1、身外之物生不带来死不带去。 You can not take what with you. 2、行万里路者见闻多。 He that travels far knows much. 3、目前为止,一切顺利! So far so good! 4、收拾残局、弥补不足。 pick up the slack. 5、妄下结论,贸然断定。 jump /leap to conclusions 别妄下结论,等听完我说的再说。 Don't jump to conclusions. Wait until you hear what I have to say. 6、没有尝试,就没有成功。 Something attempted,something done. 7、拼搏创造价值,努力成就未来! Strive to create value, and strive to the achievement future! 8、上洗手间。 spend a penny. 我真的需要上个洗手间,你能告诉我厕所在哪吗? I really need to spend a penny, could you tell me where the restroom is? |