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新英美报刊选读-Chapter 4 Features of News Discourse
2022-12-20 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Chapter 4 Features of News Discourse纪实类英语新闻特征评论类英语新闻特征解释性英语新闻特征特写类英语新
闻特征第一节 纪实类英语新闻特征1. 写作结构主要有“倒金字塔结构”和“金字塔结构”两种形式纪实类英语新闻是对当下社会中新近发生的
容形式等通常具有以下特征:2. 内容形式注重新闻性、选择题材追求新型化、报道对象体现生活化1. 写作结构主要有“倒金字塔结构”和“
金字塔结构”两种形式例文:Biden: ‘Every indication’ Russia prepared to attack
Ukraine KYIV, Ukraine — U.S. President Joe Biden warned Thursd
ay that Russia could still invade Ukraine within days, and the No
. 2 diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was expelled as tensio
ns flared anew in the worst East-West standoff in decades.1)倒金字塔结
顺序写出的一种结构形式。NATO allies accused Russia of misleading the world wi
th “disinformation” by saying it was returning some troops to the
ir bases – one of the gestures Russia made this week that briefly
cooled temperatures and raised hopes for peace. Russia is believ
ed to have some 150,000 forces around Ukraine’s borders.Speaking
at the White House, Biden said Washington saw no signs of a Russi
an withdrawal of forces, and said the U.S. has “reason to believe
” that Russia is “engaged in a false flag operation to have an ex
cuse to go in.”He told reporters: “Every indication we have is th
ey''re prepared to go into Ukraine, attack Ukraine.”The State Depa
rtment said Russia ordered the deputy chief of mission to the U.S
. Embassy in Moscow, Bart Gorman, to leave the country, calling t
he move “unprovoked” and “an escalatory step.” Russia provided no
details of why he was expelled.Tensions also spiked along the li
ne that separates Ukrainian forces from Russia-backed separatists
in the country’s east, with the parties accusing each other of i
ntensive shelling.Russia held out an offer of diplomacy, handing
the U.S. a response Thursday to offers to engage in talks on limi
ting missile deployments in Europe, restrictions on military dril
ls and other confidence-building measures. …
(The Associated Press, Feb. 17
, 2022)这则消息采用的是倒金字塔结构,消息开头开门见山地将最重要的新闻事实写在导语里,让读者可以对消息全文一目了然,即:U.
S. President Joe Biden warned Thursday that Russia could still in
vade Ukraine within days, and the No. 2 diplomat at the U.S. Emba
ssy in Moscow was expelled as tensions flared anew in the worst E
ast-West standoff in decades. 最重要的新闻事实同时也是读者感觉最新鲜、最关心的问题。从第二段开始至结
years ago, these women launched a side hustle for Black figure s
katers— now Olympians are wearing their tights Imani Rickerby
and Jasmine Snead had a problem. It was 2017, and the College
Park, Maryland-based synchronized skating coaches had preteen and
teenage athletes falling apart during competitions. Confidence d
rained, their shoulders slumped before they even took to the ice.
时间顺序写出的一种结构形式。The coaches, both Black women, knew what their pred
ominantly Black team was competitively – and emotionally – strugg
ling with. Rickerby, now 26, remembers her childhood teammates’ m
atching makeup and tights complimented their complexions. Hers di
dn’t. “I didn’t feel like I belonged in the sport at all,” she te
lls CNBC Make It.With Sydney Parker, 25, a former dancer and thei
r sorority sister at the University of Maryland, College Park, th
ey started hand-dyeing their own tights. They bought dyes from cr
aft stores and hand-mixed the colors with vinegar in their apartm
ent, creating shades to match Black skin tones.Today, their start
-up Aurora Tights says it’s the country’s most inclusive hosiery
brand, designing tights for hundreds of figure skaters, dancers,
cheerleaders and gymnasts. That includes Team USA pairs skater As
hley Cain-Gribble, who is competing in the 2022 Winter Olympic Ga
mes in Beijing.Team Canada pairs skater Vanessa James and two-tim
e Olympian Maé-Bérénice Méité are also brand ambassadors, and U.S
. skater Starr Andrews has her own shade of hosiery on the compan
y’s website. In Netflix’s limited series “Inventing Anna,” the fa
ux heiress’ friend Neff wears Aurora Tights in multiple episodes,
the hosiery company says.Perhaps most notably, Aurora Tights is
still a side-hustle — and a profitable one, too, according to the
company. All three co-founders say they intend to keep their ful
l-time jobs elsewhere, unless another company buys the brand.…

(CNBC, Feb. 17, 2022)这则消息采用的是金字塔结构,消息以自然
以看到十分明显的时间顺序标志,即:It was 2017, and the College Park, Maryland-base
d synchronized skating coaches had preteen and teenage athletes f
alling apart during competitions. … Today, their start-up Aurora
Tights says it’s the country’s most inclusive hosiery brand, desi
gning tights for hundreds of figure skaters, dancers, cheerleader
s and gymnasts. 事件的开头就是消息的开头,事件的结尾就是消息的结尾,直至把事件的整个经过写完,让读者了解事件的全过
程。金字塔结构的缺点是开头不能吸引读者,精华部分蕴藏在长篇叙述之中,需要读者耐心读完全部内容,才能了解事件真相。2. 内容形式注重
新闻性、选择题材追求新型化、报道对象体现生活化例文:USPS reform must pass Congress Some
overdue good news of a bipartisan kind could be en route to local
mailboxes soon.纪实类英语新闻最基本的特点是新闻性,真实的事件和人物对读者产生的亲切感、参与感和冲击力最具有新闻性
道对象要体现生活化,读者喜欢原汁原味生活化的故事,厌恶修饰加工显得虚假的文章。The Postal Service Reform
Act, awaiting final action in Congress, would continue 6-day deli
very, bolster the bureaucracy’s underlying finances, and go a lon
g way to ensuring the post office remains a key institution in Am
erican life.The importance of this sprawling behemoth is abundant
ly clear.With the rise of mail-order pharmacies, many residents —
especially veterans and senior citizens — use the mail to receiv
e their medications. People pay bills and stay in touch with the
U.S. Postal Service’s help. Post office buildings themselves are
an important presence in the lives of local communities.The opera
tion is staggering in size and complexity. The Postal Service lik
es to tout statistics estimating that it processes an average of
17.7 million mail pieces each hour, pays $2.1 billion in salaries
and benefits every two weeks, and on an international scale, pro
cesses and delivers close to half the world’s mail volume.Yet thi
s crucial operation is threatened on multiple fronts. Mail is too
frequently late. In recent years, the USPS has lost billions of
dollars annually. Time and again the organization has lagged behi
nd on technology and changing consumer demands and found itself h
amstrung by poor decisions, its required duties, and governmental
mandates.The needed reforms would overhaul some major liabilitie
s, saving billions by pushing employees to enroll in Medicare whe
n eligible, and ditching a costly health benefits prefunding requ
(Newsday, Feb. 16, 2022)首先,从内容形式上
每个人的生活息息相关,例如:The importance of this sprawling behemoth is abunda
ntly clear. With the rise of mail-order pharmacies, many resident
s — especially veterans and senior citizens — use the mail to rec
eive their medications. People pay bills and stay in touch with t
he U.S. Postal Service’s help. Post office buildings themselves a
re an important presence in the lives of local communities. 因此,关系
美国人的生活质量,而这些新问题的亟待解决就需要进行新的改革,例如:Yet this crucial operation is th
reatened on multiple fronts. Mail is too frequently late. In rece
nt years, the USPS has lost billions of dollars annually. Time an
d again the organization has lagged behind on technology and chan
ging consumer demands and found itself hamstrung by poor decision
s, its required duties, and governmental mandates. 因此,美国邮政服务所面临的新
日常生活息息相关,因此这一新闻事件的报道对象具有鲜明的生活化特征。PracticeTranslate the following
English news into Chinese.Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan says
U.S. consumer spending ‘very strong’ in FebruaryU.S. consumers ar
e spending more money while also growing savings in a positive si
gn for the economy, according to Bank of America CEO Brian Moynih
an.Moynihan told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Wednesday that spending on
Bank of America cards has jumped by as much as 20% from last year
.“When you look at the core spending levels of consumers, they co
ntinue to be very strong,” Moynihan said. “January’s up nearly 15
to 20% [from a year earlier]; we’re seeing that continue into Fe
bruary.”Bank of America is the second-biggest U.S. bank by assets
, after only JPMorgan Chase. Its relationships with U.S. househol
ds, small businesses and corporations give Moynihan a unique view
into the health of the economy.While there was concern that cons
umer bank account balances would plunge after government stimulus
programs ended, that hasn’t been the case yet, Moynihan said. In
stead, balances have risen for the “last six or seven months,” ac
cording to the CEO.“The second thing is that consumers have more
money in their account,” Moynihan said. “So in the month of Janua
ry their accounts grew again, especially for consumers that carry
lower balances.”Moynihan said that his bank was poised to genera
te more earnings in a rising rate environment. The Federal Reserv
e is expected to start hiking its benchmark rate next month.The w
ide-ranging interview covered the bank’s technology investments.
As of last month, Bank of America had 16 million active Zelle use
rs, and last year Zelle transactions exceeded paper checks for th
e first time.
(CNBC, Feb. 16, 2022)Answer
%。 莫伊尼汉说:“当你看一看消费者的核心支出水平时,你会发现他们仍然非常强劲。” “1月份(与去年同期相比)增长了近15%至2
0%; 我们将看到这种情况持续到2月份。美国银行是美国资产规模仅次于摩根大通的第二大银行。它与美国家庭、小企业和公司的关系,让莫伊
如此。 相反,据这位首席执行官说,在“过去的六、七个月里”,余额一直在增加。“第二件事是,消费者的账户里有更多的钱,”莫伊尼汉说。
。美联储(Federal Reserve)预计将于下个月开始上调基准利率。采访内容广泛,涵盖了该行的技术投资。截至上个月,美国银行
(美国全国广播公司财经频道,2022年2月16日)第二节 特写类英语新闻特征特写类英语新闻(featu
re story)是以描写为主要表达方式,选取新闻事实中最能反映其特点和本质的片段或细节,作形象化的再现的一种新闻体裁。从题材角度
分类,可以分为人物特写、事件特写、景物特写、专题特写。特写类英语新闻一般具有新闻性、形象性和片段性等特点。1. 新闻性2. 形象性
3. 片段性1. 新闻性新闻性是指向读者提供新闻事实,对当前公众感兴趣的新闻事实进行时效性很强的特写性报道,除了全面交代新闻要素(
5个W)之外,还要具备新闻的基本特质,即时效性、真实性、广泛性、公开性等。2. 形象性形象性是指形象地再现新闻事实,呈现新闻事实的
闻事件,再现新闻事实。3. 片段性片段性是指不写全貌,只选取典型和精彩的片段加以特别描写。特写类英语新闻侧重新闻事件中重要和精彩的
事件的近景照片。例文:‘Barefoot doctors’ safeguard health of villagers Af
ter serving as a rural doctor for 54 years, Ma Wenfang still pref
ers to be called a “barefoot doctor”. Barefoot doctors were he
althcare workers trained to attend the basic medical needs of Chi
na’s vast rural population from the 1960s to 1980s. “Back in t
he 1950s and 1960s, there was no doctor in our village,” Ma, who
is from Liuzhuang village in Tongxu county of Central China’s Hen
an province, was quoted as saying by China Newsweek. For the v
illagers with minor ailments, it was common for them to carry on
and wait for the diseases to recede, according to Ma. For those w
ith severe conditions, the well-off ones could go to see doctors
at urban hospitals and the poor could only wait for death.Ma’s mo
ther died of typhoid at the age 32. His 8-year-old younger brothe
r also succumbed to the disease in less than two months.Having wi
tnessed his beloved ones die in succession, Ma made up his mind t
o become a doctor.The country was then beset with acute shortage
of trained doctors and medicines. And health workers were disprop
ortionately concentrated in urban areas.Statistics show that in 1
964, about 70 percent of the nation’s senior health workers were
based in cities – where 10 percent of the national population liv
ed – while 30 percent of the medics worked in the countryside, wh
ere over 90 percent of the population resided.…
China Daily, Nov. 11, 2021)这是一篇选自《中国日报》的特写类英语新闻,主题内容是关于“赤脚医生”,这篇特
的立体感和画面感,因此描写和叙述方面会比纪实类英语新闻更加细腻、更加讲究、更加优美、更加富有趣味性。例如:After gradua
ting from a junior middle school in 1967, Ma Wenfang went to rece
ive medical training as a “barefoot doctor”. He learned both West
ern medicine, including anatomy and physiology, as well as tradit
ional Chinese medicine such as the use of medicinal herbs and acu
puncture. 这些细节信息的补充让马文芳这位乡村赤脚医生的形象更加充实饱满,更具有画面感和立体感。通过阅读,读者会对这位乡村
said barefoot doctors could earn more work points than ordinary
villagers. They sometimes could garner 10 points, the maximum for
a day’s work. And at the end of a month, they received food from
the production brigade based on the work points they secured. 这些
细致描写更具体、更生动、更形象、更具有画面感、更激发读者的阅读兴趣,引导读者把全文读完。PracticeTranslate the
underlined part of the following English news into Chinese.The a
ppellation “barefoot doctor” was officially abolished in 1985, an
d many such doctors retired, changed their profession, or started
private clinics. Some others contracted the clinics from the com
munes and turned self-sustaining practitioners, though still unde
r the name of “barefoot doctors”.These “barefoot doctors” have im
proved their professional skills through training and self-learni
ng, and were still well-received among villagers in the following
years.Answer1985年,“赤脚医生”的称谓正式废除,许多赤脚医生退休、改行或开办私人诊所。 还有一些人从公社那里承包
受到村民的欢迎。在上世纪90年代,马文芳说他在最忙的时候每天要看150多名病人。 在“黄金时代”,马文芳的诊所还能保持一些利润。在
留出一部分收入用于家庭开支后,马文芳把剩下的钱用于治疗村民和给来自贫困家庭的儿童接种疫苗。Features of News Dis
course第三节 评论类英语新闻特征评论类英语新闻是既叙事又评论的英语新闻语篇,其最终目的是对报道的事实发表见解,并表明立场。评
”,“引经据典”,“结论先行”等。1、基本结构清晰例句1:November marks National Homeless Awa
reness Month. The issue is certainly top-of-mind in California, w
here homelessness ranks among the top problems facing the state i
n opinion polls and the topic featured prominently in the recent
gubernatorial recall election.译文:11月是全国无家可归者意识月。此问题无疑是加利福尼亚州的头等大事
相应的事实及道理依据,整体思路清晰,直至最终得出结论。1、基本结构清晰例句2:Something is amiss with Ca
lifornia’s approach, but it certainly isn’t a lack of money. Bill
ions of dollars are being spent on homeless. More is being spent
than ever before, but the number of those experiencing homelessne
ss continues to climb.译文:加州的做法有点不对劲,但这肯定不是缺钱。数十亿美元被花在了无家可归者身上。花费比
的评论类英语新闻的结论也应当做到简明扼要,有深度,有力度,甚至令人读后感到“言有尽而意无穷”。1、基本结构清晰例句3:For th
ose who believe in democracy, he said, “anything is possible-anyt
hing.” This is true, as the events of both March 25, 1965, and Ja
nuary 6, 2021, established. Anything is possible right now, and t
hat is as much cause for hope as it is for grave concern.译文:这是真的,
文评论类新闻中使用的“本报”、“本刊”、“我们”、“大家”等语调。2、语言文字较为精练正式例句4:Whenever college
professors from diverse colleges and disciplines gather, before
long they are usually complaining about how university administra
tors-individuals who do not teach (and many never did) thwart col
leges performing their two major missions...We are approaching 25
0 years since the founder of modern economic analysis, Adam Smith
, noted...译文:来自不同学院和学科的大学教授聚集在一起没多久,他们经常就会抱怨大学管理者——不教书的个人(许多人从未教书
)如何阻挠大学履行其两大使命......从现代经济分析的创始人亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)指出.......以来,我们已经接
,构成了评论类英语新闻内容的生态性。PracticeTranslate the following English news in
to Chinese.Second, technology has evolved to address the two majo
r obstacles to transforming OSINT(Open Source Intelligence) into
mission-critical decisions: Speed and scale. Historically, before
automated technology was developed, the exponentially growing am
ount of OSINT data overwhelmed analysis tools and made it challen
ging to deliver insights fast enough to stay a step ahead of thre
ats. PracticeTranslate the following English news into Chinese.Ar
tificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically increased the volume
of data that can be analyzed in real-time. Today’s AI-enabled pla
tforms empower intelligence analysts to leverage OSINT as the fou
ndation that can help uncover hidden threats, corroborate classif
ied reporting, and pinpoint the targets that warrant resource-int
ensive, traditional intelligence gathering.AnswerTranslate the fo
llowing English news into Chinese.第二,技术的发展已经解决了将OSINT(开源智能)转化为关键任
帮助发现潜在威胁,证实机密报告,并指出保证资源密集型传统情报收集的目标。第四节 解释性英语新闻特征解释性英语新闻是深度新闻报道的一
e years ago, the insurance giant Aetha sued Mednax and Pediatrix,
saying that they inflated charges by more than $50 million, perf
orming unneeded tests and treatments and diagnosing babies as bei
ng sicker than they really were.译文:三年前,保险巨头安泰(Aetna)起诉Mednax和Pedi
atrix,称他们将费用夸大了5000多万美元,进行了不必要的检测和治疗,并诊断婴儿病情比实际情况严重。2、内容专业,语言平实需要解释的新闻多数是大众比较陌生的领域,并可能涉及到专业问题。报道者一般不任意发布个人的谈论,而是引用相关领域权威专家的看法,为报道增加力量。此外,报道者在解释时通常化繁为简,使用一般读者能轻易看懂的语言,使读者提升阅读兴趣,并在阅读中更新认识。2、内容专业,语言平实例句2:”Doing what’s right for the patient is our highest priority,” said Dr. Roger Hinson, President of the Pediatrix and Obstetrix group.译文:Pediatrix和Obstetrix集团总裁罗杰·M·辛森博士说:“为患者做正确的事情是我们的最高优先事项”。3、时效性较慢,篇幅较长解释性英语新闻是对新闻事实的深度剖析,要求解释清楚事实是为何以及如何发生,现实和背景资料必须要充足且准确无疑,因此解释性英语新闻对时效性要求较低,且整体篇幅长度较长。PracticeTranslate the following English news into Chinese.Flooding is the most frequent and costliest natural disaster in the United States, and its costs are projected to rise as the climate warms. Decades of measurements, computer models and basic physics all point to increasing precipitation and sea level rise.PracticeTranslate the following English news into Chinese.As the atmosphere warms, it holds about 7% more moisture for every degree Celsius that the temperature rises, meaning more moisture is available to fall as rain, potentially raising the risk of inland flooding. A warmer climate also leads to rising sea levels and higher storm surges as land ice melts and warming ocean water expands.AnswerTranslate the following English news headlines into Chinese.洪水是美国最频繁、代价最高的自然灾害,随着气候变暖,洪水的代价预计会上升。几十年的测量、计算机模型和基础物理都表明降水量和海平面在升高。随着大气变暖,气温每升高一摄氏度,其含水量就会增加约7%,这意味着更多的水分会随着降雨而下降,这可能会增加内陆洪水的风险。气候变暖也会导致海平面上升,随着陆地冰融化和变暖的海水膨胀,风暴潮加剧。Thanks for Your Attention!