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2023-03-13 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2023上半年英语六级考试作文模板1.2023上半年英语六级考试作文模板 篇一
 Recently, the Time has announced the Person of the Year in its cover. Five women from different fields appeared in the cover, who were called the silence breakers. The reason they were chosen to win the honor was their courage to fight for women’s right. 最近,时代周刊发布了封面的年度人物,五位来自不同领域的女性出现在封面上,他们被称为打破沉默者。她们被选中的原因在于她们为女性争取权利的勇气。 Not long ago, many famous actress in Hollywood stood out and accused the famous director of attacking them. Later, more and more actresses had announced that they were harassed and gave great supported to those girls to tell their bad experience. This directors harassed many actresses in more than thirty years by the power he owned. But more male actors were exposed to take advantages of actresses. What a horrible situation. 不久前,许多好莱坞著名的女演员站出来,指责攻击他们的著名导演。在这之后,越来越多的女演员说她们也受到过骚扰,并且鼓励那些有过类似遭遇的女孩说出她们的境遇。导演们利用自己的权利在长达30多年中骚扰了很多女演员。但更多的男演员被爆出占女演员的便宜。这是多么可怕的情况。 It has been long advocated that men and women is equal. Women always fight for the same pay and right as men and they have made the improvement, but actually, in many fields, men still suppress women. As more and more female get united and fight for their rights, men must realize the importance of giving respect to women. The rise power of women is the advance of human society. 一直以来都在主张男女平等。女性总是争取和男性获得一样的工资以及权利,她们也获得了一定的进展,但实际上,在许多领域,男性仍然抑制着女性。随着越来越多的女性团结起来、争取自己的权利,男性必须意识到给予女性尊重的重要性。女性的崛起力量是人类社会的进步。2.2023上半年英语六级考试作文模板 篇二
 Football is the most popular sport in the world, many teenagers take it as their career and they work on it with their passion. It is known to all that American people love sports so much and there are many excellent athletes there. However, soccer in America is not that popular. 足球是世界上zui受欢迎的体育运动,许多青少年把它当成职业,满怀热情。众所周知,美国人很喜欢运动,那里有许多优秀的运动员,然而,足球在美国并不受欢迎。 When talking about American football, people will naturally think about the special equipment, such as in the American movies, people have to wear helmet to protect themselves. American football is different from soccer. Soccer is not that popular in United States as people in other nations have played. Many American people even don’t know the rules. Especially for the older people, they show little interest in it. 当谈论到美式足球,人们自然会想到特殊的装备,比如在美国电影中,人们必须戴头盔来保护自己。美式足球不同于英式足球。足球在美国并不受欢迎,然而其他国家的人却满怀热情。许多美国人甚至不知道这些规则。尤其是老年人,他们都不感兴趣。 But the situation gets better for the young generation, many teenagers show much interest in soccer and their families give them great support. Soccer starts to become popular expression, which means the mothers drive the children to play game. American football team had made great improvement in the last World Cup. In the coming great match, more and more American public show much attention to it. 但年轻一代的情况有所好转,许多青少年对足球很感兴趣,他们的家人也大力支持他们。足球开始成为一种流行的表达,这意味着母亲会开车送孩子去参加比赛。美国足球队在上届世界杯有很大的进步。在未来的大比赛中,会有越来越多的美国公众开始关注。3.2023上半年英语六级考试作文模板 篇三
 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show has become one of the most popular fashion shows in a year. It catches the world’s attention, the public is so excited to witness the gorgeous supermodels to walk in the runway. But this year, a model fell in the show and it never happened before. 维多利亚的秘密时尚秀已经成为zui受欢迎的时装表演,它吸引了全世界的关注,公众非常兴奋能目睹这些美丽的名模走秀。但今年,有一位模特走秀时摔倒了,这在以前是从未发生过的。 In such big stage, every model has prepared for a long time, because they want to show their best situation and every second they walk in the runway is limited, so they are not allowed to make mistakes. But even the perfect plan will be out of control sometimes. A Chinese model made the biggest mistake in her career. The moment she fell, she struggled to stand up and then kept finishing walking the rest of stage. 在这样的大舞台,每个模特都会准备很长的时间,她们想展示最hao的状态,他们在舞台上的时间是有限的,所以不能犯错。但即使是最完美的计划也有失控的时候,一个中国模特犯下了她的职业生涯中最da的错误。在她摔倒的那一刻,她挣扎着站起来,然后走完了剩下的舞台。 Even though she had apologized when she was off the stage, many fans criticized her for felling at home, which was such a big shame. A lot of audience questioned about her profession. They believed she did not do her own job in the past days. All these rumors would destroy a person, if she could hold on to it, she could be stronger. 尽管她下舞台的后就道歉了,但是很多粉丝批评她在舞台上摔倒就像在家那样随意,这对她来说是很大的耻辱。很多观众质疑她的专业,他们认为在过去的日子里她没有做好自己的本职工作。所有这些谣言会毁掉一个人。如果她能坚持,她就可能变得更强。