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Railtracks Shawl by Irina Pi
2018-09-09 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
t l k p s o k k r s mekipts tesr mot o d nk ks wwo rk t etp e od x k l p kl twk px pp s op lot kp lpt p w
R319:K4,1,1b,1,m,KFB,1,(1,1b,p1) x to last 4, k4ts s
Row 320: K4, (k1, p1tbl, k1) x to last 4 sts, k4
Row 321: K4, (p1, k1tbl, p1) x to last 4 sts, k4
Row 322: K4, (k1, p1tbl, k1) x to last 4 sts, k4
Row 323: K7, KFB, k to end
Row 324: K4, p to last 4 sts, k4
Row 325: K7, KFB, k to en
Row 326: Ka
Row 331: K all stitches
Bi all sff ond. setchti
You can contact me on knittingburg@gmail.comwith any questions about my patterns.
Find me on Instagram @Irinaspurls. Tag your projects with #railtracksshawl
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