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2023-02-28 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
七年级下学期Unit 1单元过关检测满分100分 时间:80分钟听力部分一.听下面对话,每段对话后有一个小题,每段短文读两遍。(共5分
)( )1.What club does the girl want to join?A.The reading club
B.The dancing club C.The music c
lub( )2.What can the boy’s brother do?A.play the guitar
B.play basketball C.play chess(
)3.Which club does Join like best ?A.The chess club
B.The music club C.The sports club( )4.W
hat subjest does the boy like best?A.Math B.
Chinese C.English( )5.What does Mary ask Dale d
o do?A. B. C.二.听下面对话,回答6和7题。(共2分)( )6.Which club is shirley i
n?A.The sports club B.The valleyball club
C.The music club( )7.How long does Shirley do morning exe
rcises every day?A.15 minutes B.30 minutes
C.45 minutes 三.听下面对话,回答8和9题。(共2分)( )8.What is the
boy’s favorite sport?A.Soccer B.Swimming
C.Basketball( )9.What does the boy want to do?A.To
do more exercise B.To swim more slowly than T
omC.To swim quickly like Tom.四.听下面对话,回答10、11和12题。(共3分)( )10.Wh
at can Carol play well?A.Basketball B.Tennis
C.Baseball( )11.Where is Rose’s clock?A.On the
table B.In her backpack C.In th
e drawer( )12.What does the speaker like doing?A.Watching TV
B.Doing sports C.Playing compute
r games五.听下面对话,回答13、14和15题。(共3分)( )13.What does John like doin
g?A.Playing the drums B.Practicing the piano
C.Telling stories( )14.What club does Jenny want
to join?A.The math club B.The story telling
club C.The music club( )15.Who is in the music c
lub?A.John B.Jenny C.Duke六.听下面
一篇短文,按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序,短文读两遍。(共5分)16.( ) 17.( )
18.( ) 19.( ) 20.( )笔试部分七、完形填空(每小题
1分,共10分)Hello,I''m Abel. We have some 16in our school—the music cl
ub, the chess club and so on. Many boys want to 17the sports club
.What sports can they 18? Basketball,volleyball and tennis.They 1
9basketball best(最).They think it''s interesting and 20.They 21to
be a basketball player like Lin Shuhao.Some girls 22like playing
basketball.Can you play basketball? If not, I can 23you how to p
lay it. I''m in the basketball club. I can play it 24. It''s not 25
to be a good player. But you should work hard and often play it.1
6. A. classes B. clubs C. computers D. subjects17. A. see B. help
C. join D. sell18. A. play B. buy C. draw D. write19. A. thank B
. need C. watch D. love20. A. boring B. relaxing C. busy D. fat21
. A. sound B. want C. get D. come22. A. also B. too C. only D. ve
ry23. A. learn B. teach C. talk D. sing24. A. good B. bad C. well
D. nice25. A. small B. difficult C. big D. easy八、补全对话(每小题2分,共10分
)A:Hello, Jack! 26B:Hello, Mike! I want to join the sports club 2
7A:Well, I don''t like sports. Hmm, I want to join the chess club.
28B:No, I can''t. But do you like music?A:Oh, yes. 29 I can sing
and dance.B:Me, too. Let''s join the music club.A:OK. 30九.阅读理解。(30
分)AAs we all know, there are all kinds of clubs in the US middle
schools, such as the music club, the sports club, the chess club,
the swimming club...But do you know the homework club? It is a p
opular club in many US middle schools. More and more students spe
nd their afternoons in these clubs. The US middle school students
need a quiet place to study. But games, computers and TVs are al
l around kids at home. So the homework club is just for them to d
o their homework. The club is quiet and it''s good for students to
study. Some teachers are there, too. They can answer students'' q
uestions and help with their work.After the students finish their
homework, they can go home. Then they can play games or watch TV
happily.31. What is the best title (题目)of the passage?A. Clubs i
n US middle schools B. Students and homeworkC. The homework club
D. Study and hobbies32. The students in the US middle schools ca
n go to the homework club________. A. in the morning B. at noon
C. in the afternoon D. at night33. The underlined word “spend” in
Chinese means ________. A. 提供 B. 度过 C. 节约 D. 讨论34. What can the
students do in the homework club?A. Learn to swim. B. Play th
e guitar. C. Watch TV. D. Do their homework.35. Which is NOT tr
ue about the homework club?A. The homework club is popular in the
US middle schools.B. It''s good for students to study in the home
work club.C. The teachers in the homework club can help the stude
nts study.D. All the US middle school students like the homework
club.BA Guitar Player Wanted Are you a lover of music? Can you pl
ay the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Join our Sunshine Rock Band
. Please call Mike or send email .Hot Club Do you like to play t
able tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr. Zhang is a good tea
cher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:3
0.Address: Room, HotelSwimmers WantedSwimmers wanted! If you can
teach children to swim on Sundays, come and join us,please.Call J
oe for more information.Summer JobDo you like to talk with people
? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a maga
zine? Then come and work as a correspondent. Please call Karen .3
6.Sunshine Rock Band needs ________.A. a guitar player B. a repor
ter C. a swimming coach37.If you can swim very well and like chil
dren very much, you will pay attention to the ________ advertisem
ent.A. First B. second C. third39.Your classmate wants to learn t
able tennis, so you can advise her to call________.A. Joe B. M
r. Zhang C. Karen40.What does the underlined (画线的) word “corres
pondent” mean in Chinese?A.记者 B.医生 C.工程师COn fireSon: Can I ha
ve another glass of water?Father: Another? This will be your tent
h!Son: I know, but my room is on fire.Mom''s grey hairsOne day, a
little girl is sitting and watching her mother do the dishes in t
he kitchen. She suddenly sees that her mother has a few grey(灰白的)
hairs.She looks at her mother and asks, “Why are some of your ha
irs grey, Mom?”Her mother says, “Well, every time you do somethin
g wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns grey.”T
he girl thinks for a while(想了一会儿) and then says, “Mom, why are al
l of Grandma''s hairs grey?”The big head son“Mom, many kids make f
un of me,” the baby cries to his mother. “They say I have a big h
ead.”“Don''t listen to them,” his mother says. “You have a beautif
ul head. Now stop crying and go to the supermarket for 10 pounds
of potatoes.”“Where''s the shopping bag?”“I haven''t got one—er, us
e your hat.”41.The three short passages(段落) are among the favorit
e ________ of American children.A.jokes(笑话) B.Reports C.News D
.diaries(日记)42.The boy in Passage 1 needs water to ________.A.dri
nk because he is thirsty B.put out the fireC.set the room on fir
e D.clean the room43.Where are the mother and the daughter
in Passage 2? They are ________.A.in the living room B.in the ga
rden C.in the bedroom  D.in the kitchen44.In Passage 2, what d
oes the girl mean by asking the last question?A.Her mother makes
her grandmother cry a lot.B.Her mother makes her grandmother laug
h a lot.C.Her grandmother makes her mother cry a lot.D.Her grandm
other makes her mother laugh a lot.45.According to(根据) the mother
''s words in Passage 3, we know ________.A.the son''s head is small
B.the son''s hat is smallC.the son''s head is big D.the son''s hat
is beautiful十、综合填空。(共10分)Lin Fang is a nice girl. She is a middle
school student now. She likes English and she can s 46English ve
ry well. She often helps her classmates 47 their English. Lin Fan
g likes music. And she is good at 48(play) the guitar. She wants
49(join) a music club. To be a 50(music) is her dream. Lin Fang
likes to 51(说话) to children, too. Now, we want a teacher 52 our
music club. He/She should be good with 53(人们) and have time on t
he 54(周末). I think Lin Fang come and s 55us her talents(才艺). 十一、补
全对话,有两项多余(每小题2分,共10分)A:Morning.________(56)B:Yes,please. I want t
o join your club.A:We have three clubs—the sports club,the music
club and the art club.________(57)B:I want to join the music club
.A:Music club?________(58)B:No,I can''t.A:Well,what can you do?B:_
_______(59)A:I see.________(60) B:My name is Dave Smith.A:Thank y
ou very much.A.Hello,I''m a musician in the club. B.Why do you wan
t to join the music club?C.I can play the guitar. D.Which club do
you want to join?E.Can you sing? F.What''s your name,please? G.Ca
n I help you?十二.七选五(共10分)? 61. This school has many clubs and I w
ant to join some clubs. 62I can play the guitar and I can play i
t well. So I want to join the music club. I want to play at the s
chool party one day. I’m also good at drawing pictures. 63So the
art club is fine for me, too. Many people like Picasso’s pictures
. 64I think?they are very strange (奇怪的). I speak English and I c
an’t speak any foreign languages (外语).? 65A .However,I don’t like
them. B.?I come to a new school this term.C.?I really like music
. D.?My father doesn’t like them.E.?So I also want to join the Ch
inese club. F.?Art is my favorite subject.G.?I want to make frien
要求:1)书写规范,逻辑清晰,行文连贯。2)可以适当发挥。3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。I have a good friend.
答案解析一.听下面对话,每段对话后有一个小题,每段短文读两遍。(共5分)( )1.What club does the g
irl want to join?A.The reading club B.The d
ancing club C.The music club( )2.What can the boy’s
brother do?A.play the guitar B.play basket
ball C.play chess( )3.Which club does Join like
best ?A.The chess club B.The music club
C.The sports club( )4.What subjest does the boy like
best?A.Math B.Chinese C.Engl
ish( )5.What does Mary ask Dale do do?A. B. C.答案:ACBCC二.听下面对话
,回答6和7题。(共2分)( )6.Which club is shirley in?A.The sports club
B.The valleyball club C.The music club
( )7.How long does Shirley do morning exercises every day?A.15
minutes B.30 minutes C.45 min
utes 答案:BA三.听下面对话,回答8和9题。(共2分)( )8.What is the boy’s favorite
sport?A.Soccer B.Swimming C.Bas
ketball( )9.What does the boy want to do?A.To do more exercise
B.To swim more slowly than TomC.To swim quic
kly like Tom.答案:CC四.听下面对话,回答10、11和12题。(共3分)( )10.What can Caro
l play well?A.Basketball B.Tennis
C.Baseball( )11.Where is Rose’s clock?A.On the table
B.In her backpack C.In the drawer(
)12.What does the speaker like doing?A.Watching TV
B.Doing sports C.Playing computer games答案:A
BA五.听下面对话,回答13、14和15题。(共3分)( )13.What does John like doing?A.P
laying the drums B.Practicing the piano
C.Telling stories( )14.What club does Jenny want to j
oin?A.The math club B.The story telling club
C.The music club( )15.Who is in the music club?A
.John B.Jenny C.Duke答案:BCB六.听下
面一篇短文,按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序,短文读两遍。(共5分)16.( ) 17.( )
18.( ) 19.( ) 20.( )答案:BCAED笔试部分七
、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Hello,I''m Abel. We have some 16in our school—the
music club, the chess club and so on. Many boys want to 17the sp
orts club.What sports can they 18? Basketball,volleyball and tenn
is.They 19basketball best(最).They think it''s interesting and 20.T
hey 21to be a basketball player like Lin Shuhao.Some girls 22lik
e playing basketball.Can you play basketball? If not, I can 23you
how to play it. I''m in the basketball club. I can play it 24. It
''s not 25to be a good player. But you should work hard and often
play it.16. A. classes B. clubs C. computers D. subjects17. A. se
e B. help C. join D. sell18. A. play B. buy C. draw D. write19. A
. thank B. need C. watch D. love20. A. boring B. relaxing C. busy
D. fat21. A. sound B. want C. get D. come22. A. also B. too C. o
nly D. very23. A. learn B. teach C. talk D. sing24. A. good B. ba
d C. well D. nice25. A. small B. difficult C. big D. easy答案:BCADB
BABCD八、补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)A:Hello, Jack! 26B:Hello, Mike! I wa
nt to join the sports club 27A:Well, I don''t like sports. Hmm, I
want to join the chess club. 28B:No, I can''t. But do you like mus
ic?A:Oh, yes. 29 I can sing and dance.B:Me, too. Let''s join the m
usic club.A:OK. 30答案:CAEBD九.阅读理解。(30分)AAs we all know, there are
all kinds of clubs in the US middle schools, such as the music cl
ub, the sports club, the chess club, the swimming club...But do y
ou know the homework club? It is a popular club in many US middle
schools. More and more students spend their afternoons in these
clubs. The US middle school students need a quiet place to study.
But games, computers and TVs are all around kids at home. So the
homework club is just for them to do their homework. The club is
quiet and it''s good for students to study. Some teachers are the
re, too. They can answer students'' questions and help with their
work.After the students finish their homework, they can go home.
Then they can play games or watch TV happily.31. What is the best
title (题目)of the passage?A. Clubs in US middle schools B. Stude
nts and homeworkC. The homework club D. Study and hobbies32. The
students in the US middle schools can go to the homework club____
____. A. in the morning B. at noon C. in the afternoon D. at nig
ht33. The underlined word “spend” in Chinese means ________. A. 提
供 B. 度过 C. 节约 D. 讨论34. What can the students do in the homework c
lub?A. Learn to swim. B. Play the guitar. C. Watch TV. D. D
o their homework.35. Which is NOT true about the homework club?A.
The homework club is popular in the US middle schools.B. It''s go
od for students to study in the homework club.C. The teachers in
the homework club can help the students study.D. All the US middl
e school students like the homework club.答案:CCBDDBA Guitar Player
Wanted Are you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? Can yo
u sing or dance? Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike o
r send email .Hot Club Do you like to play table tennis? Do you w
ant to play it well? Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. You can come he
re every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.Address: Room, Hote
lSwimmers WantedSwimmers wanted! If you can teach children to swi
m on Sundays, come and join us,please.Call Joe for more informati
on.Summer JobDo you like to talk with people? Do you like to writ
e stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and w
ork as a correspondent. Please call Karen .36.Sunshine Rock Band
needs ________.A. a guitar player B. a reporter C. a swimming coa
ch37.If you can swim very well and like children very much, you w
ill pay attention to the ________ advertisement.A. First B. secon
d C. third39.Your classmate wants to learn table tennis, so you c
an advise her to call________.A. Joe B. Mr. Zhang C. Karen40
.What does the underlined (画线的) word “correspondent” mean in Chin
ese?A.记者 B.医生 C.工程师答案:ACBACOn fireSon: Can I have another gla
ss of water?Father: Another? This will be your tenth!Son: I know,
but my room is on fire.Mom''s grey hairsOne day, a little girl is
sitting and watching her mother do the dishes in the kitchen. Sh
e suddenly sees that her mother has a few grey(灰白的) hairs.She loo
ks at her mother and asks, “Why are some of your hairs grey, Mom?
”Her mother says, “Well, every time you do something wrong and ma
ke me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns grey.”The girl thinks
for a while(想了一会儿) and then says, “Mom, why are all of Grandma''s
hairs grey?”The big head son“Mom, many kids make fun of me,” the
baby cries to his mother. “They say I have a big head.”“Don''t li
sten to them,” his mother says. “You have a beautiful head. Now s
top crying and go to the supermarket for 10 pounds of potatoes.”“
Where''s the shopping bag?”“I haven''t got one—er, use your hat.”41
.The three short passages(段落) are among the favorite ________ of
American children.A.jokes(笑话) B.Reports C.News D.diaries(日记)42
.The boy in Passage 1 needs water to ________.A.drink because he
is thirsty B.put out the fireC.set the room on fire D.clea
n the room43.Where are the mother and the daughter in Passage 2?
They are ________.A.in the living room B.in the garden C.in the
bedroom  D.in the kitchen44.In Passage 2, what does the girl m
ean by asking the last question?A.Her mother makes her grandmothe
r cry a lot.B.Her mother makes her grandmother laugh a lot.C.Her
grandmother makes her mother cry a lot.D.Her grandmother makes he
r mother laugh a lot.45.According to(根据) the mother''s words in Pa
ssage 3, we know ________.A.the son''s head is small B.the son''s h
at is smallC.the son''s head is big D.the son''s hat is beautiful答案
:ABDAC十、综合填空。(共10分)Lin Fang is a nice girl. She is a middle schoo
l student now. She likes English and she can s 46English very wel
l. She often helps her classmates 47 their English. Lin Fang like
s music. And she is good at 48(play) the guitar. She wants 49(jo
in) a music club. To be a 50(music) is her dream. Lin Fang likes
to 51(说话) to children, too. Now, we want a teacher 52 our music
club. He/She should be good with 53(人们) and have time on the 54(
周末). I think Lin Fang come and s 55us her talents(才艺). 答案:46.spea
k 47.with 48.playing 49.to join 50.musicia
n 51.talk 52.for53.people 54.weekend
se. I want to join your club.A:We have three clubs—the sports club,the music club and the art club.________(57)B:I want to join the music club.A:Music club?________(58)B:No,I can''t.A:Well,what can you do?B:________(59)A:I see.________(60) B:My name is Dave Smith.A:Thank you very much.A.Hello,I''m a musician in the club. B.Why do you want to join the music club?C.I can play the guitar. D.Which club do you want to join?E.Can you sing? F.What''s your name,please? G.Can I help you?答案:GDECF十二.七选五(共10分)? 61. This school has many clubs and I want to join some clubs. 62I can play the guitar and I can play it well. So I want to join the music club. I want to play at the school party one day. I’m also good at drawing pictures. 63So the art club is fine for me, too. Many people like Picasso’s pictures. 64I think?they are very strange (奇怪的). I speak English and I can’t speak any foreign languages (外语).? 65A .However,I don’t like them. B.?I come to a new school this term.C.?I really like music. D.?My father doesn’t like them.E.?So I also want to join the Chinese club. F.?Art is my favorite subject.G.?I want to make friends.答案:BCFAE十三、书面表达(共15分)根据下面的提示写一篇60词左右的作文。提示:1)我的朋友Tom是个学生,是一个有趣的人,大家都喜欢他。2)父亲是美国人,母亲是中国人。他出生在中国,因此他会说中文和英文。3)他会弹吉他,唱英文歌。他还会画画。他加入了音乐俱乐部。要求:1)书写规范,逻辑清晰,行文连贯。2)可以适当发挥。3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。I have a good friend.