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2023-02-12 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
足球传奇人物贝利2.11每日一篇 | 英文外刊双语精读‘I had to say goodbye’: fans bid?farewell?t
o football legend Pelé‘我必须得来告别’:球迷们向足球传奇人物贝利(Pelé)告别【1】Thousands
of?mourners?braved?punishing?heat to pay their final?tribute?to t
he footballing legend Pelé yesterday as the president of Fifa sai
d he would ask every member nation to name a?stadium?after the re
cently?deceased?Brazilian player.Fans lined up outside the?106-ye
ar old Vila Belmiro ground in Santos – the city in south-eastern
Brazil where Pelé first made his name as a star goal-scorer?in th
e?1950s –?overnight?and at about?10am?mourners?began filing past
the?coffin?that had been placed under a?shaded?tent?in the middle
of the field.Family members, including Pelé’s?widow, Marcia Aoki
, and sons, Edinho and Joshua, as well as dozens of friends and
former teammates, stood over the open?coffin, some of them weepin
g.The world’s media watched on from the main stand as, a few metr
es to one side of the?coffin, fans – most of them wearing?shorts?
and many of them dressed in Santos?shirts?– walked by in silent?t
贝利致以敬意。【2】Three sides of the?16,000?-capacity?stadium?were?draped
?with Santos flags?celebrating?the life of the city’s favourite s
on, and the public address system?occasionally?played some of the
songs Pelé recorded during a?parallel?career as a?singer?and?son
gwriter.“LONG LIVE THE KING,” said one?massive?banner?alongside?o
thers?depicting?his face and famous number?10?jersey. “I had to c
ome and pay?tribute,” said Roberto Morais, a?67-year-old who had
travelled?50?miles to see Pelé for one last time. “I had to say g
oodbye. He was the king – he taught the whole world.”这座可容纳16000人的
Roberto Morais)长途跋涉了50英里,赶来见贝利最后一次,他说,“我必须来道别。他曾是球王——他曾引导整个世界。”【3
】Pelé died at S?o Paulo’s Albert Einstein hospital on Thursday af
ternoon after a long illness. The former Brazil, Santos and New Y
ork Cosmos star was?diagnosed?with?colon?cancer in September?2021
?and was in and out of hospital for a year. His cancer stopped re
sponding to treatment in November and doctors said his death came
as a?consequence?of “multiple?organ?failure”. Pelé’s body was ke
pt in the hospital over the new year period and driven?50?miles t
o the Santos ground early yesterday, where it was laid out in the
middle of the pitch.Fans will be allowed to pass by the?coffin?f
or?24?hours before it is taken for a private?burial?today. Pelé w
ill be laid to rest in a private service at?10am in the Memorial
Necrópole?Ecumênica, a?verticalcemetery?with space for?18,000?bod
ies.贝利曾长期患病,最后于周四下午在圣保罗(S?o Paulo)的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学教育研究中心去世。这位前巴西、桑托斯和
私人葬礼之前,灵柩停留了24小时以供球迷瞻仰球王。贝利将于上午10点在普世纪念公墓(the Memorial Necrópole?
out?the day,?snaking?through the narrow streets that?surround?the
ground where Pelé played many of his more than?1,000?games for t
he club.The mood was?respectful?but noisy, with the?presence?of d
ignitaries and politicians?guaranteeing?a heavy police?presence?a
nd?helicopters?flying?overhead. Among the?mourners?who made their
way past the?barriers?and through the?scrum?of fans and media we
re Gianni Infantino, the president of Fifa, and Alejandro Dom íng
uez, the president of the South American Football Confederation (
Conmebol). Infantino said he would ask Fifa’s member nations to p
ay a special?tribute?to the three-time World Cup winner. “We will
ask every country in the world, every?federationin the world, an
d there are?211?countries who are members of Fifa, to name one of
their stadiums with the name of Pelé,” Infantino said.“Because e
verywhere in the world, children – in?20?years and?50?years and?1
00?years from now – they need to remember Pelé. And they need to
remember [Pelé] in a place where you score goals, where teams are
winning – and maybe also losing – but where?emotions?are happeni
现在现场以保证政要和政客的安全,头顶则有直升机飞过。国际足联主席詹尼·因凡蒂诺(Gianni Infantino)和南美足球协会(
Conmebol)主席亚历翰德罗·多明戈(Alejandro Domínguez)等悼念者穿过障碍,挤过球迷和媒体。因凡蒂诺表示,
、赢球的地方纪念贝利,或许也可能输球,但球场就是激情四射的地方。”【5】Other fans paid their own?tri
butes, including with flags and?fireworks, and members of the org
anised fan group known as the Torcida Jovem (Young Fans) were pre
sent in the narrow streets outside the ground.“Pelé called us you
ng fans, so that’s what we named ourselves,” said Cosme Dami?o, w
ho founded the group in?1969. “And he has meant so much to me sin
ce then, and we became friends.“Brazil was one thing before Pelé
and another thing after. The city of Santos was one thing before
Pelé and another after.”其他球迷也用旗帜或烟花表达敬意,还有被称为Torcida Jovem(年轻球迷)的
米安(Cosme Damiao)说,“从那时起,他成了我非常在乎的人,我们也成了朋友。贝利的出现改变了巴西,也让桑托斯发生了翻天覆
地的变化。”【6】Edson Arantes do Nascimento was born in the town of Tres
Cora??es (Three Hearts) but was brought up in Bauru, a mid-sized
city?250?miles inland from Santos.The?15-year-old was brought to
the?port?city for a?trial?in?1956, and after impressing the?coac
hes?he quickly found his feet and became a?fixture?in the first t
eam. Less than two years after making his?debut?for the club he w
as called up for the Brazil squad that went to the?1958World Cup
in Sweden. Pelé missed the first couple of games through?injury?b
ut scored six times in the last three matches, including a double
in the final against the host nation, to give Brazil their first
world title.?injury?meant he played little part when Brazil succ
essfully?defended?their?trophy?in Chile four years later, and in?
1966?his skills attracted a?brutal?approach from opponents and Br
azil were?eliminated?at the group stage.However, four years later
he made the most?triumphant?return possible by leading what is c
onsidered to be one of the greatest sides ever to a record third
World Cup win in Mexico.埃德森·阿兰特斯·多·纳西门托出生在Cora??es市(三心市),在距离桑托斯25
Clodoaldo?lauded?his friend and?repeated?the oft-heard?contention
?that Pelé was and remains the greatest ever to play the game.“Pe
lé showed in?1970?why he was the king,” Clodoaldo said. “The crow
n was his from that moment on.”“People who follow football know t
hat young people who didn’t see Pelé play have doubts about him,
and I am always being asked: ‘Was he really that good?’ I tell th
em: if you take a bit of every?crack?you?admire?today, you might
get close to being as good as Pelé.”队友克洛多尔德(Clodoaldo)称赞了他这位朋友,并重
1)原文:Thousands of mourners braved punishing heat to pay their fin
al tribute to the footballing legend Pelé yesterday as the presid
ent of Fifa said he would ask every member nation to name a stadi
um after the recently deceased Brazilian player. 词典:pay tribute t
o 称赞,歌颂例句:We pay tribute to his courage.我们赞赏他的勇气。2)原文:Fans lined
up outside the 106-yearold Vila Belmiro ground in Santos – the ci
ty in south-eastern Brazil where Pelé first made his name as a st
ar goal-scorer in the 1950s – overnight and at about 10am mourner
s began filing past the coffin that had been placed under a shade
d tent in the middle of the field.词典:line up 排队例句:I would line up
my toys on this windowsill and play.我会把玩具排在这个窗台上来玩。3)原文: The for
mer Brazil, Santos and New York Cosmos star was diagnosed with co
lon cancer in September 2021 and was in and out of hospital for a
year.. 词典:be diagnosed with 被诊断为例句:He has recently been diagnos
ed with angina.他最近被诊断出患有心绞痛。4)原文:Less than two years after making
his debut for the club he was called up for the Brazil squad tha
t went to the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. 词典:make one’s debut 首次亮相例
句:He will make his debut for the first team this week.本周他将在第一支出场的
队伍中首次亮相。长难句分析:一、原文:Fans lined up outside the 106-yearold Vila Bel
miro ground in Santos – the city in south-eastern Brazil where Pe
lé first made his name as a star goal-scorer in the 1950s – overn
ight and at about 10am mourners began filing past the coffin that
had been placed under a shaded tent in the middle of the field.球
迷们在桑托斯(Santos)的一座有着106年历史的维拉贝尔米罗体育场(Vila Belmiro)外排了整夜的队,第二天上午10点
here引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the city。蓝色部分是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词coffin。二、原文:Long
queues formed throughout the day, snaking through the narrow stre
ets that surround the ground where Pelé played many of his more t
han 1,000 games for the club.长队排了一整天,队伍蜿蜒穿过球场周围的狭窄街道,贝利在这里为俱乐部出战了
1000多场比赛。分析:红色部分是主句,是主谓结构。紫色部分是介词短语做时间状语。绿色部分是现在分词做后置定语,修饰long qu
识:据美国国家广播公司(NBC)报道,巴西“球王”贝利于当地时间12月29日下午在巴西圣保罗的一家医院去世,享年82岁。随后,巴西桑托斯足球俱乐部发布消息称,贝利的葬礼于当地时间1月2日至3日举行。桑托斯表示,载有贝利的灵柩于1月2日离开医院,被运送至圣保罗郊外的维拉贝尔米罗体育场,并放置在球场中心。遗体告别仪式从2日上午10点开始,持续至3日上午10点。维拉贝尔米罗体育场是是桑托斯足球俱乐部的主场所在地,贝利从1956年到1974年一直在桑托斯效力,因此桑托斯的这座体育场记录了贝利足球生涯中多场精彩的比赛。贝利的告别式仪式向公众开放,桑托斯在其官网上公布了告别仪式的详情。预计有数万球迷来向“球王”道别。此外,国际足联官员和当地足球界人士也出席仪式。仪式结束后,贝利的灵柩将开始游行,穿过桑托斯市的街道,并经过贝利母亲的家门口。贝利母亲现年100岁,她目前卧床不起,神志不清。全程将在巴西全国范围内进行电视转播。最后,贝利的葬礼在桑托斯市的一座垂直公墓内举行,葬礼只有家庭成员会参加。葬礼的筹备工作从上周就已经开始。贝利在2003年已经为自己选好了自己的墓地——Memorial Necrópole Ecumênica墓地。这座公墓是拉丁美洲第一座垂直墓地,也被载入吉尼斯世界纪录的全球最大垂直墓地。该墓地最初建于1983年,此后经过不断扩建,现在有14层楼,高108米,拥有灵堂和地下墓室,这里既有大型陵墓,也有自带小型瀑布的孔雀园,在屋顶上,还有一个小教堂和一家快餐店,其总面积达到4万平方米。这座公墓距离维拉贝尔米罗球场仅有850米的距离,从公墓就可以俯瞰整个体育场。贝利生前为自己选择了垂直公墓的九楼,以此向他的父亲若昂·拉莫斯·多·纳西门托致敬,他的父亲在其运动员生涯中一直身穿9号球衣。