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Lesson6 It’s on the fifth floor(单元测试)科普版英语六年级上册
2023-01-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
六年级上册英语科普版Lesson6 单元测试卷一、根据提示用英文补全短文。第一 (1) __________ 第二 (2) ________
__ 第三 (3) __________ 特殊记。去t第八 (4) __________,去e第九 (5) __________。
ve要用f替,第五 (6) __________ 第十二 (7) __________ 别忘记。二、英汉互译。1. 阅览室____
______2. come from__________3. 在二楼__________4. teachers’ office__
________5. 看一看__________6. the same as__________7. 在美国__________8
. so many books__________三、用适当的介词填空。1. Kate is __________ the rea
ding room.2. Class One is __________ the first floor.3. Bruce com
es __________ the UK.4. What __________ you, Lili?5. I’m going to
Hainan __________ my parents.6. It’s bad __________ your health.
7. The party will begin __________ 9:00 __________ the morning.四、
单项选择。( ) 1. What class ________ you ________?A. do; inB. are; in
C. are; at( ) 2. Come and have ________ look.A. / B. the C.
a( ) 3. They are in ________.A. class threeB. Class threeC. Clas
s Three( ) 4. I live on ________ floor.A. firstB. oneC. the firs
t( ) 5. Bruce ________ in Beijing now.A. lives B. live C. lived
( ) 6. —Where is the ________?—It’s on the first floor.A. teache
rs’ offices B. teacher’ office C. teachers’ office( ) 7. What _
_______ house!A. nice a B. an C. a nice( ) 8. Because in the U
K “the first floor” is the same as “the ________ floor” in the US
A.A. second B. third C. fifth五、按要求完成下列各题。 1. Bruce comes from the
UK. (对画线部分提问)___________________________________________________
________2. She is in Class Three. (对画线部分提问)______________________
_____________________________________3. This is my house. (变成一般疑问
句)___________________________________________________________4. I
come from China. (写出同义句)________________________________________
___________________5. read,I, can, this one, (?) (连词成句)____
“√”误“×”。Hi, I’m a Chinese boy. My name is Li Ming. My school is v
ery big and beautiful. Now let me introduce my school to you. Loo
k at this building. It’s our teaching building. There are many ro
oms in it. The computer rooms are on the third floor. In front of
the building, there is a big playground. We often play games aft
er class on the playground. I like my school.(1) This is Li Ming’
s school.( )(2) Li Ming is an English boy.( )(3) His school is
very big and beautiful.( )(4) There are no computer rooms in his
school.( )(5) He likes his school.( )七、请写一篇作文。介绍—下你的学校。 要求:(1)
条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。(2) 不少于30个单词。My school is __________________
_____________ There are__________________________________________
______________参考答案一、(1) first (2) second (3) third (4) eighth
(5) ninth (6) fifth (7) twelfth二、1. the reading room 2. 来
自 3. on the second floor 4. 教师办公室 5. have a look 6. 与……一致 7. in
the USA 8. 这么多书三、1. in 2. on 3. from 4. about 5. with 6.
for 7. at; in四、1-8 BCCCACCA五、1. Where does Bruce come from?2. W
hat class is she in?3. Is this your house?4. I am from China.5. C
an I read this one?六、1.√2.×3√4.×5.√七、(仅供参考)My school is very big.
There are a lot of rooms in it. There are 24 classrooms. Our cla
ssroom is on the second floor. The reading room is on the third floor. We can read books, newspapers and magazines there. Is there a table tennis room in my school? Yes, there is. It’s on the first floor. I like my school.