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五上 Unit 4 Part A 第二课时
2022-11-11 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Part A 第二课时一、写出你所听到的短语。1. 2. 3. 4. 二、听录音,判断下面句子是(√)否(×)正确。( )1.
I can sing songs.( )2. I can do some exercise.( )3. Li Ming
can draw pictures.( )4. John can play the pipa.三、看图片,选词语。(
)1. A. sing English songsB. do some kung fu ( )2. A. draw pi
cturesB. clean the room ( )3. A. danceB. sing ( )4. A. an E
nglish partyB. a birthday party四、选词填空。1. ________some kung fu 2.
________football 3. ________English songs 4. ________ pictures5.
________my clothes 6. ________books五、单项选择。( )1. What can you d
o________the party? A. in B. of C. for( )2. We’ll have________
_English party next Sunday. A. a B. an C. two( )3. —What______
__the boy do? —He can play football. A. can B. do C. does六、连词成句。
1. you, What, do, can (?) ____________________________2. pictures
, I, draw, can (.) ___________________________ 听力材料:一、1. wash so
me clothes 2. play the pipa 3. play football 4. draw cartoons二、
1. I can sing songs.2. I can do some kung fu.3. Chen Jie can draw
pictures.4. John can play the pipa.