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An English Writing Course for Middle School Students浙江微课网浙江省王崴然网络名师工作室
初中英语写作教程应用文写作郑仙雁 温州市第十七中学 Before class1 pens 2 notebook
3 good mood for the class Pra
ctical English writing 应用文写作Introduction It is English used
in the situation of practical work. Practical English writing com
municates specific and factual information to inform , instruct
or explain to the audience who read it. What?Notice Invitationsp
eech accident reportLetter cardsformsnotePractical English wri
ting 应用文写作Introduction 公文便条类notice invitationspeech reportlet
ter cardsformsnote书信演说类speechInvitationAccident reportNotice Lett
er Please match the pictures with the types of the passageIntr
oduction Discussion应用文特点是什么?特点 1 Correct form 规范正确的格式 Salutat
ion称呼Body 正文Complimentary close结束语Signature签名1 Correct form 规范
正确的格式 应用文特点2Discussion应用文特点3语言简洁,清晰明了Discussion语言丰富,形式多变Discussi
on应用文特点3Discussion3 rational, varied sentence合理多样的语言应用文特点3公文便条类应用
文语言简洁, 清晰明了。书信演讲类应用文语 言丰富, 形式多变summary 1 Correct form 规范正确
的格式 2 clear content 明确具体的内容3 rational, varied sentence合理多样的语言Ap
plication letter申请信 2017温州英语中考五 书面表达 56 假如你是李华,就读于Wenzhou Tanghe
Middle School,你想去美国的Washington International School (WIS)读高中。现在你需
要给对方学校写一封简明扼要,有说服力的自荐信,争取让学校录取你。参考要点:个人信息 学习成绩 爱好能力
…….要求(1)不能出现真实的个人身份信息 (2)词数:110词左右。 1 Correct form
规范正确的格式Salutation称呼Body 正文Complimentary close结束语Signature签名五 书面表达
56 假如你是李华,就读于Wenzhou Tanghe Middle School,你想去美国的Washington Inter
national School (WIS)读高中。现在你需要给对方学校写一封简明扼要,有说服力的自荐信,争取让学校录取你。参考要点
:个人信息 学习成绩 爱好能力 …….要求(1)不能出现真实的个人身份信息 (2)词
数:110词左右。 1 Correct form规范正确的格式Salutation称呼Body 正文Compliment
ary close结束语Signature签名Dear Sir/Madam, I’m looking forward to yo
ur reply.Yours,LihuaWhat? 2 clear content明确具体的内容五 书面表达 56 假如你是李华,
就读于Wenzhou Tanghe Middle School,你想去美国的Washington International Sc
hool (WIS)读高中。现在你需要给对方学校写一封简明扼要,有说服力的自荐信,争取让学校录取你。参考要点:个人信息
学习成绩 爱好能力 …….要求(1)不能出现真实的个人身份信息 (2)词数:110词左右。Wh
o whereWhat How Why whatwhyhow 2 clear content明确具体的内容A What—提出申
请 C Why— 表达希望B How — 申请理由 个人信息学习成绩爱好能力让学校录取outline条理清晰,有说服力略写详写略写
3 rational, varied sentence合理多样的语言A What—提出申请 1 I am writing the
letter to ask the possibility of … …,2 I am writing to express m
y interest in ….. . .3 In reply to your …….. in ……, I wr
ite the letter.4 I wish to get an opportunity to ……3 rational, va
ried sentence合理多样的语言1 One of my reasons for applying is that 理由一…
The other reason is that 理由二… Besides ,理由三….B How — 申请理由 2
Firstly, I 理由一….. Secondly/ what’s more, 理由二…. Last but not le
ast, I 理由三…..How?(条理清晰,有说服力)How to write the reasons?Tip :Rationa
lly &logicallyTip : 条件合理,有逻辑性。(分点写理由。每个理由后有与之相关的细节说明。)Reason1 be
good at English How long have you learnt English ?I have learnt E
nglish for…..What do you usually do?What’s the result?I spend a
lot of time doing….I have won the prize of …..Have a try be goo
d at playing basketball How long have you played basketball ?I ha
ve played basketball for two yearsWhat do you usually do?What’s t
he result?I often play basketball on weekends.I am in the school
baskeball team.3 rational, varied sentence合理多样的语言1I would be mos
t thankful if you can give me the chance.2 I hope you will be k
ind enough to …..3 I will be grateful if you can give me a consid
eration to..4 I expect you can …… C Why— 表达希望Writing五 书面表达 56 假如你
是李华,就读于Wenzhou Tanghe Middle School,你想去美国的Washington Internationa
l School (WIS)读高中。现在你需要给对方学校写一封简明扼要,有说服力的自荐信,争取让学校录取你。参考要点:个人信息
学习成绩 爱好能力 …….要求(1)不能出现真实的个人身份信息 (2)词数:110词左
右。WritingDear Sir /Madam, I am Lihua from Wenzhou Tanghe Mi
ddle School. I’m writing to apply for the admission to WIS. WIS i
s my dream place. As an outgoing girl, I get on well with my
friends. Besides, I am so good at English that I am elected as a
n assistant to my English teacher. What’s more, I have lent a hel
ping hand to her in several English activities of my school. Last
but not least, I am an active person who enjoys working with dif
ferent people and can adapt well to new situation. I hope y
ou can give me the chance. I am looking forward to your rep
Yours, LihuaAn English Writing Course for Middle School Students浙江微课网浙江省王崴然网络名师工作室初中英语写作教程Thank you !