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2022-12-11 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
中考书面表达例文讲解Dear John,
I''m sorry to hear that you always can''t finish your homew
ork on weekends. After taking a look at how you spend your weeken
ds,I''ve got something to say. It seems that you spend 60% of your
time watching TV,while other 20% and 15% playing computers games
and visiting friends. You only spend 5% of time on your homework
. And you don''t spend any time doing sports or do some reading. T
hat''s terrible. I
n my opinion,we should spend our weekends properly. Not only can
we relax on weekends,but also we should do something meaningful,s
uch as reading and exercising. Study is important,too. We should
spend more time on it. I suggest that you should make a plan of y
our time and have a good use of it. Your I am sor
ry to hear that you complain about the weekend homework that seem
s impossible to complete. But I have to say it is your fault.
The cause of the problem is that you haven’t been able to plan
your time properly. I am truly shocked that you spend sixty perce
nt of the time watching TV and twenty percent of the time is spen
t on computer games. Anther fifteen percent of your time is spent
in visiting friends, while only five percent of the time is spen
t on homework. I think your schedule is completely unreasonab
le, so you’d better consider my advice. 范文节选 The biggest probl
em is that you spend too much time in watching TV, playing comput
er games and visiting friends. You only spend 5 percent of the ti
me on your homework. That’s why your homework can’t be finished o
n time. As you know, studying is the most important thing for
students. It’s a good way to make a weekly plan, which will make
your life more regular. You should also take study more seriousl
y. I hope that your problem will work out soon. 范文节选What a lon
g time you’ve wasted!It’s widely known that electronic products a
ffect our study. So please put them down. You can make yourself r
elaxed by doing sports instead of playing computer games or watch
ing TV. Whether or not you can finish your homework depends on yo
ur learning habits. 例句节选First of all, you should reduce the time
which is spent in watching TV and playing games. As long as you i
ncrease your time for studying, your problem will be solved.So gi
ve up some of your time for play, try to enjoy studying, the pro
blem will be solved. Taking exercise is a wise choice to help you keep a balance between study and playing.例句节选