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2022-12-09 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
程卡,突然有点恍惚,大家自由出行的日子好像是很久之前的事了。一、“健康码”、“行程卡”相关英文Health QR code: 健康
码例:Show me your health QR code please.请出示你的健康码。travel card 或 trav
el code:行程卡Trip code status :行程码状态No abnormal findings(未见异常)有些健康码
会有查询结果是“未见异常”的情况表示绿码。二、"一刀切"、"层层加码"、 "精准防控"相关英文 a one-size-fits-a
ll approach:一刀切 making local governments take excessive policy st
eps:层层加码例:We will avoid a one-size-fits-all approach, refrain fro
m making local governments take excessive policy steps.防止政策执行“一刀切
”、层层加码。2022年8月7日北京大学法律英文网推文,论述相关聘任政策,其中写道:They shall clarify the
responsibilities of four parties (i.e., local authorities, line d
epartments, employers, and individuals), and shall not take exces
sive policy steps.明确四方(即地方、直管部门、用人单位、个人)的责任,不得采取过多的政策措施。take exce
ssive policy steps, 义为“采取/实施过多/过分的政策措施”,释译了“层层加码”的意思。“层层加码”其他各种译法
和译语:layers of overweight(新华社2022年7月8日),“层层超重”。excessive control m
easures(新华社2022年11月29日),“过度管控措施”。excessive anti-Covid measure(Blo
omberg,彭博社2022年11月11日),“过度的抗疫措施”。multi-layered … operation(Associ
ated Press美联社2022年12月1日),“多层……操作”。“层层减码”没有明确的相关英文accurate counter
measures:精准防控三、“解封”、“复工复产”相关英文lift the lockdown或The lockdown lift
s:解封lift 本义是“抬起”,引申为“解除,撤销”的意思The lockdown eases或ease the lockdow
n:解封ease 为动词,指“减轻,缓解”,也可指“使...减轻, 使...缓解”,英文解释为:to become or to m
ake sth less unpleasant, painful, severe, etc。Work and production
resume:复工复产Resume work and production:复工复产例:Work and production
resume in different parts of China.Public transport has resumed a
nd some shops have been allowed to reopen.四、“烟火气”的英文怎么说呢?01.smell
of cooking02.the hustle and bustle of the city life/normal daily
life例:The city is active and alive again.城市又有了烟火气。otherworldly:
不食人间烟火的例:She is an otherworldly artist.她是一位不食人间烟火的艺术家。调整不等于“放开”,目