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《外贸英语函电》(第三版)习题答案Chapter 1 key to exercises1. Translate the following
terms.(1)inside address 封内地址(2)salutation 称呼(3)complimentary
close 结尾敬语(4)Ref. No. 参考编号(5)enclosure 附件(6)P.O.Box 邮箱(7)
postscript 附言(8)full block style 齐头式2. Answer the following qu
estions.How many formats of business letters do we use today? Wha
t are they? Three formats are used in writing business letter. Th
ey are full block style, modified block style and indented style.
What are the standard parts of a business letter? There are seve
n standard parts which includes letterhead, date, inside address,
salutation, body of the letter, complimentary close and signatur
e.What kinds of information should be written on an envelop? And
what are their positions? The information of the sender and the
receiver should be written on an envelop. The information of the
sender is at the top-left corner, while the information of the re
ceiver is almost in the middle of the envelop.3. Complete the str
ucture of the following business letter which is with full block
style and write down the names of the missing parts in the boxes.
Date Body of the letter Complimentary closeChapter 2key t
o exercisesTranslate the following terms.(1) 传真信号; (2) 传真机储存器已满;
(3) 电子邮件; (4) 通信错误,传输信号不好;(5) 接收方传真机忙,传真机重拨Translate the followin
g sentences into English.We have to apologize to you for not answ
ering your letter in time.Please confirm the order and e-mail a s
hipping schedule.As soon as the goods are available, we’ll inform
you by fax.If you find our offer acceptable, please fax us for c
onfirmation.We are e-mailing you to enquire whether you’d be will
ing to establish business relations with us.Translate the followi
ng sentences into Chinese. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。 期待您的反馈建议。 有任何问题欢迎和我们
联系。 我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。 对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。Write a letter with t
he information given below.FaxCompany name :Address:Tel:
Fax: Fax MessageTo: Attention: Fax: Tel: From:
Date: Subject: Number of pages: Dear Sirs,Your fax of
July 6 has just come to hand.We regret our inability to agree to
your proposal to pack the goods in cartons, because transshipment
has to be made at Hamburg for the goods to be shipped to our por
t.We must insist on the packing as specified in our enquiry: The
goods should be packed in strong and damp-proof wooden cases, cap
able of withstanding rough handling during ocean transportation.
Please note that in the event of order, should there be any damag
e or loss to the goods due to improper packing, we shall have to
approach you for indemnification.Please fax us your comments as s
oon as possible.Yours sincerely,(Signature)E-mailFrom: Date:
To: CC: Subject: Attachment: Dear Sirs,We acknowledge
with thanks the receipt of your quotation dated December 2nd and
note the total $150,000 CIF Qingdao. We agree to this price, and
would ask you to accept this order-letter as our official order.P
lease ship at the first available opportunity. The payment is bei
ng made by the Banker’s Draft today. In view of the fact that we
have been doing business with you for more than a year, we should
appreciate it if you agree to settle our accounts quarterly.Yous
faithfully,(Signature)Name:Position:Company name: Tel:
Fax: E-mail: Website: Chapter 3 key to exercises1. Tr
anslate the following terms.(1)价目单(2)有插图的目录(3)有货;备有(4)商务参赞处(5)专营(
6)下订单;订货 (7)谨遵要求(8)和……建立商业关系Choose the best answer to complete ea
ch of the following sentences.(1)A(2)A(3)C(4)B(5)B(6)D(7)B(8)D(9)
D(10)A3. Translate the following sentences.1从驻贵国的中华人民共和国大使馆商务处获知贵
方名称和地址,我方荣幸致函,以期通过几宗实际的交易来建立业务联系。 2依据贵方要求,我方已分别寄送产品号为1101和1102的样本
,以供参考。 3我公司是该区电子产品的主要出口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。 4我公司经营机械设备的进出
独特的品质给人以自然的温暖和舒适感。 6 我方愿在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与贵方建立业务联系。7 为使你方对我方各自款式的手工艺
品有一初步了解,今航邮奉上我方目录和一些样品,供你方参考。8 若你方对目录所列任何产品感兴趣,烦请告知具体询价商品,我方即行奉上报
价。9 现有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与贵方合作,拓展业务。10 据了解,贵方是中国机床的潜在买主,而该产品正属于我方经营范围。4. T
ranslate the following sentences.(1)Your firm has been recommende
d to us by the Chamber of Commerce, London, England.(2)This is to
introduce ourselves as one of the main exporters of Chinese text
ile goods having many years’ experience in this particular line o
f business, and we hope to establish trade relations with you.(3)
We thank you for your letter of September 10 and would like to di
scuss the possibility of initiating business on the following ite
ms. (4)We enclose a catalogue and a price list to acquaint you wi
th our commodities now available for export.(5)Your letter addres
sed to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of our Embassy in Pakist
an has been forwarded to us for attention, as we exclusively hand
le the export of this article. (6)We are informed that you are po
tential buyers of Chinese Green Tea, which falls within the busin
ess scope of our corporation.(7)We owe your name and address to y
our Chamber of Commerce.(8)Our products are sold in many countrie
s and enjoy good reputation on the world market. (9)Our company s
tarted its snack food in 1966 and now has become one of the large
st multinational snack food companies in the world with branches
in more than 40 countries. (10)The company is one of the leading
retailers of children products in local area, specializing in toy
s, children’s clothes and baby care. 5. Translate the following l
etter into Chinese.敬启者:关于你方200X年5月4日来信,我们很高兴知道贵公司想在罐头食品业务方面同我们建立业
即寄上报价单。同时,在第一笔生意做成之前,请将你们银行的行名告诉我们。敬候佳音!致礼! …Write a letter with
the information given below.Dear Sirs,Having known your name and
address in an advertisement in a famous magazine in our city, we
take the opportunity to write to you in a hope of establishing bu
siness relations with you.As the representative of manufacturers
and exporters of quartz watches, we have close relations with loc
al dealers and distributors, who depend on our services to import
all kinds of products they need from all over the world. For thi
s reason, we believe we can obtain for you substantial orders fro
m our customers, provided the prices are competitive enough. We l
ook forward to cooperating with you and await your early reply. Y
ours faithfully,Chapter 4 key to exercises1. Translate the follow
ing terms.(1)良好信誉(2)信用状况(3)信誉好的,信用可靠的(4)私下的,作为秘密的(5)财务状况(6)赊销 Cho
ose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.(
1)A(2)A(3)B(4)D(5)B(6)C(7)D(8)C(9)C(10)A3. Translate the followin
g sentences.1 Would you kindly send us the names of firms or a ba
nk to whom reference can be made.2 You may contact any bank of co
mmerce in your city for information concerning our credit standin
g.3 The above account has recently applied to our firm for credit
terms, and listed you as credit reference. 4 As to our credit st
anding, we would like to refer you to the Bank of China.5 We shou
ld be obliged if you could let us have your opinion on this firm’
s reputation and their financial standing. 6 We would appreciate
your providing us with any relevant information you might have.7
Would you kindly tell us your opinion of their reliability and th
e amount of credit which could be safely extended to them?8 We ca
n assure you that any information you may supply will be regarded
as strictly confidential.9 We enclose an addressed envelope for
your reply and thank you for your favor.10 This is a highly reput
able and trustworthy firm with sound financial status and is punc
tual in payment. Any credit you extend to them will be safe.4. Tr
anslate the following sentences.(1)如果你们寄来惯例的行业证明,我们将立即着手安排装运你们7月4
日的订单。(2)为了获得通常的证明,敬请贵行提供有经常性业务往来的两家商行的行名和地址。 (3)我们对贵行提供的证明十分满意,因此
能立即执行贵方的订单。 (4)很抱歉我们无法就该商行提供任何确切信息。(5)无需多说,贵方提供的任何信息在使用时都会严格保密。(6
)约翰逊公司指定贵行为证明人,如蒙告知该公司声誉情况,我们将不胜感激。 (7)在当地商界,他被视为历史清白的大商人。(8)上述信息
严格保密,仅供贵方使用,本银行及职员概不负责。(9)兹回复贵方10月9日来信,我们建议谨慎对待该公司。 (10)我们对此行不甚了
解,因此无法给予贵方满意的答复。5. Translate the following letter into Chinese.敬启
该公司的财政状况及信誉情况,将不胜感谢, 我们定将你方提供的任何情况严格保密。敬候佳音。 谨启…Write a letter wi
th the information given below.Dear Sirs:We are now considering d
eveloping business with Wingstar International Trading Co., Ltd.,
who names you as their reference.Their trade with us will involv
e a sum of US$150,000 initially and they asked for credit transac
tion.Since this is the first transaction between us, we would lik
e to ask you to inform us if this credit is justified in view of
their record on meeting their payment dates. Is there any record
of bad debts or default? Will you please inform us frankly whethe
r you consider we may safely give them the above credit?It is und
erstood that any information you may supply us will be considered
as confidential and without any responsibility on your part. You
rs faithfully, ……Chapter 5 key to exercises1. Translate the follo
wing terms.(1)一般询盘(2)价目表(3)数量折扣(4)具体询盘(5)佣金(6)插图目录(7)想购买(8)有竞争力的价
格(9)样品书(10)支付条款Choose the best answer to complete each of the fol
lowing sentences.(1)B(2)A(3)D(4)A(5)B(6)C(7)C(8)D(9)B(10)C (11)D(
12)B(13)C(14)A(15)C(16)C(17)D(18)B(19)A(20)ATranslate the followi
ng sentences.(1)Samples and quotations at favorable prices will b
e immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry.(
2)We would like to make an enquiry about your fax machine.(3)This
is our latest price list. You will find our price is very compet
itive.(4)We can reconsider our price further if your order is ver
y competitive.(5)If you are interested, please inform us by e-mai
l, indicating the quantity you required.(6)We have received your
enquiry dated March 20th for our Olympus digital cameras.(7)We de
sire some sample of your products in order to acquaint ourselves
with the materialand workmanship before we place a large order wi
th you.Please submit specifications, perfectly with illustrations
.(9)The 1000 refrigerators you enqiured are in stock at present.(
10 Thank you for your inquiry of April 15th for our Philips vacuu
m cleaner. We now enclose an illustrated catalog for our products
.Translate the following sentences.我们随函寄上询价单一份。期盼早日收到你方的询盘。为使你方对我
对你方在《时尚》杂志上所登广告介绍的内衣很感兴趣,请寄最新样品和价目表。如蒙立即惠寄给我方系列样品,我方将不胜感激。 (10)Sh
ould your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable
, we would like to place an immediate order with you.5. Translate
the following letter into Chinese. May 23, 2011敬启者:我们从美国驻贵国大使馆商
有竞争力,我们将至少向贵公司订购5000只手袋。如蒙及时关注此事,我们将不胜感激。 谨上 2011年5月23日 Write a
letter with the information given below.Wenworth Trading Company3
2 Queen St., London RG4 6UT, UKApril 12, 2012DirectorSales Depart
mentAnji Bamboo Products Company20 Linqi Road, AnjiZhejiang 31500
0 P. R. ChinaDear Sirs,From your advertisement in yesterday’s The
Times we learn that you are a bamboo products supplier in China.
We are interested in getting more information about your products
, especially the bamboo toys, since we are specialized in importi
ng toys. Please send us your brochure, price list and the toy sam
ples, stating your net price of CIF London, delivery date and the
possible discount for bulk purchase.We shall be glad to get your
prompt reply.Yours faithfully,Chapter 6 key to exercises1. 参考答案(
港为上海2. 参考答案AADCA DADDC CBCAB CDBCA3. 参考答案(1)Thank you for your
enquiry dated Oct.6th for walnut.(2)As requested, we make you an
offer, subject to your reply reaching here before 2 Oclock p.m.,
March 14, your time.(3)Now we are offering 1000 dozen towel as f
ollows, subject to our final confirmation.(4)In reply to your in
quiry dated Dec.10th, we make you an offer for 5 metric tons of W
alnut, CFR Hamburg.(5)We are quoting the best prices for black te
a.(6)We are quoting the best prices for the item at USD20 per cas
e.(7)As the market is strengthening, please place an order as so
on as possible.(8)Thank you for your inquiry dated October 1 for
500 “Meidi” Brand Rice Cooker.(9)As requested, we are making you
an offer as follows: at USD 84 per case CIF Xingang.(10)In reply
to your inquiry dated Dec.10th, we make you an offer for 5 metric
tons of Walnut, CFR Copenhagen.4. 参考答案(1)按照你方要求,我方报2 000打放大镜的价格:
港为上海。(3)我们的报价是基于FOB上海价,而不是基于CIF香港价,此发盘持续到8月31日有效。(4)我方报实盘,2 000吨化
然有效。(7)按照你方要求,我方随信寄去带插图的商品目录和价格单,相信你方会觉得它很有趣。(8)订单数量超过1 000件的时候,我
最终确认为准。5. 参考答案敬启者:收到你方5月15日的询盘函,我方愿报盘,此盘无约束力,内容如下:品名:菲律宾超级芒果原产地:菲
谨上2004年5月23日6. 参考答案Dear sirs,Thank you for your enquiry and we ar
e pleased to offer as follows:Commodity: Hand-made Gloves in Genu
ine LeatherUnit price and quantity: men’s medium size at US$3.00
CIF London each 100 pairsmen’s small size at US$2.80 CIF London e
ach100 pairswomen’s medium size at US$2.60 CIF London each100 pai
rswomen’s small size at US$2.50 CIF London each100 pairsPayment T
erms: by L/C at sightShipment: in JulyThis offer is to subject to
our final confirmation.As requested, we are airmailing you a cop
y of illustrated catalogue with a range of samples of the various
leathers used in the manufacture of our gloves. We hope the colo
rs will be just what you want, and the superb workmanship as well
as the novel designs will appeal to your customers.We look forwa
rd to your reply.Yours faithfully,Chapter 7 key to exercisesTrans
late the following terms.还盘; (2)贸易协定; (3)撤回报盘; (4)商标; (5)标题下货物接受订
单; (7)确认订单; (8)佣金; (9)漫天要价; (10)合理的价格Choose the best answer to co
mplete each of the following sentences.--(5) B A A C
B(6)--(10) D D A B A(11)--(15)B A C A
C (16)--(20) D B D A BTranslate the following sent
ences into English.I’m afraid I don’t find your price competitive
at all. We cannot close at your price.As the market price is fal
ling, we recommend your immediate acceptance.It is regretful that
we cannot entertain your counter-offer.Now we look forward to re
plying to our offer in the form of counter-offer.As your counter
bid is not up to the present market level, we are sorry that we h
ave to give you a negative reply.Your counter-offer is too low an
d groundless; therefore it can not serve as a basis for further n
egotiation with our manufacturers.(8) The price we quoted are all
ex-works.(9) We have decided to accept your counter-offer if you
pay on cash.(10) As business has been done extensively in your m
arket at this price, we regret that we can not accept your counte
r-offer. It is our hope that you would reconsider the matter and
let us know your decision as quickly as possible. Translate the f
ollowing sentences into Chinese.谢谢您的还价,可我觉得太低了。 我们还价为每公吨伦敦离岸价150美
元。 很抱歉,我们不得不拒绝你方报盘。除非你们降价5%,否则我方无法接受报盘。由于原材料成本提高,价格正在上涨。如果你方大量采购,
商品紧俏,为贵方着想,建议迅速接受我方报盘。5. Translate the following letter into Chin
后,我们将定期向贵方订购。谨上6. Write a letter with the information given below
.Dear Sirs,We have been very satisfied with your product. However
, we feel your price is too high to accept.We find that we can ob
tain a price of $10.00 per piece with a local firm. This is much
lower than your price of $15.00 per piece. Unless you see your wa
y clear to meeting these figures we will not place with you an or
der that will carry us for the rest of this year. That order is p
robably to be one of the largest that we have ever placed with yo
u.We shall eagerly wait for your reply before we decide where to
place our order.Yours faithfully, (Signature)Chapter 8 key to exe
rcises1. Translate the following terms.(1)试订购单(2)新订购单(3)首次订购单(4)续
订购单(5)重复订购单(6)交货(7)现货(8)承约过多2. Choose the best answer to complete
each of the following sentences.(1)C(2)D(3)A(4)A(5)D(6)C(7)A(8)B
(9)C(10)D (11)A(12)D(13)A(14)D(15)D(16)C(17)C(18)C(19)D(20)B3. Tr
anslate the following sentences.(1)We are working on your Order N
o. 2012 at present and please believe that we will effect the shi
pment within your stipulated time.(2)We shall place a trial order
with you for 500 pieces provided you will give us a 5% commissio
n.(3)We are glad to receive your order and confirm that all the i
tems required are in stock.(4)Owing to heavy commitments, many or
ders haven’t been made, we can only accept ordersfor Auguest ship
ment.(5)Our stock is exhausted and we are not in a position to ac
cept fresh orders. However, we willcontact you as soon as new sup
plies are available.(6)We are pleased to have transacted the init
ial business with your firm and look forward to thefurther expans
ion of trade to our mutual benefit.(7)Your order is receiving our
immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery
well within your stipulated time.(8)We enclose a trial order. If
the quality is up to our expection, we shall send further order i
n the near future.(9)We have accepted your Order No. 2012 for bed
sheets and are sending our Sales Confirmation in duplicate.(10)W
e have cabled our confirmation of your order and you are requeste
d to open the L/C assoon as possible. 4. Translate the following
能按6个月前的报价接受贵方的订购单。 5. Fill in the blanks in the following letter.
requested, under, catalogue, offer, to, confirmation, specific
ation, option, confirmed, irrevocable6. Write a letter with the i
nformation given below. Dear Sirs, In reply to your letter of Jun
e 20, we are very interested in the different models of bicycles
you offer and have decided to place a trial order. Enclosed pleas
ed find our Purchase Contract No. 2012B in duplicate. We place th
is order on the clear inderstanding that the consignment is dispa
tched in time to reach us by September 1, and that we reserve our
right to cancel it and to refuse delivery after this date.Your c
ooperation would be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully, Chapter
9 key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(1)售货确认书(2)售货合
同(3)会签(4)一式两份(5)支付条款(6)船唛(7)溢短装(8)存档2. Choose the best answer to
complete each of the following sentences.(1)B(2)D(3)C(4)B(5)A(6)B
(7)C(8)A(9)C(10)B (11)B(12)A(13)B(14)C(15)A(16)C(17)B(18)C(19)B(2
0)C3. Take the correct order on the following sentences.(1)The sh
ipment remains valid until the 10th day after shipment. (2)We wil
l fulfill all the contract stipulations.(3)We will give you a 3%
discount as an exception to our usual practice.(4)Commission is u
sually given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction.
(5)To open an L/C will add to the cost of our imports. (6)The tim
e draft will be sent to you for your acceptance within a couple o
f days. (7)We want the goods on our market at the earliest possib
le date. (8)The difference is calculated according to the contrac
ted price at a later time. (9)We think all the terms should meet
with comment agreement. (10)It is very difficult for us to get th
e goods in large quantity as well as make prompt shipment 4. Fill
in the blanks of the letter.Captioned, ready, approaching, cover
ing, within, subsequent, to, attention, basis, due 5.Fill in the
Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following le
tter. Guangdong Silk-Textile Group Co. Ltd198 Dongfeng Road Guang
zhou, Guangdong, ChinaSales Confirmation Date: 10 June, 2012 No.:
GZB-1258Signed at: GuangzhouThe undersigned sellers and buyers h
ave agreed to close the following transactions according to the t
erms and conditions stipulated below:Name of Commodity: “Mingjia”
Brand Men’s T-shirtSpecification: L-size and M-sizeQuantity: 500
dozens with L-size & M-size equal in numberUnit Price: CIF New Y
ork US$ 100 per dozenTotal Value: US$ 50,000Time of Shipment: Sep
tember 2012Packing:In cartons of 2 dozens each, 10 cartons to a w
ooden caseLoading Port & Destination: Guangzhou Port to New York
PortShipping Marks: At Seller’s optionTerms of Payment: By 100% v
alue confirmed irrevocable L/C by draft at sight with transshipme
nt and partial shipments allowed, to reach the Sellers __30__ day
s before the month of shipment, with shipment validity arranged t
ill the 15th day after the month of shipment, and remain valid fo
r negotiation in the loading port until the _15th _ day after the
shipment validity …Insurance: To be covered by the Sellers again
st All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value.The Buyer
s The Sellers Guangdong Silk-Textile
Group Co. Ltd Please sign and return one copy of this Confirmatio
n.Situational writing:Sales Contract No. NS-369Sellers: Guangdong
Machinery and Equipment Import & Export CorporationBuyers: Canad
a New World Trading CorporationThis contract is made by and betwe
en the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and th
e Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according t
o the terms and conditions set forth as below:Commodity:Precision
InstrumentsSpecifications: Art. No. 2012Quantity: 150 setsUnit P
rice: At US$ 1000.00 per set CIF MontrealTotal Value: US$ 150,000
In reinforced wooden boxesInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers
for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and Breakage as
per China Insurance Clause.Time of Shipment: In 10 September, 201
2Port of Shipment: Guangzhou ChinaPort of Destination: MontrealSh
ipping Marks: At Buyer’s optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L
/C at sightDone and signed in Guangzhou on this 5th day of June,
2012.Chapter 10 key to exercises1. Translate the following terms.
信汇 电汇 票汇不可撤销的信用证付款交单 承兑交单即期汇票冻结资金(占压资金)支付条件开具汇票原来的支付条件2. Choos
e the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.C A
A B B A D A B A C D A D B B B C B A3. Translate the fol
lowing sentences.As for terms of payment, we require irrevocable
L/C payment by draft at sight.We have opened an L/C in your favor
with Bank of China for the amount of USD326, 000.As agreed, the
terms of payment for the above orders are letter of credit of 60
days’ sight or D/P sight draft.Your irrevocable L/C has been duly
received, the shipment can be arranged next Tuesdays.Today we in
formed our bank to send you all the amount by Y/T.We accept your
proposition of changing the terms of payment, and a fax has been
sent for the confirmation.A letter of credit would increase the c
ost of my import.When I open a letter of credit, I have to pay a
deposit. That will tie up my money and increase my cost.In order
to avoid any amendment, please make sure that the L/C is in accor
dance with contract terms.Please arrange shipment on receipt of t
he covering L/C.4. Translate the following sentences.装船日期临近,请及时开立
件,我们将不胜感激。我们希望在平等、互利的基础上和你方进行贸易。很遗憾不能接受你方付款条件,现退回订单。5. Translate
the following letter into Chinese.执事先生:你方5月16日来函收悉,谢谢。我方已认真考虑过你方以
接受,之后我方将再次与你方联系。 敬上Write a letter with the information given belo
w.Dear Sirs,Thank you for the prompt delivery of our order.As our
usual practices go, you require payment by confirmed and irrevoc
able letter of credit. It has indeed cost us too much. Our funds
are tied up for more than three months from the moment we open th
e credit to the time we are paid. The capital burden is too heavy
for us to bear. If you would kindly grant easier and more conven
ient payment terms, we are sure that such an accommodation would
promote our cooperation and bring us more benefits. We propose pa
yment by D/P sight draft.If you are interested in our proposal, p
lease give us an early reply.Yours sincerely,Chapter 11 key to ex
ercisesⅠ.A.1. time/usance L/C2. issuing/opening bank3. confirmed
L/C4. correspondent bank5. accepting bank6. notifying/advising ba
nk7. letter of guarantee8. time for negotiation9. expiry date10.
back-to-back L/C11. trust receiptB.1.光票信用证2.对开信用证3.善意持有人4.备用信用证5.
议付行6.无追索权7.有效票据8.宽限期9.索款通知书10.备妥货款以支付汇票Ⅱ.1. C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C
7.D 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.D16. C 17.B 18.D 19.D 20
.A 21.AⅢAThe amendment advice should reach us by jaunary 5, faili
ng which/otherwise you must extend the validity of the L/C to Jan
uary 20.As there is no direct sailing/steamer from dalian to your
port during September, please delete the clause”by direct steame
r” and to amend”transshipment is allowed”.We will make an arrange
ment with our bank for opening the confirmed irrevocable L/C.Owin
g to the late arrival of the vessel on which we have booked shipp
ing space, we would appreciate your extending the shipment date a
nd validity of your L/C No.060531 to july 10 and july 25 respecti
vely.Please instruct your bank to open the L/C as soon as possibl
e so that shipment can be effected.Please increase the unit price
from 3 dollars to 3.5 dollars and amount to 70,000 dollars.It ap
pears that your L/C is short-established, as the correct total CI
F value of your order comes to 5800 dollars instead of 5250 dolla
rs, the difference being 550 dollars.As the peanut under contract
No.2 cannot be delivered in exact quantity, please insert the wo
rding;“3% more or less for both quantity and amount allowed” in y
our L/C.B据此,我行向出票人和/或善意持有人承诺: 根据本信用证条款开出和议付的汇票于提示时予以兑付,根据本信用证条款承兑
的汇票在到期时予以兑付。2.直航利马索尔的班次很少, 往往需要经鹿特丹转运。若要等候全部货品一次装运,而不先行装运库存货品会拖延速
度。故此,转运和部分装运是必要的。3. 对于该笔交易,我们希望采用保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证,凭一整套符合信用证规
定的装运单据付款。4. 同时,买方是安全的,信用证金额只有在满足信用证规定条款条件时才能支付。5.删除保险条款,改由你方自行安排保
由此引起的损失由贵方承担。Ⅳ.Shanghai Bicycles Trading Co. Ltd.260 Qixing Road,
Shanghai 201101,China 7 December 2008 Mr. Dave Blank Purchase M
anagerLondon Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.2891 Park Street, LondonUnited
KingdomDear Mr Blank Thank you for your L/C No. UK083916, but we
regret to say that we have found a number of discrepancies. Plea
se amend the L/C as follows:The L/C should be at sight instead of
30 days after sight. Commission should read 3%, not 5%. Goods sh
ould be insured for 110% of the invoice value, not 130%. Partial
shipments and transshipment should be allowed. The date and place
of expiry should read: 25 October 2008 in Shanghai,China. Please
adjust the L/C immediately so that we can arrange shipment in ti
me. Yours SincerelyWang MingSales ManagerⅤShanghai Tea Trading Co
.Ltd1831 Xianxia Road, Shanghai 200336,ChinaTel: 021-52063388 Fa
x: 021-520633896 March 2012Mr. Colin RyanPurchase ManagerKangaroo
Trading Company70-71 Cook Street, BrookvaleP.O.BoxE.128 Warring
Mail 2100Sydney, AustraliaDear Mr. RyanThank you very much for yo
ur L/C No. ACB-20070225, but we regret to say that we have found
some discrepancies. Please amend the L/C as follows:The place of
expiry should be “in shanghai” instead of “in Sydney”The amount b
oth in figures and in words should respectively be AUD30, 000.00
and Say Australian Dollars Thirty Thousand Only.Partial shipments
should be allowed.The port of destination should be Sydney inste
ad of Melbourne.Delete the insurance clausePlease make amendments
as soon as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment of th
e goods.Yours sincerelyLi YuqiSales manager Chapter 12 key to exe
rcises1. Translate the following terms.(1)装运通知(2)装运指示(3)装货单,下货纸(4
)舱位,载位(5)不可转让的提单(6)分批装运(7)转运(8)运输代理人(9)运费率(10)分三批等量装运 2.Choose t
he best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. A
2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B
8. A 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. B 13. C
14. A 15. D16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20.
DTranslate the following sentences.(1)As the goods are to be tran
sshipped at Hong Kong, we shall require through B/L.(2)Please con
firm the arrangement of shipment as soon as possible.(3)You may r
est assured that we will ship the goods next week without delay.(
4)Please ship the above-mentioned goods per S.S. “Flying” by the
10th May.(5)Your request for early shipment is under our consider
ation. (6)We must reiterate that prompt shipment must be regarded
as an essential condition for all our orders.(7)Enclosed please
find one set of shipping documents covering this consignment.(8)W
e regret to learn of the delay in shipment of our order. (9)The g
oods under contract No.2345 were shipped per S.S. “Dongfeng” this
afternoon.(10)We trust you will make all necessary arrangements
to deliver the goods in time. 4. Translate the following sentence
s.(1)很高兴告诉你方,100台缝纫机已于今日装“红环”轮。相信该批货会顺利到达你方且情况良好。 (2)如能尽快装运,我们将不胜
我港。5. Translate the following letter into Chinese.尊敬的贝尔女士:你方订单456
许延迟。此致!6. Write a letter with the information given below.Dear Si
rs,Thank you for your letter of 20 May requesting earlier deliver
y of goods under your purchase contract No. 9657.We have contacte
d the shipping company and regret to tell you that we are unable
to comply with your request. We have been informed that there is
no space available on ships sailing from here to your port before
10 April. So we are very sorry that we are unable to advance the
shipment. We will, however, do everything possible to ensure tha
t the goods are shipped within the contracted time. Yours faithfu
lly, Chapter 13 key to exercises1. Translate the following terms
习惯包装(9)装箱单(10)指示性标志 2.Choose the best answer to complete each of
the following sentences. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B
5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C 11.
B 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. C
18. D 19. A 20. ATranslate the following sentence
s.(1)The wheat is to be packed in new gunny bags of 100 kg. and e
ach bag weighs about 1.5kg.(2)Small cases are light and compact,
easy to be stored and to be sold. (3)Please mark the cases as per
the drawing given. (4)The goods should be packed in a cardboard
carton with a dozen, 10 cartons to a wooden case, half an inch th
ick.(5)Your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handlin
g during transit.(6)The goods are to be marked with our initials
in a diamond. (7)We suggest that the goods should be repacked in
small bags, say, half a pound or one pound in order that we can p
ush the sales of it.(8)We suggest that the goods should be repack
ed in neutral packing. Please inform us whether it can be accepte
d or not. (9)The packing of the goods must be improved in order t
o fit for seaworthy condition.(10)Please see to it that each cart
on is lined with a plastic sheet and marked ‘KEEP DRY’ on the out
side. 4. Translate the following sentences.(1)我们可以满足你方包装的特殊要求,但是额
5打装一纸箱,外用铁条加固。(10)货物应采用一种能保证安全完好到达目的地和便于在装运中搬运的方式进行包装。5. Translat
e the following letter into Chinese.尊敬的史密斯先生:现去函你方确认你们订购的中国羊毛地毯已发
运。为使你方卸货方便,特作以下包装处理:字母A、B、C代表装载计划唛头下的图案:A: 200件 (玫瑰图案)B: 500件 (树林
图案)C: 300件 (纯灰色)我们相信,该交运的商品会完好抵达,并让你们满意。此致!6. Write a letter with
the information given below.Dear Sirs,Subject: About the Packing
On 10 July, we received your consignment of 40 cardboard cartons
of steel screws. We regret to inform you that 10 cartons were del
ivered damaged and the contents had spilled, leading to some loss
es.We accept that the damage was not your fault but feel that we
must modify our packing requirement to avoid future losses. We re
quire that future packing be in wooden boxes of 20 kilogram net,
each wooden box containing 40 cardboard packs of 500 grams net. P
lease let us know whether these specifications can be met by you
and whether they will lead to an increase in your prices. We look
forward to your early confirmation.Yours sincerely, Chapter 14 k
ey to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(1)保险范围(2)被保险人(3)
预约保单(4)保险费(5)投保(6)中国人民保险公司(7)免赔率(8)保险凭证(9)平安险(10)一切险2. Choose the
best answer to complete each of the following sentences.(1)C(2)C
(3)A(4)B(5)D(6)B(7)A(8)C(9)B(10)B (11)D(12)A(13)C(14)D(15)C(16)B(
17)D(18)A(19)B(20)A3. Translate the following sentences.(1)We wil
l cover the insurance ourselves on 500 cases of children toys und
er Contract No. 1213.(2)Please cover insurance on the captioned g
oods against All risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value
.(3)According to your request, we have insured your shipment to t
he final destination.(4)Our terms of insurance are to be effected
by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risk.(5
)Premium will be added to invoice amount together with freight ch
arges.(6)Insurance Certificate will follow as soon as we receive
it from the underwriter.(7)The insurance company insures this ris
k with 5% franchise.(8)Should any damage be incurred, you may fil
e a claim with the insurance agent at your end within 60 days aft
er the arrival of the consignment.(9)Generally, we cover consignm
ent against WPA and War Risk in the absence of definite instructi
ons from our clients.(10)If you desire us to insure against a spe
cial risk, an extra premium will have to be charged. 4. Translate
the following sentences.(1)请为我方货物按发票金额的110%投保一切险。(2)我们一收到你方的账单,立
进行投保。(10)对于按CIF价格达成交易的商品,我们通常按发票金额的110%投保一切险。5. Translate the fol
lowing letter into Chinese. 敬启者:事由:贵方第1223号有关2000打童装的订购单我方已收到贵方5
上享有盛誉。顺便告知,我方正在安排2000打童装装“珠江”号轮,并将于6月10日启程。 谨上2012年5月23日 6.Write
a letter with the information given below.Mumbai Taksi Computer
Trade Company211 Taksi Road, Mumbai 400002, India May 12, 2012Sha
nghai Fanmei Computer Trade Company103 Pujian RoadShanghai 201204
P. R. ChinaDear Sirs, We write to refer you to our Order No. PC12
12 for 1500 sets of portable computers which is stipulated tobe i
nsured by the seller for 110% of the invoice value with the PICC
against All Risks and War Risk.But now we wish to insure against
All Risks and War Risk for 150% of the invoice value. We are sorr
y for all the inconvenience caused to you by our alteration and a
wait your reply.Yours truly,第15章综合练习参考答案1. Translate the followin
g terms.(1)归因于(2)符合标准(3)对……补偿(4)保留权利(5)理赔(6)由于短重而索赔(7)货物损失索赔(8)由于
质量低劣而索赔(9)向承运人索赔(10)对……(货物)因……(原因)向……(某人)提出……(金额)的索赔Chapter 15 ke
y to exercises1. Translate the following terms.(1)归因于(2)符合标准(3)对…
)因……(原因)向……(某人)提出……(金额)的索赔 2.Choose the best answer to complete
each of the following sentences. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4
. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. C 11
. D 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. D
18. C 19. A 20. ATranslate the following sentences.(1)
We can not but hold you responsible for the losses thus sustained
.(2)In any case we request you to take measures to prevent such t
hings from happening again.(3)We have looked into the matter thor
oughly but the only explanation is that labels were mixed up. (4)
Please replace a parcel of goods completely according to our orde
red goods. (5)We hereby send you a survey report of the Commodity
Inspection Bureau as evidence of our claims.(6)Thank you for you
r letter of May 30 in which you said that you had received a wron
g delivery to your order No.256.(7)The inspection report shows a
difference of 35 tons between the actual landed weight and the in
voiced weight. (8)We have to ask for a compensation to cover the
loss incurred as a result of the inferior quality of the goods co
ncerned. (9)It was found upon examination that nearly 20% of the
packages had been broken, obviously attributed to improper packin
g. (10)This is the maximum concession we can afford. Should you n
ot agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle it by ar
bitration. 4. Translate the following sentences.1. 我们对混乱和拖延表示遗憾并将
采取有效的措施正确执行你方订货。2. 很遗憾,你们运来的我方758号订单的货物与双方谈定的规格不符。3. 超出供应责任范围的索赔案
件概不受理。4. 经检查后,我们同意向你方赔偿因包装不当而引起的损失。5. 你方的延误使我们在客户面前处于非常尴尬的地步。我们必须
要求你方尽最大努力帮我们摆脱困境。6. 整批货对我方已毫无用处,我们将留待你方处理,仓储费由你方负担。7. 我方123号订单项下之
货物短重500公斤。对此,我们必须向你方索赔1 100美元,外加检查费。8. 因为船运公司对此损失负有责任,我们认为你们的索赔应提
交他们解决。9. 你方申诉现正在调查之中,需要花费一些时间。一旦有结论,定会告知。10. 关于短重,我们随函附寄调查报告一份,以证
明损失可能是在运输途中发生的。5. Translate the following letter into Chinese.敬启者
,令人深感遗憾。若有必要,我们将乐于代你方找轮船公司洽办此事。谨上6. Write a letter with the infor
mation given below.Dear Sirs,We have just received the 50 cases o
f chinaware shipped by Princess under our order No.123. But we re
gret to inform you that 7 cases are broken and contents in these
cases are badly damaged. As you see, our survey report states tha
t the damage is attributed to improper packing. We must therefore
lodge a claim against you for the damage and inspection fee of t
he goods amounting to RMB 5000. We hope the matter will call your
best attention.Yours faithfully,Chapter 16 Cross-border E-comme
rce1. Translate the following phrases into Chinese.(1)exchange ra
te quotation(汇率或外汇牌价)(2)discount quotation(贴现行市)(3)market quotation(市场行情)(4)quote a price(报价)(5)quote favorable terms(报优惠价)(6)fall within the scope of our business activities(属于我们的业务范围)(7)be in the market for(想要购买)(8)illustrated catalogue(带插图的目录)(9)Chinese makes(中国制品)2.Translate the following abbreviations into Chinese.(1) MOQ(最小订货量;最小订购量)(2)pcs(pieces的缩写;表示个、件等数量单位)(3)PI(PROFORMAR INVOICE的缩写;形式发票)(4)ASAP(As Soon As Possible的缩写;尽快)(5)TBA(To Be Advised的缩写;待通知、待定)(6)FYI(For Your Information的缩写;提供给您的信息,供您参考)(7)ETD(estimated time of departure的缩写;预定出发时间)(8)ETA(estimated time of arrival的缩写;预计到达时间)(9)B/L(Bill of Lading的缩写;提单)(10)FCL(Full Container Load的缩写;整柜、整箱货)3.Translate the following sentences into English.(1)市场转变为对买方有利。The market has generally become the buyer’s market.(2)根据我们在澳大利亚销售园林工具的经验,相信这些产品将很快在你方市场上成为畅销品。Judging from our experience in marketing our garden tools in Australia, we are rather confident that they will soon become quick-selling products in your market.(3}我们十分感激你方的合作。We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.(4)希望你们能理解我们的处境。We hope you will appreciate our position.(5)我方一位客户想要购买中国红茶。One of our customers is in the market for Chinese Black Tea.(6)关于我方的资信情况,请向中国银行西安分行查询。For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Xi''an Branch.(7)我们有幸自荐,以期与你公司建立业务关系。We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.(8)我们专门经营中国棉织品出口,愿与你们进行交易。Specializing in the export of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.(9)我们有意向贵国寻求原油供应来源的可能性。We are interested in the possibility of establishing sources of supply of crude oil from your country.4. Translate the following letter into English.尊敬的先生:我们从中国驻加纳使馆商务处得悉贵公司的行名。兹告我公司专营工业和药物化工原料,并想同你们建立业务联系。为了使你们对我方产品有个全面的了解,现附上有关我公司经营的各种产品的一整套小册子,内有详细规格和包装情况。一旦收到你们的具体询价,我们马上寄样报价。我们将以货物在装运时的质量和重量为准达成交易,而货物在出运前将由上海商检局进行检验。有关货物质量和数量等证明将由上海商检局提供。盼早日收到你们的回信。中国化工产品进出口公司经理2017年11月15日译文:Dear Sirs We have your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana. We wish to inform you that we specialize in both industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you. To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specifications and means of packing. Quotations and samples will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquiries.Business between us will be concluded on the basis of shipping quality and weight while testing and inspection will be made by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau prior to shipment. Necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity of the shipment will, of course, be provided. We look forward to your early reply with much interest.Yours sincerelyChina National Import & Export CorpManagerNovember 15, 2017