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系统复习与高效备考六下U1 单元跟踪训练 U1 How tall are you_
2023-03-06 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
系统复习与高效备考六下U1 单元跟踪训练 U1 How tall are you?一、听录音,选择正确的答语( )1.A.Size 38.
B.His shoes are size 36. C.They are six.( )2.A.John is 1.5 metres
. B.Amy is taller than me.C.I''m taller than Amy.( )3.A.I''m heavie
r than you.B.I''m a policeman. C.I''m 52 kilograms.( )4.A.I''m fine
, thank you. B.I''m older than Jim. C.I''m 11 years old.( )5、A.Yes
, they do.B.Yes, they are. C.No, it isn''t.二、听对话,选择正确的答案( )1、 How
old is the boy?A.8.B.9.C.10.( )2.Where is Amy going?A.She is goin
g to the museum.B.She is going to the zoo.C.She is going to the p
ark.( )3.Whose ruler is longer?A.Amy''s.B.Kitty''s.C.Peter''s.4.(1)
How heavy is the elephant? ( )A.It''s about six tons.B.It''s about
five tons.C.It''s about four tons.(2) How tall is Sarah? ( )A.1.
65 metres.B.1.75 metres.C.1.55 metres.5.(1) What size shoes does
the boy usually wear?( )A.Size 37.B.Size 38.C.Size 39.(2) How m
uch are the shoes?( )A.¥89.B.¥99.C.¥109.二、选择题 1.选出划线部分发音不同的一项whos
eB.whoC.White2.—Lily, there is _____ schoolbag near the window. I
s it yours?—Yes, it is. Thank you!A.aB.anC.the3. My arms are long
er than _____.A.youB.yoursC.your4._____ size are your shoes?A.How
B.WhatC.Which—Where is the post office?—It''s _____ the bookstore.
A.inB.next toC.next6、Does your mother _____ size 38 shoes?A.wearB
.wearsC.wearing7.—_____ —I''m 1.65 metres.A.How tall are you? B.Ho
w heavy are you? C.How old are you?三、连词成句 (.)A.you B.Thi
nk C.Are D.I E.older连词成句 (.)A.is B.than C.longer D.mine
E.Sarah''s F.skirt连词成句 (.)A.nice B.in the window C.Those
D.Shoes E.are四、阅读题(共2题)(一)阅读判断Mary, Jane and May are very good fr
iends. They study in the Deep Spring Primary School. Mary is shor
ter than May and Jane, but she is smarter than both of them. Jane
is thin and tall; she is good at dancing and singing. Like(像……一样
)Mary and Jane, May is a pretty girl, too. She likes sports very
much. She is funnier and cooler than anybody in her class. How ol
d are they? Mary is 13 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is
14 years old. They play together every day like sisters and they
will always be.(1) There are 3 girls in the text. ( )(2) Mary
is the shortest of the three girls.( )(3) Mary and Jane are pret
ty, too.( )(4) May likes sports.( )(5) They are sisters in one
family.( )(二)阅读选择Mr and Mrs Red wanted to go hiking this weekend.
They bought a lot of things for the hiking a few days ago. First
, they each bought a pair of hiking shoes. Mr Red''s feet are much
bigger than Mrs Red''s. He wears size 42 shoes! Mrs Red just wear
s size 36 shoes.Second, they bought a tent for camping. There wer
e two tents in the shop. One was green with a big window. The oth
er was brown with two small windows. The green one was bigger but
shorter than the brown one. Mr Red is very tall. He is 1.8 metre
s. And Mrs Red likes watching the beautiful mountains. She though
t two windows were much better. Finally they bought one. Which te
ntdid they buy? Can you guess?(1) what did Mr and Mrs Red do for
the hiking?( )A.They cooked a good meal.B.They had a good sleep.
C.They bought something for the hiking.(2) What does "tent" mean
?( )A.帐篷B.房子C.大卡车(3) The brown tent is _____ and _____ than the
green tent.( )A.smaller; tallerB.bigger; tallerC.smaller; shorter
(4) Which tent did they buy?( )A.The green one.B.The brown one.C
.The yellow one.(5) Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)according
to the passage?( )A.There were some tents in the shop.B.Mr Red m
ay be taller than Mrs Red.C.Mrs Red''s shoes are bigger than Mr Re
d''s.答案一、听力题(共10题)1. 【答案】A【原文】What size are your shoes?2. 【答案】B【
原文】Who is taller than you?3. 【答案】C【原文】How heavy are you, John?4.
【答案】C【原文】How old are you?5. 【答案】B【原文】Are giraffes taller than
the monkeys?二 1. 【答案】A【原文】—How old is the girl?—She is 9 years o
ld. And the boy is 1 year younger than her.2. 【答案】A【原文】—Are you
going to the zoo, Amy?—No, I am going to the museum. I am going t
o see the dinosaurs.3. 【答案】C【原文】—Whose ruler is shorter, Peter''s
or Kitty''s?—Kitty''s.4. 【原文】Sarah: Come and look at the elephant
!Mike: Wow! It''s so tall! How tall is it?Sarah: Maybe 2 metres.Mi
ke: It''s taller than me. How heavy is it?Sarah: It''s about five t
ons.Mike: It''s so big and tall.Sarah: This baby elephant isn''t ta
ll. I''m taller than it.Mike: Oh, yes. How tall are you?Sarah: I''m
1.65 metres.【答案】(1) B(2) A5. 【原文】Shop assistant: Can I help y
ou?Jimmy: Yes. I''d like to buy a pair of shoes.Shop assistant: Wh
at color do you like? We have white, red, blue and green ones.Jim
my: The white ones look nice. Let me try.Shop assistant: What siz
e are your shoes? Size 38?Jimmy: No, I usually wear size 39.Shop
assistant: OK. Here are size 39 shoes. Try them on.Jimmy: Oh, the
color is good but they are bigger for me.Shop assistant: Let''s t
ry size 38 then.Jimmy: Great. This time, my feet feel good.Shop a
ssistant: Right. They look nice on your feet.Jimmy: How much are
they?Shop assistant: They are on sale today. Half price.Jimmy: Re
ally? I will buy them. Here is the money, 99 yuan.Shop assistant:
Thank you. And here are the shoes. See you.【答案】(1) C(2) B二、选择题(共7题)11. 【答案】C12. 【答案】A13. 【答案】B14. 【答案】B15. 【答案】B16. 【答案】A17. 【答案】A20. 【答案】How;heavy;is;Lucy;She''s;38;kilograms三、连词成句1. 【答案】D;B;A;C;E2. 【答案】E;F;A;C;B;D3. 【答案】C;D;B;E;A四、阅读题(共2题) ( 一) 【答案】(1) 正确(2) 正确(3) 正确(4) 正确(5) 错误 (二)【答案】(1) C(2) A(3) A(4) B(5) B