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2022-11-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
体店”英文怎么说? “实体店”英文有两种说法:01.brick-and-mortar store:(商店等)实体的也可以写成 br
icks-and-mortar韦氏网络词典对 “Brick-and-mortar” 的英文释义为:relating to or b
eing a traditional business serving customers in a building as co
ntrasted to an online business."brick" 意为“砖头”"mortar"是“砂浆,混凝土”两者建
起来的房子,即“实体店”比如:brick-and-mortar retailer 实体零售店 brick-and-mortar b
ookstore 实体书店brick-and-mortar store这种说法比 physical store 更加生动一些,也常
常出现在新闻里。例:Customers can specify their needs online, then visit br
ick-and-mortar stores to make purchase.顾客可以在网上确认自己的需要,然后再去实体店购买。注
意,如果是没有加横杆的bricks and mortar = 房产;有形资产例:I was nearly 40 when I fi
nally invested in bricks and mortar. 我快40了才置下一处房产。02.physical sto
rephysical [?f?z?kl] 可以表达“实物的;实体的”和营业时间固定的实体店不同,网店对于购物者无论白天黑夜任何时间
都开放。例:My parents are not used to shopping online, so they keep sh
opping in physical stores.我爸妈不习惯网购,所以他们一直在实体店买东西。二、“网店”英文怎么说? onl
ine store / shop:网店例:Covid-19 has brought untold hardship to Afri
ca, but lockdowns are also driving a move to online shopping in a
continent where it has been slow to take off.新冠肺炎疫情给非洲带去了数不清的苦难,
但是封锁也推动了起步较晚的网购在非洲大陆上的发展。untold [??n?to?ld]: adj. 数不清的;无限的三、“旗舰店”
英文怎么说? 对于很多爱买买买的同学来说,很多时候都会选择在旗舰店买东西,因为质量有所保证。flagship store:旗舰店而
gship product:龙头产品例:The company has just opened a flagship store
in our city.那家公司刚刚在我们市开了一家旗舰店。四、“直播带货”英文怎么说?这几年新兴趣的“直播带货”,也是很受年轻喜
爱。直播是向用户实时展示产品性能的一种新方式。Live streaming/ live broadcast :直播Live str
eaming host :直播主播Live commerce :直播带货例:Live commerce is very popul
ar nowadays.直播带货现在很火。五、“店铺关闭”和“店铺打烊”英文怎么说?提起关闭我们首先会想到“close”close
01. v. 使(商店、店铺、公司等)关门、关闭“反义词open”例:The museum has been closed for
renovation.博物馆已闭馆整修。(暂时关闭)02.close (sth.) down 停业、歇业、倒闭例:All the
steelworks around here were closed down in the 1980s.这一带的所有钢铁厂都在
20世纪80年代倒闭了。(永久关闭)close down通常表示彻底结束某个业务,很有可能不会再开业了,所以这个“down”有一种
永久终结的感觉。六、“物美价廉”英文怎么说? “物美价廉”可以说cheap and cheerful例:There''s a res
taurant round the corner that serves cheap and cheerful food. 街角处有家饭店,那里的饭菜价廉物美。而价廉物劣 = cheap and nasty