi came to the peach orchard with his friend to pick peaches. Seeing him directly turn his T-shirt inside out to hold peaches, I couldn't help but think of these things we all did in our childhood, and suddenly felt that the sincere side of this person was really interesting. Watching him eating peaches with big mouthfuls and praising them non-stop, he was comfortable eating, and I was comfortable listening. The friend he brought was also particularly good at chatting, not putting on airs, and could talk about everything. So we picked peaches and ate at the same time. Sometimes we simply sat on the ground and started chatting there. Such times were also quite interesting.

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