
AI播客下载:Dwarkesh Podcast(关于AI的深度访谈)

 AIGC部落 2024-05-25 发布于广东

Dwarkesh Podcast 是由 Dwarkesh Patel 主持的播客,专注于深度访谈和探讨各种复杂且有趣的话题。该播客在业界获得了极高的评价,被认为是对话和思想交流的平台。

Dwarkesh Podcast 的内容涵盖了多个领域,包括经济学、哲学以及科技等。例如,Tyler Cowen 在与 Dwarkesh Patel 的第三次播客中讨论了关于 AI、动物精神、无政府主义和增长等话题。这表明 Dwarkesh Podcast 不仅关注当前的热点问题,还涉及更为深入和理论性的讨论。

此外,Dwarkesh Podcast 被一些知名人士高度评价。Nat Friedman 称赞其环境至少比旧金山平均水平高出两个标准差,比播客平均水平高出四个标准差。Gwern 描述该播客为“深度研究的访谈,涉及鲜为人知的知识分子”,而 Patrick Collison 和 Jeff Bezos 也对其表示了极大的支持和赞赏。

从这些描述中可以看出,Dwarkesh Podcast 不仅在内容上具有深度和广度,而且在行业内享有很高的声誉。它通过与各领域专家的深入对话,为听众提供了丰富的信息和独到的见解。


### Ananyo Bhattacharya

**John von Neumann Jewish Genius and Nuclear War**


### Carl Shulman Pt 1

**Intelligence Explosion Primate Evolution Robot Doublings Alignment**


### Carl Shulman Pt 2

**AI Takeover Bio Cyber Attacks Detecting Deception Humanitys Far Future**


### Charles Murray

**Human Accomplishment and the Future of Liberty**


### Dario Amodei

**Anthropic CEO Scaling Alignment AI Progress**


### David Deutsch

**AI America Fun Bayes**


### Demis Hassabis

**Scaling Superhuman AIs AlphaZero atop LLMs Rogue Nations Threat**


### Eliezer Yudkowsky

**Why AI Will Kill Us Aligning LLMs Nature of Intelligence SciFi Rationality**


### Grant Sanderson 3Blue1Brown

**Past Present Future of Mathematics**


### Holden Karnofsky

**Transformative AI Most Important Century**


### Ilya Sutskever

**OpenAI Chief Scientist Building AGI Alignment Future Models **


### Jason Crawford

**The Roots of Progress**


### Jimmy Soni

**Peter Thiel Elon Musk and the Paypal Mafia**


### John Schulman

**OpenAI Cofounder Reasoning RLHF Plan for 2027 AGI**


### Joseph Carlsmith

**Utopia AI Infinite Ethics**


### Marc Andreessen

**AI Crypto 1000 Elon Musks Regrets Vulnerabilities Managerial Revolution**


### Mark Zuckerberg

**Llama 3 Open Sourcing 10b Models Caesar Augustus**

**Llama 3:开源10b模型与凯撒·奥古斯都**

### Matjaž Leonardis

**Science Identity and Probability**


### Nat Friedman

**Reading Ancient Scrolls Open Source AI**


### Patrick Collison

**Stripe CEO Craft Beauty The Future of Payments**


### Paul Christiano

**Preventing an AI Takeover**


### Razib Khan

**Genomics Intelligence and The Church of Science**


### Richard Rhodes

**Making of Atomic Bomb AI WW2 Oppenheimer Abolishing Nukes**


### Scott Aaronson

**Quantum Computing Complexity and Creativity**


### Scott Young



### Shane Legg

**DeepMind Founder 2028 AGI New Architectures Aligning Superhuman Models**


### Sholto Douglas

**Trenton Bricken How to Build Understand GPT7s Mind**


### Stephen Grugett

**Manifold Markets Founder Predictions Markets Revolutionizing Governance**

**Manifold Markets创始人:预测市场与治理革命**

### Steve Hsu

**Intelligence Embryo Selection The Future of Humanity**


### Tyler Cowen

**Hayek Keynes Smith on AI Animal Spirits Anarchy Growth**


### Uncle Bob

**The Long Reach of Code**


### Will scaling work


**AI的尺度定律scaling law是否有效?**


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