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孔慧敏名师 网络工作室主讲教师:邱皛名师解惑阅读理解突破推理判断题型名师带你学英语重难点突破知识点介绍新课介绍知识点介绍新课介绍2例1Ei
ghteen people in central Kenya are taking the country''s secondary
education test, called the KCSE. Even under normal conditions, t
his examination can make a student nervous. But these 18 students
may feel especially fearful. They are serving sentences in a top
-security prison. And if they do well in the test, they might get
to leave the prison.During the test the inmates(囚犯)sit at school
desks at Naivasha Prison.The classroom looks like any other exce
pt that the students are wearing prison uniforms. David Noah Okwe
mba has just finished the examination for history and biology. He
says he wants people to know that the prisoners are no longer cr
iminals. Instead, he says they are students.Prisoners who perform
well can have their sentences changed. They may be released earl
y to go to university or find employment. Patrick Mwenda is head
officer at Naivasha prison. He says Naivasha works with the high
courts to consider the cases of prisoners who get high marks and
nine prisoners have been released since 2008 as a result of.their
schooling and tests. So far, the releases have gone only to pris
oners sentenced to short terms.理解提高范例解析1. Why does the author men
tion KCSE in Paragraph 1?A. To suggest its popularity among Kenya
.B. To explain its influence on secondary students.C. To introduc
e a special mercy in Kenya prison.D. To praise the achievement of
schooling in prison.例1Only one other possibility for freedom exi
sts for those facing life in prison and those who have used up al
l their legal appeals. Kenya''s Power of Mercy committee advises a
bout pardons for prisoners. Mr.Mwenda admits the difficulties of
getting a pardon. But he says the prison urges students with long
er sentences to build skills, which would help them have a good r
ecord to show the committee.Inmate Prince Winsor Mosii does not a
pprove of the whole system."The Power of Mercy is not actually he
lpful. It is there, but it is not helping in setting us at libert
y, even if you have performed." Serving a life sentence for his i
nvolvement in an armed robbery, Prince Winsor Mosii took his KCSE
exam last year. But he says he does not see much reason to get a
n education if he is to remain in prison."It is of no good to get
or to acquire something of great value skills, and not put it in
to action."More than half of the 3,000 inmates at the Naivasha pr
ison are involved in the school program. The inmates themselves c
hoose the subjects and decide the content of the studies. Persona
l experience makes up an important part of the class discussions.
理解提高范例解析2. According to Prince Winsor Moss,______.A. it is diffic
ult for prisoners to learn a skillB. it is useless studying if on
e cannot be releasedC. prisoners with long sentences also need to
studyD. mastering a skill can help one solve practical problems拓
展备考高考目标例1California has lost half its big trees since the 1930s,
according to a study to be published Tuesday and climate change s
eems to be a major factor(因素).The number of trees larger than two
feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46, 000 squa
re miles of California forests, the new study finds. No area was
spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra
Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles. In the S
ierra high country, the number of big trees has fallen by more th
an 55 percent; in parts of southern California the decline was ne
arly 75 percent.Many factors contributed to the decline, said Pat
rick McIntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study.
Woodcutters targeted big trees. Housing development pushed into
the woods. Aggressive wildfire control has left California forest
s crowded with small trees that compete with big trees for resour
ces(资源).But in comparing a study of California forests done in th
e 1920s and 1930s with another one between 2001 and 2010, McIntyr
e and his colleagues documented a widespread death of big trees t
hat was evident even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or d
evelopment.The loss of big trees was greatest in areas where tree
s had suffered the greatest water shortage. The researchers figur
ed out water stress with a computer model that calculated how muc
h water trees were getting in comparison with how much they neede
d, taking into account such things as rainfall, air temperature,
dampness of soil, and the timing of snowmelt(融雪).Since the 1930s,
McIntyre said, the biggest factors driving up water stress in th
e state have been rising temperatures, which cause trees to lose
more water to the air, and earlier snowmelt, which reduces the wa
ter supply available to trees during the dry season.真题链接:2019年6月浙江高考C篇28. Which of the following is well-intentioned but may be bad for big trees?A. Ecological studies of forests.B. Banning woodcutting.C. Limiting housing development.D. Fire control measures.拓展备考防火措施谢 谢更多精彩内容,尽在《名师带你学英语》