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Vacabulary learning M2U4优质教学材料课件PPT
2022-12-13 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
@ Yu Du High School
Dec. 27th, 2018Unit4Wildlife Protect
ionin the open area/ zonen. 区域;地带;地区Wildlife{ ? wild pla
nts wild animalswild animalsTeaching AimIn this period, it contai
ns the following learning goals.You will be able to1. master the
key words or phrases through situational teaching, like pi
ctures, discussion, question & answer, etc.2. employ(=make
use of) some key words or phrases in this period by writing
a letter of suggestion to consolidate(巩固) what you have learn
ed. 3. find, analyse, deal with the problem through the m
ethods below: situation–reasons-measures. 4. be aware of the pres
ent situation of wildlife and raise your awareness of wildlif
e protection through listening, speaking, writing or task tru
nks by individual or group work.If you were the writer, what
would you like to cover in this unit?Wildlife Protectionhabitatsi
tuations with…how (ways/measures) to protectanimals/plantsreasons
to protect … …a living placeWhy is such a topic covere
d in our textbook?How do you feel after seeing these bloody scene
s?upset; heartbroken; full of mercy/ pity; shocked; gloomy; awful
; aching; disgusting; ….______ scenebloody Why is such a topi
c covered in our textbook? We should be aware that some animals
are in _______. (they’re _____________animals) We must do some
thing to protect them from extinction.dangerendangereddying out
: die outMore endangered wild animalsMilu deer 麋鹿 antelope
藏羚羊living in Tibet, a distant zone.adj far-awaySouth China Tige
r 华南虎Golden Monkey 金丝猴Its teeth are so sharp
that you might die if bitten. bite, bit, bittenPanda熊猫 Rhino
犀牛What do wild animals need if they manage to live in nature?Foo
dGood environment Safety/securityGood living place——habitatn.adj
. securesucceed in doing What do wild animals need if they are to
succeed in living in nature?Four Basic NeedsForest Human beingsA
nimals Live in harmony Watch and think how animals’ life
has changed over time and what result may happen because of what
human beings did to wild animals.Do you think human beings apprec
iate living together with wildlife? feel thankful to do?Animals’
life change The res
ult?What human did may threaten the wildlifeput the wildlife in
dangerdo harm to the environmentdecrease the number of animalsaf
fect the whole biological chainLived happily /freely /in peaceLiv
e sadly /fearfully /in dangerIn the pastAt presentDifferent speci
es lives on each other.The decrease of one species may affect the
others .Why are wild animals are gradually dying out?die out ≈ d
isappear from the earthIt is because of ____________ that wild an
imals are ________ _______(die out) and the number of them_____
________(decrease)hunting/killing is decreasingdying
out Can you think of more reasons why so many wild animals are
dying out?“Mum, I am hungry. Where is our next meal ?” Food ?Food
lossFood shortagePlaces?habitat?What caused the polar bears to l
ive on the only block of ice ?Reasons for EndangermentToo m
uch huntingPollutionFood shortage/…habitat destructionClimate cha
ngedMore reasons why wild animals are dying out.loss of fooddestr
oylose v. Supposing you were government officials, what could
you do to protect wild animals from dying out? Please list as mu
ch advice as possible and choose one to report in class. Pair wor
k In our opinion, we think …… Work in groups and share your
idea with each other. Remember: One student in your grou
p should be chosen to give a short presentation, so you need to w
rite down the possible suggestions so that you can present your r
eport clearly. Supposing you are government officials, what ca
n you do to protect wild animals from dying out? Please list as m
uch advice as possible and choose one to report in class. Group D
iscussion In our opinion, we think ……Suggested answers: To se
t up some special natural reserves and inspect (examine) t
hem regularly. To employ(hire) volunteers to protect the habita
t, to supervise the illegal hunting and selling -- . To coll
ect money to save endangered animals. To make some laws to preve
nt them from being hunted/ killed. To expose the hunting and
those hunters in different media. To educate people to realise t
he importance of wildlife protection. To call on the whole n
ation to care about animals and environment.The earth is the o
nly planet suitable for human to live on.Please cherish , protect
, love the earth. Only by doing so can we live in peace with nat
ure as well as live in harmony with wildlife.What have you learne
d in this period?How to analyse a certain phenomenon.Learn better
about the present situation of wild animals, the reasons behind
and ways to protect them.Learn some key words or phrases related
to wildlife protection.Consolidation 假如你是李华,学习了有关野生动植物保护一课之后,
内心深受震撼,忧虑于当前野生动物的生存现状,就此提出自己的几点建议。请代表学校向China Daily写一封建议信。信的内容应包括
如下信息:写信的目的;当前野生动物的生存现状;你的几点建议。 注意:1. 词数100字左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Words for reference:hunting; habitat; die out; decrease; In danger/ endanger; threaten ; do harm to; affect; ---wildlife protection; pay attention to; set up reserves; make a law; protect ---from---; educate; call on; in peace; so thatMany thanks for your cooperation!