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2023-02-08 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
【2.4】2.4每日一篇 | 英文外刊双语精读Train passengers left?stranded?at stations in p
ost-Christmas chaos在圣诞节后的混乱中,火车乘客滞留在车站【1】Crowds of people were le
ft waiting at?railway?stations amid?chaotic?scenes yesterday as B
ritain’s struggling rail network stuttered back to life after?Chr
istmas. Hundreds of passengers faced long?queues?at major station
s while others faced?lengthy?delays?due to?overrunning?engineerin
而其他乘客因工程延期而面临长时间的晚点。【2】One?traveller?spoke of “chaotic” scenes an
d another described fights breaking out as “masses” of people?wai
ted?in the cold for rail?replacementbuses for Avanti West Coast s
ervices between Manchester and London. Arrivals at Gatwick airpor
t also described waiting for hours, after trains did not start ru
nning until just before?midday?yesterday,?despite?the latest RMT
union strike ending at?6am. Network Rail warned passengers only t
o travel if?absolutely?necessary for the next two weeks, when ser
vices are expected to be “significantly?disrupted” due to a fresh
round of?industrial?action.一位旅客提起“混乱”的场面,另一位游客则描述了爆发的争吵,当时因火车停运“
大批”人在寒冷中等待接驳巴士,阿凡提西海岸(Avanti West Coast)提供往返于曼彻斯特(Manchester)和伦敦(
动,预计铁路服务将“严重中断”。【3】Trains are expected to be much?busier?than usu
al in the run-up to New Year’s Day, before a week of?nationwide?s
trikes?by members of the RMT and Aslef unions from?3?January. One
passenger, travelling from Manchester to London for work, descri
bed how crowds of people were?crammed?into a narrow?tunnel?at Rug
by?station?as they?waited?for rail?replacement?buses to Milton Ke
ynes. She said there were “so many people on the platform and in
the?underpass?that people had to?squeeze?past if they were headin
g in the opposite direction” and that they were?funnelled?into a
“narrow?tunnel?and it stopped moving as people reached the?barrie
rs”. The passenger, who did not want to be named, said she?waited
?for more than an hour for a bus but that it was “so badly organi
sed” and “chaotic” as there was no?communication?from staff and?f
ellow?travellers?tried to push in the?queue.在新年来临前夕,预计火车比平时繁忙得多,因
了拉格比(Rugby)车站的情况,一大群人在等待前往米尔顿凯恩斯(Milton Keynes)的接驳巴士时是如何挤进狭窄的隧道的。
以“组织得很糟糕,很混乱”。【4】At Gatwick airport,?travellers?reported waiting
for hours for a coach or?hire?car as late-running?engineering?wor
k meant there were no services before?11.52am. Betty Valentine, a
n author who was hoping to get on the first train, posted photos
of a long?queue?and warned of a possible?crush?when the?barriers?
open. “The?queue?for the first train out of Gatwick?stretches?acr
oss the airport – if someone isn’t careful people are going to ge
t seriously hurt in the?crush?when the?barrier?goes down,” she wr
ote on Twitter.在盖特威克机场,旅客们说道,由于工程延期意味着上午11点52分之前没有列车服务,他们等待长途汽车和出
租汽车的时间长达数小时。一位作家贝蒂·瓦伦丁(Betty Valentine)晒出了几张照片,里面是长长的队伍,她希望能搭上第一趟
,当路障倒下时,人们会在拥挤中严重受伤”。【5】Network Rail, which?manages?Britain’s rai
lways on behalf of the UK government, has warned passengers to ex
pect serious?disruption?into the new year, and urged those on som
e?routes?to avoid travel unless necessary until at least?9?Januar
y. It said: “Rail passengers who use the west coast?mainline?from
London Euston to Carlisle and rail?routes?in the West Midlands,
[the north-west], Merseyside and Cumbria are being advised to onl
y travel by train if?absolutely?necessary between?24?December and
?8?January.”代表英国政府管理英国铁路的网络铁路公司(Network Rail)提醒乘客,在新的一年里,铁路将出现严重中
客乘坐的是从伦敦尤斯顿(London Euston)到卡莱尔(Carlisle)的西海岸干线,以及西米德兰兹(West Midla
rossCountry, which runs services between Penzance and Aberdeen, t
old its passengers to expect?severe?disruption?until at least?7?J
anuary owing to?industrial?action. Members of the TSSA union at C
rossCountry began a?24-hour strike at?9pm on Boxing Day as part o
f a?long-running campaign for a?guarantee?of no?compulsory?redund
ancies, no unagreed changes to terms and conditions, and a pay in
crease that addresses the rising cost of living. TSSA members wor
k in roles in customer service management, driver management, tra
ining, control, customer?communications, safety, timetabling and
planning. Managers are based at stations including Edinburgh, New
castle, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Bournemouth and Plymouth
计至少在1月7日前会出现严重中断。纵贯铁路的运输工人工会?(TSSA)成员在节礼日(Boxing Day)当晚9点开始了24小时的
rnemouth)和普利茅斯(Plymouth)。①短语:1.原文:One traveller spoke of “chaotic
” scenes and another described fights breaking out as “masses” of
people waited in the cold for rail replacement buses for Avanti
West Coast services between Manchester and London. 词典: speak of
提起;讲述例句:The prime minister spoke of the general insecurity in the
country.总理谈到了全国普遍存在的不安全现象。2.原文:Trains are expected to be much bu
sier than usual in the run-up to New Year’s Day, before a week of
nationwide strikes by members of the RMT and Aslef unions from 3
January.词典: in the run-up to... 在…的前夕例句:The company believes the
products will sell well in the run-up to Christmas.公司相信在圣诞节前这些产品
的销路会不错。原文:Network Rail, which manages Britain’s railways on behal
f of the UK government, has warned passengers to expect serious d
isruption into the new year词典: on behalf of 代表例句:On behalf of our
nation, I thank you for joining us here today, it''s a really gre
at honor.代表我们的国家,在此感谢你今天能加入我们,这真的是非常荣幸。②长难句原文:One passenger, trav
elling from Manchester to London for work, described how crowds o
f people were crammed into a narrow tunnel at Rugby station as th
ey waited for rail replacement buses to Milton Keynes.分析:本句包含一个宾语
从句和一个时间状语从句。主句为“One passenger described how...”,“travelling from.
.. for work”为现在分词作后置定语,修饰passenger;“how crowds... Rugby station”为
宾语从句;“as they... Milton Keynes”为时间状语从句。译文:一位从曼彻斯特到伦敦出差的乘客讲述了拉格比(R
ugby)车站的情况,一大群人在等待前往米尔顿凯恩斯(Milton Keynes)的接驳巴士时是如何挤进狭窄的隧道的。原文:The
passenger, who did not want to be named, said she waited for mor
e than an hour for a bus but that it was “so badly organised” and
“chaotic” as there was no communication from staff and fellow tr
avellers tried to push in the queue.分析:本句包含一个非限制性定语从句、两个宾语从句和一个原因
状语从句。主句为“The passenger said...”;but连接两个宾语从句“she waited for more t
han an hour for a bus”和“that it was so badly organised and chaoti
c”,第一个宾语从句省略了关系词that;“as there... the queue”为原因状语从句。译文:这位不愿透露姓名的乘
背景知识:rail replacement buses: 英国火车系统四通八达,去哪儿都需要坐火车,但是经常会出现停运的状态,因此
就有replacement bus来代替停运的火车。受能源价格上涨、通胀水平高涨的影响,英国多个行业陆续举行罢工。已经持续了数日的英国全国铁路、海运和运输工人罢工仍在继续,当地时间1月7日,数万名铁路工人继续举行罢工。据报道,持续的罢工导致英国铁路运输只有约五分之一的车次仍能正常运行,约一半的铁路服务网络中断,威尔士、苏格兰和英格兰农村的大部分地区铁路全天停运。英国铁路网公司呼吁民众“非必要”减少乘坐铁路交通出行。工会方面表示,目前与雇佣方仍无法达成合理的协议,因此铁路工人的罢工还将持续。英国媒体指出,近几个月,英国遭遇了自20世纪80年代以来最严重的罢工潮,导致包括医疗保健在内的多个行业陷入了严重瘫痪。在工资增长停滞了10多年之后,通货膨胀率却在飙升,导致许多人入不敷出,这也导致罢工会继续下去。段落大意:【1】英国瘫痪的铁路网恢复运行,但一片混乱。【2】英国工会罢工导致铁路服务中断。【3】火车站一片混乱,人群拥挤不堪。【4】盖特威克机场人群拥挤,候车时间过长。【5】网络铁路公司提醒乘客,如非必要避免出行。【6】罢工运动持续,铁路将出现严重中断。公众号:英文外刊双语精读公众号:英文外刊双语精读